Collects metrics about a Spark cluster using the collectd Spark Python plugin. Also see
You have to specify distinct monitor configurations and discovery rules for
master and worker processes. For the master configuration, set isMaster
to true.
We only support HTTP endpoints for now.
When running Spark on Apache Hadoop / Yarn, this integration is only capable of reporting application metrics from the master node. Please use the collectd/hadoop monitor to report on the health of the cluster.
An example configuration for monitoring applications on Yarn
- type: collectd/spark
port: 8088
clusterType: Yarn
isMaster: true
collectApplicationMetrics: true
Monitor Type: collectd/spark
Accepts Endpoints: Yes
Multiple Instances Allowed: Yes
Config option | Required | Type | Description |
host |
yes | string |
port |
yes | integer |
isMaster |
no | bool |
Set to true when monitoring a master Spark node (default: false ) |
clusterType |
yes | string |
Should be one of Standalone or Mesos or Yarn . Cluster metrics will not be collected on Yarn. Please use the collectd/hadoop monitor to gain insights to your cluster's health. |
collectApplicationMetrics |
no | bool |
(default: false ) |
enhancedMetrics |
no | bool |
(default: false ) |
The following table lists the metrics available for this monitor. Metrics that are marked as Included are standard metrics and are monitored by default.
Name | Type | Included | Description |
counter.HiveExternalCatalog.counter.HiveClientCalls |
counter | Total number of client calls sent to Hive for query processing | |
counter.HiveExternalCatalog.fileCacheHits |
counter | Total number of file level cache hits occurred | |
counter.HiveExternalCatalog.filesDiscovered |
counter | Total number of files discovered | |
counter.HiveExternalCatalog.parallelListingJobCount |
counter | Total number of Hive-specific jobs running in parallel | |
counter.HiveExternalCatalog.partitionsFetched |
counter | Total number of partitions fetched | |
counter.spark.driver.completed_tasks |
counter | Total number of completed tasks in driver mapped to a particular application | |
counter.spark.driver.disk_used |
counter | ✔ | Amount of disk used by driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.driver.failed_tasks |
counter | Total number of failed tasks in driver mapped to a particular application | |
counter.spark.driver.memory_used |
counter | ✔ | Amount of memory used by driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.driver.total_duration |
counter | Fraction of time spent by driver mapped to a particular application | |
counter.spark.driver.total_input_bytes |
counter | ✔ | Number of input bytes in driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.driver.total_shuffle_read |
counter | ✔ | Size read during a shuffle in driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.driver.total_shuffle_write |
counter | ✔ | Size written to during a shuffle in driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.driver.total_tasks |
counter | ✔ | Total number of tasks in driver mapped to a particular application |
counter.spark.executor.completed_tasks |
counter | Completed tasks across executors working for a particular application | |
counter.spark.executor.disk_used |
counter | ✔ | Amount of disk used across executors working for a particular application |
counter.spark.executor.failed_tasks |
counter | Failed tasks across executors working for a particular application | |
counter.spark.executor.memory_used |
counter | ✔ | Amount of memory used across executors working for a particular application |
counter.spark.executor.total_duration |
counter | Fraction of time spent across executors working for a particular application | |
counter.spark.executor.total_input_bytes |
counter | ✔ | Number of input bytes across executors working for a particular application |
counter.spark.executor.total_shuffle_read |
counter | ✔ | Size read during a shuffle in a particular application's executors |
counter.spark.executor.total_shuffle_write |
counter | ✔ | Size written to during a shuffle in a particular application's executors |
counter.spark.executor.total_tasks |
counter | Total tasks across executors working for a particular application | |
counter.spark.streaming.num_processed_records |
counter | ✔ | Number of processed records in a streaming application |
counter.spark.streaming.num_received_records |
counter | ✔ | Number of received records in a streaming application |
counter.spark.streaming.num_total_completed_batches |
counter | ✔ | Number of batches completed in a streaming application |
gauge.jvm.MarkSweepCompact.count |
gauge | Garbage collection count | |
gauge.jvm.MarkSweepCompact.time |
gauge | Garbage collection time | |
gauge.jvm.heap.committed |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of committed heap memory (in MB) |
gauge.jvm.heap.used |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of used heap memory (in MB) |
gauge.jvm.non-heap.committed |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of committed non-heap memory (in MB) |
gauge.jvm.non-heap.used |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of used non-heap memory (in MB) |
gauge.jvm.pools.Code-Cache.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed for compilation and storage of native code | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Code-Cache.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used to compile and store native code | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed for compressing a class object | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used to compress a class object | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Eden-Space.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed for the initial allocation of objects | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Eden-Space.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used for the initial allocation of objects | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Metaspace.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed for storing classes and classloaders | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Metaspace.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used to store classes and classloaders | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Survivor-Space.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed specifically for objects that have survived GC of the Eden Space | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Survivor-Space.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used for objects that have survived GC of the Eden Space | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Tenured-Gen.committed |
gauge | Amount of memory committed to store objects that have lived in the survivor space for a given period of time | |
gauge.jvm.pools.Tenured-Gen.used |
gauge | Amount of memory used for objects that have lived in the survivor space for a given period of time | | |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of committed JVM memory (in MB) | |
gauge | ✔ | Amount of used JVM memory (in MB) |
gauge.master.aliveWorkers |
gauge | ✔ | Total functioning workers |
gauge.master.apps |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of active applications in the spark cluster |
gauge.master.waitingApps |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of waiting applications in the spark cluster |
gauge.master.workers |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of workers in spark cluster |
gauge.spark.driver.active_tasks |
gauge | Total number of active tasks in driver mapped to a particular application | |
gauge.spark.driver.max_memory |
gauge | ✔ | Maximum memory used by driver mapped to a particular application |
gauge.spark.driver.rdd_blocks |
gauge | Number of RDD blocks in the driver mapped to a particular application | |
gauge.spark.executor.active_tasks |
gauge | Total number of active tasks across all executors working for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.executor.count |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of executors performing for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.executor.max_memory |
gauge | ✔ | Max memory across all executors working for a particular application |
gauge.spark.executor.rdd_blocks |
gauge | Number of RDD blocks across all executors working for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.job.num_active_stages |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of active stages for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_active_tasks |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of active tasks for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_completed_stages |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of completed stages for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_completed_tasks |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of completed tasks for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_failed_stages |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of failed stages for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_failed_tasks |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of failed tasks for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_skipped_stages |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of skipped stages for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_skipped_tasks |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of skipped tasks for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.job.num_tasks |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of tasks for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.num_active_stages |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of active stages for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.num_running_jobs |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of running jobs for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.stage.disk_bytes_spilled |
gauge | ✔ | Actual size written to disk for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.stage.executor_run_time |
gauge | ✔ | Fraction of time spent by (and averaged across) executors for a particular application |
gauge.spark.stage.input_bytes |
gauge | ✔ | Input size for a particular application |
gauge.spark.stage.input_records |
gauge | ✔ | Input records received for a particular application |
gauge.spark.stage.memory_bytes_spilled |
gauge | ✔ | Size spilled to disk from memory for an active application in the spark cluster |
gauge.spark.stage.output_bytes |
gauge | ✔ | Output size for a particular application |
gauge.spark.stage.output_records |
gauge | ✔ | Output records written to for a particular application |
gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_read_bytes |
gauge | Read size during shuffle phase for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_read_records |
gauge | Number of records read during shuffle phase for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_write_bytes |
gauge | Size written during shuffle phase for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_write_records |
gauge | Number of records written to during shuffle phase for a particular application | |
gauge.spark.streaming.avg_input_rate |
gauge | ✔ | Average input rate of records across retained batches in a streaming application |
gauge.spark.streaming.avg_processing_time |
gauge | ✔ | Average processing time in a streaming application |
gauge.spark.streaming.avg_scheduling_delay |
gauge | ✔ | Average scheduling delay in a streaming application |
gauge.spark.streaming.avg_total_delay |
gauge | ✔ | Average total delay in a streaming application |
gauge.spark.streaming.num_active_batches |
gauge | ✔ | Number of active batches in a streaming application |
gauge.spark.streaming.num_inactive_receivers |
gauge | ✔ | Number of inactive receivers in a streaming application |
gauge.worker.coresFree |
gauge | ✔ | Total cores free for a particular worker process |
gauge.worker.coresUsed |
gauge | ✔ | Total cores used by a particular worker process |
gauge.worker.executors |
gauge | ✔ | Total number of executors for a particular worker process |
gauge.worker.memFree_MB |
gauge | ✔ | Total memory free for a particular worker process |
gauge.worker.memUsed_MB |
gauge | ✔ | Memory used by a particular worker process |
To specify custom metrics you want to monitor, add a metricsToInclude
to the agent configuration, as shown in the code snippet below. The snippet
lists all available custom metrics. You can copy and paste the snippet into
your configuration file, then delete any custom metrics that you do not want
Note that some of the custom metrics require you to set a flag as well as add them to the list. Check the monitor configuration file to see if a flag is required for gathering additional metrics.
- metricNames:
- counter.HiveExternalCatalog.counter.HiveClientCalls
- counter.HiveExternalCatalog.fileCacheHits
- counter.HiveExternalCatalog.filesDiscovered
- counter.HiveExternalCatalog.parallelListingJobCount
- counter.HiveExternalCatalog.partitionsFetched
- counter.spark.driver.completed_tasks
- counter.spark.driver.failed_tasks
- counter.spark.driver.total_duration
- counter.spark.executor.completed_tasks
- counter.spark.executor.failed_tasks
- counter.spark.executor.total_duration
- counter.spark.executor.total_tasks
- gauge.jvm.MarkSweepCompact.count
- gauge.jvm.MarkSweepCompact.time
- gauge.jvm.pools.Code-Cache.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Code-Cache.used
- gauge.jvm.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Compressed-Class-Space.used
- gauge.jvm.pools.Eden-Space.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Eden-Space.used
- gauge.jvm.pools.Metaspace.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Metaspace.used
- gauge.jvm.pools.Survivor-Space.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Survivor-Space.used
- gauge.jvm.pools.Tenured-Gen.committed
- gauge.jvm.pools.Tenured-Gen.used
- gauge.spark.driver.active_tasks
- gauge.spark.driver.rdd_blocks
- gauge.spark.executor.active_tasks
- gauge.spark.executor.rdd_blocks
- gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_read_bytes
- gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_read_records
- gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_write_bytes
- gauge.spark.stage.shuffle_write_records
monitorType: collectd/spark