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Releases: webmd-health-services/Carbon.Cryptography


06 Feb 01:35
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  • Fixed: Unprotect-CString error handling fails when encryption fails.


05 Feb 23:06
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  • Fixed: Protect-CString incorrectly marked as a filter instead of a function.
  • Fixed: Protect-CString and Unprotect-CString failed to handle encryption exceptions.


02 Feb 21:21
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Upgrade Instructions

If upgrading from Carbon 2, you should do the following:

  • Get-CCertificate and Install-CCertificate no longer accept plaintext passwords. Ensure the value passed to the
    Password parameter of the Get-CCertificate and Install-CCertificate functions is a [securestring].
  • Install-CCertificate no longer installs a certificate if it is already installed. Add a -Force switch to all
    usages of Install-CCertificate where you need existing certificates to be replaced.
  • Install-CCertificate no longer returns the installed certificate. Add a -PassThru switch to all usages of
    Install-CCertificate where your code expects a return value.
  • Unprotect-CString now returns decrypted text as a [securestring]. Add the -AsPlainText to use the old behavior
    and get back a plain text string. Remove the -AsSecureString parameter if you were previously requesting a secure


  • Migrated Convert-CSecureStringToString from Carbon.
  • Convert-CSecureStringToString now accepts piping in secure strings.
  • Migrated Get-CCertificate, Install-CCertificate, and Uninstall-CCertificate from Carbon.
  • Changed the Password parameter on the Get-CCertificate and Install-CCertificate functions to be a
    [securestring]. Plain text passwords are no longer allowed.
  • Install-CCertificate no longer installs a certificate if it is already installed. Use the new -Force switch to
    always re-install a certificate.
  • Install-CCertificate no longer always returns the installed certificate. If you want the certificate returned, use
    the new -PassThru switch.
  • The Get-CCertificate function's default parameter set is now loading a certificate by path and you no longer have
    to explicitly provide the -Path parameter.
  • The Unprotect-CString function now returns the decrypted text as a [securestring] by default instead of a
    [String]. Use the -AsPlainText switch to get a plain text string back (not recommended).