Clojure ring / compojure middleware that knows how to parse a multipart/mixed mime type message into the request map.
Add [com.floatbackwards/multipart "0.0.9"]
to your project.clj
Clojars project page: multipart
(:use [ring.multipart-mixed-params])
(defroutes main-routes (wrap-multipart-mixed
(POST "/data" req "OK")))
(def app
If the request content-type
header contains the content type of multipart/mixed
this will put a key of :multiparts
into the request map. Otherwise does nothing.
This key will contain a map of content type to seq of streams for each part of the message with that type.
For example a message containing three parts: 2 jpeg images and 1 text/plan would give us the following request map.
:body "some multipart/mixed message body - this is what we parse"
:multiparts {
"image/jpeg" : (<stream1> <stream2>),
"text/plain" : (<stream1>)
Each of the parsed elements is available as a stream that can be split, slurped or whatever else you fancy.
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Benjamin Griffiths (whostolebenfrog)
Inspiration from multipart-params