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Matthew Harris edited this page Jan 21, 2016 · 19 revisions

Webshooter is a command-line assistant to the static website generator Hyde. It produces Hyde-ready websites in the user's choice of layout and automates page creation and site configuration through user prompts and command line arguments.

Webshooter is built to be compatible with the following site layouts, but should still work in templates that have matching variable names in config.yaml:



  • Python
  • pip
  • distribute==0.6.19
  • fs==0.4.0
  • hyde==0.8.4
  • wsgiref==0.1.2

Set Up Working Environment

  • [Documentation][documentation]


Generating a new site

To generate a new site, run

./ new

which will prompt you for a details about your desired site, then create a new folder in the current working directory to hold it.

Regenerating an existing site

To regenerate the static content of an existing site, run

./ gen <path>

where path is the full or relative path to a site which has been generated with new. For now, this is identical to running hyde gen inside path.

Updating your site with its template's changes

If the template you're using gets updated after you've generated your site and you want to incorporate some or all of those changes into your site, you can use git cherry-pick to selectively grab the commits you want.

Let's assume your website is its own git repository, with no more ties to the template repo. Let's also assume you're using hyde-bootstrap as your template (though the process is the same for other templates as well).

First, set up your parent template as a remote and fetch its changes:

git remote add hyde-bootstrap git://
git fetch hyde-bootstrap

Fetching doesn't overwrite anything or try to merge any code (pulling does). Once you've fetched changes, you can cherry-pick the ones you want. If you just want the changes performed by the most recent commit of hyde-bootstrap, you can do

git cherry-pick hyde-bootstrap/master

Otherwise you can specify a specific commit hash or use one of several other ways of specifying commits. See man git-cherry-pick for more info.

When you're done, just git commit, add to the prepopulated commit message if you like, and you're ready to push.

$> python 

I was written in Python 3.x, but you're running me with Python 2.x! I was NOT
tested with this version. Run anyway? [y/N] 

usage: <command> [--help]

  new              Interactively create a new website
  gen <site_path>  Regenerate the content for the site at `site_path`
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