Automatically collect morphometric traits of Daphnia.
The Daphnia ruler is a command line program that can measure morphometric traits of Daphnia from images taken under a microscope. The Daphnia ruler works in both windows and linux and can measure the following traits:
- body size: measured from the center of the eye to the base of the tail (red line in image)
- body size: approximated by fitting an ellipse around the Daphnia body (green line in image)
- tail length (blue line in image)
- tail angle
- body area (area within red outline in image)
- body perimeter (length of red outline in image)
- body width (purple line in image)
The fastest way to get your system setup is to make sure you've installed python 3 ( and clone this repository to your local drive. Once complete use the package manager pip to install the necessary dependencies:
- Open your command prompt and navigate to the cloned directory
- Run this command:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Users who wish to install dependencies manually run:
pip install opencv-python
pip install scikit-image
pip install pandas
pip install tqdm
For detailed information on how to use the Daphnia ruler see
usage: python [-h] [-p PATH] [-n] [-e] [-s]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PATH, --path PATH Path to your input directory. The program is able to
loop through subdirectories of the input.
-n, --noImages Don't write images with results overplotted.
-e, --eyeMethod Implement eye method on top of ellipse method.
-s, --scaleMM Scale measurement to mm. For more information see
- Nelson Stevens
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