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Michael edited this page Jan 18, 2025
19 revisions
- New: Meta keys search to shortcodes added (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#259)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Optional private comment box for publication entries (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#257)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameters "show_comment", "comment_text", "comment_tooltip" added
- New: Author search by name for API calls added (Thanks to Juma7C9) (#258)
- New: BibTeX export option for private comments as annote field added (#263)
- New: BibTeX export option for chars conversion added (#265)
- New: Number of publications (ASC or DESC) as sorting options in authors screen added (#264)
- Bugfix: Fix nonce checks on meta settings page (#254)
- Bugfix: Fix warning "Deprecated Creation of dynamic property" - PHP 8.2 (Thanks to rgarofalo) (#256)
- Bugfix: [tpsingle, tpbibtex]: Fix PHP errors if there is no publication to display
- Bugfix: Fix possible usage of missing objects in crossref import
- New: Added OSF logo to the links (Thanks to Sven Mayer)
- Bugfix: Fixes another CSRF vulnerability in tp settings dialog (Thanks to LVT-tholv2k for reporting)
- Bugfix: Fixed a Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability in [tp_bibtex] shortcode (Thanks to LVT-tholv2k for reporting)
- Bugfix: Fixed Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerabilities in teachPress admin screens (Thanks to LVT-tholv2k for reporting)
- Bugfix: Return proper string value in filter hook handler. (Thanks to Tobias Bäthge) (#242)
- Changed: Introduce using of target=blank for edit publication links; Unused parameters from edit links removed
- New: [tpcite],[tpref] Citations with the same key can be grouped, which means a bibtex-like citation with one unique id = one ref instead of one cite = one ref will be generated (#226, #233) (Thanks to Samuel Thiriot)
- Bugfix: Fixed a french translation (Thanks to Samuel Thiriot)
- Bugfix: Fixed a security vulnerability in ajax callbacks (Thanks for reporting to Le Ngoc Anh)
- Bugifx: [tpcloud] hide_tags and show_tags_as="pulldown" are not working (#230)
- Bugfix: Changed author format to 'dynamic' in auto-publish (Thanks to fabricebg) (#225)
- Bugfix: Improved diacritic import (Thanks to fabricebg) (#212)
- Bugfix: Fix Class 'TP_Enrollments' not found error when managing custom met data (#228)
- Bugfix: Fixed undefined variable warnings if images where used in publication lists
- Bugfix: Fixed diacritic parsing (Thanks to fabricebg) (#212)
- Important: This version no longer contains the course module!
- New: Automatic import over API (i.e. for zotero group bibliographies) (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: UI for publication imports improved
- New: Crossref.org import added (Thanks to Johan Hattne)
- New: Support for French diacritics in bibtex entries added (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: Sort order for backend publication overview can be switched between default, pub_id (ASC, DESC) and title (ASC, DESC)
- New: Awards field for publications added (Thanks to Sven Mayer)
- New: Canadian French localization added (Thanks to fabricebg)
- New: Support for PlumX and Dimension badges in publication lists added
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] user parameter can now handle user names (login name) (#202)
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] new parameter "years_between" added
- New: [tpcloud, tpsearch, tplist] new parameter "tag_name" added (#219)
- Changed: Removed deprecated methods tp_admin_page_menu(), tp_date_shortcode(), get_tp_course(), get_tp_courses(), get_tp_course_free_places(), tp_is_user_subscribed()
- Changed: Improved bibtex char conversion
- Changed: PMIDs for Import over PubMed are now space separated instead of comma separated
- Changed: course module removed
- Bugfix: Fixed some navigation bugs in the backend
- Bugfix: Fix possible security issue in course system backend
- Bugfix: Security fix for CVE-2023-22704
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: pulldown menu for tags doesn't work (#207)
- Bugfix: Fixed Warning: Undefined array key "" (#201)
- New. [tpcloud, tpsearch]: Custom select fields can now be displayed as filters out of the box! Example (field with the ID tp_meta_pub_lang): [tpsearch custom_filter="tp_meta_pub_lang" custom_filter_label="My Label"]
- New: Flexible position of the search button for pub lists added
- New: Display error messages why publications could not be imported or added
- Changed: Add comment field to field list in SQL statement
- Bugfix: Bugfix: Call to a member function get_ref() on null
- Bugfix: Fix undefined variable warning
- Bugfix: Add issue as default field for new publication
- Bugfix: Fix a variable declaration to block-scoped in teachpress_pub_showhide()
- New: Accept several tgid as $_GET input for a publication list (#191)
- New: Issue is available as new field for journals
- Changed: New style of volume/number/issue fields in publication entries. We switch from 8(3) to vol. 8, no. 3
- Changed: Show date instead of year in publication import if it's available
- Bugfix: Fix some problems with pagination and losing filter values in the backend publications overview
- Note: Considering that 99,9% of all users using the publication management only, I've decided to split the course system from the publication management during this year. So teachPress will be a publication management only plugin in future.
- New: Consider annote fields in the bibtex import and save it as comments
- Changed: Increase max size for bibtex keys from 50 to 100 chars
- Changed: Larger input fields for series, bibtex_key, crossref
- Bugfix: Set ROW_FORMAT=DYNAMIC for the tables teachpress_pub, teachpress_author, teachpress_tags during installation to fix installation problems
- New: Bookmarks can be added/deleted to all users without restriction (#181)
- New: Publication type added: working paper (#184)
- New: Sort options for show authors screen added
- New: Occurence = 0 filter for authors and tags screen added
- Changed: Load plugins language files first instead of files from WP languages directory (#189)
- Changed: Using slimselect for tag selection in add/edit publication screens
- Changed: Using slimselect for bookmark selection in add/edit publication screens
- Changed: Add style info for close buttons to publication templates
- Changed: Add version info to publication template css
- Bugfix: Add font-size for abstracts and adjust font-sizes (#177)
- Bugfix: Fix display issue for bibtex entries in publication lists (#177)
- Bugfix: Fix escaping of special bibtex characters (#187) (Thanks to Lars Reimann)
- Bugfix: Add textquoteright and textquoteleft to bibtex conversion (#179)
- Bugfix: Missing "&" conversion while exporting to bibtex (#186)
- Bugfix: Fix some missing char conversions for bibtex field values in get_single_publication_bibtex()
- Bugfix: Fix items per page option in show authors screen (#190)
- Bugfix: Fix a date detection error in pubmed import
- Changed: Don't longer use full table select for count queries in TP_Publications::get_publications()
- Bugfix: year field was not used fo bibtex import if date field was missing
- Bugfix: Optimize bibtex key generation within unique bibtex key check
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: "plain" option added for "show_tags_as" parameter. This display tags for each publications without links and filter
- New: New default publication template teachPress 2021 added (mobile friendly flexible layout) (#161)
- New: Flexible publication type registration added (#150)
- New: Multi value publication filters for the backend added (#148)
- New: Publication import: Option for direct import over NCBI PubMed API added (#168) (Thanks to Johan Hattne)
- New: Publication import: Option for ignoring tags added (#101)
- New: Publication types added: media (#110), bachelor and diploma thesis (#160)
- New: DOI-Link to feedlist added (#158)
- New: [tplist, tpcloud, tpsearch]: author_name option "short" added (#171)
- New: For custom templates: Add the ability to disable (or customize) currently hardcoded text (#164)
- New: API: meta_key_search option for TP_Publications::get_publications() added (#169)
- New: API: bibtex key search option for TP_Publications::get_publications() added (#174)
- Changed: Update bibtexParse to v2.5 (#147)
- Changed: Font sizes in publication templates defined in rem
- Changed: Remove field requirements (tags, bibtex key) for adding publications (#159)
- Changed: Sort publication types in select menus after their localization name instead of the type key (#162)
- Changed: Class names follows WordPress Naming Conventions. Example: tp_publication_template is now TP_Publication_Template
- Changed: For custom templates: get_image() method for publication templates added (and is required for all templates!) (#161)
- Changed: For custom templates: $interface->get_tag_line() renames to $interface->get_menu_line()
- Changed: A fix for an old name bug changes "capabilites" to "capabilities" over the whole plugin including database tables
- Bugfix: Punctation lost after import publications (#145)
- Bugfix: BibTeX import: Uninitialized string offset: 0 notice if bibtex entries are separated with empty lines (#163)
- Bugfix: BibTeX import: Undefined index: author notice if the author field is not set (#163)
- Changed: Update for french language files (Thanks to Frederic Connes) (#166)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the unique bibtex key check, which is used if a publication is added by the importer (#101)
- Bugfix: Options for metadata fields not visible (#152)
- Bugfix: Replace deprecated (PHP 7.4+) syntax in PARSEENTRIES.php (#144) (Thanks to yanus)
- Bugfix: Adding image URL no longer working with WordPress 5.5
- Changed: Migrate to newer jQuery versions: Replace jQuery .live() calls with .on()
- Changed: Consider note field in the publication search (#140)
- Changed: Optimize function tp_frontend_scripts (#138)
- Changed: [tpsearch]: New style for search button
- Bugfix: Filter of tpcloud not working with non-Latin slugs (#134)
- Bugfix: Publication pages tpsearch author=(1,2,3) only returning 1st author (#142)
- New: image target (none, self, related post, external) and external image target URL can be defined for each publication
- Changed: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Changed behavior for parameter "image_link". Local image target settings in each publication are priorised now
- Bugfix: Fix link icon padding in template "tp_template_orig_s" and "tp_template_orig"
- Bugfix: Fixed the pagination for [tpsearch] (#128)
- Bugfix: Fixed the visible "Show all" link for [tplist]
- Bugfix: [tpcloud], [tplist], [tpsearch]: Fix multiple missing default parameters
- New: Extra icons for URL/Files in the publication overview (#118) (Thanks to Sven Mayer)
- New: Font Awesome Fonts added (#118)
- New: Academicons Font added (#118)
- New: Menu position is now editable via TEACHPRESS_MENU_POSITION constant (#122)
- New: Various index columns for most of the database tables added (#123)
- New: Default templates: publication type as tr-class element for each entry added (#124)
- New: Label for forthcoming publications in the backend view added
- New: [tpcloud] New parameters "show_tags_as", "show_author_filter", "show_type_filter", "show_user_filter", "show_year_filter" added.
- Changed: [tpcloud], [tpsearch] and [tplist] using one common interface.
- Changed: [tpsearch]: The shortcode displays publications now by default. Can be turned off with the parameter use_as_filter="0"
- Changed: Mimetype icons removed
- Changed: [tpsearch]: Parameter "as_filter" is replaced with "use_as_filter".
- Bugfix: Rename form fields for publications
- Bugfix: Fix problem with not escaped authors in JavaScript on add-publication.php
- Bugfix: Fix "A variable mismatch has been detected." error on add-publication.php
- Bugfix: Fix missing output from tp_bibtex_import::parse_month()
- Bugfix: Fix missing design for disabled last page button in page menus
- Bugfix: Fix styling of disabled tablenav buttons in all shortcodes
- Bugfix: [tp_cloud show_tags_as="none"] doesn't hide the tag line of each publication (#107)
- Bugfix: Missing keywords in the bibtex output of the cite function
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Fix colspan for headline rows in the publication list
- New: [tplist]: HTML anchor added
- Changed: Handling of [tplist] shortcodes which are used multiple times in one post/page
- Changed: "Deleted" message for course terms and types in the settings added
- Changed: Overwrite publication option for the importer is now an update option
- Bugfix: Buttons for 'next/last page' of [tplist] are not visible in responsive design (#109)
- Bugfix: bibtexParse class uses removed function split (#111)
- Bugfix: Fix array offset errors in bibtexParse class PARSEENTRIES::get_line()
- Changed: Requirement for PHP 5.3+ added
- Bugfix: Descending numeration starts with 0, if pagination is disabled in the shortcodes
- Bugfix: [tpsearch]: Descending numeration doesn't work
- Bugfix: Widget init uses deprecated PHP function (#97)
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter "show_type_filter" added
- New: New method has_tag() for publication templates
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter "show_in_author_filter" added (#95)
- New: Publications import: Added handling for bibtech special chars {\aa}, {\AA},'{\O}','{\o}' (Thanks to Thomas Grah)
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist]: "exclude_types" parameter doesn't work with more than one value (#94)
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch] Fix for the numeration of publications (#91)
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter "show_author_filter" (#89)
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter "show_user_filter" (#90)
- Changed: Limit number of items in RSS feeds (#86)
- Changed: Wrap description of publications in RSS feed in CDATA blocks (#87)
- Bigfix: Fix a compatibility problem with PHP 5.3 or lower (#88, #72)
- New: Ajax based bibtex key generator (#70)
- New: [tplist, tpcloud]: New parameter "exclude_types" (#75)
- New: DOI url resolver is now editable through constant TEACHPRESS_DOI_RESOLVER (#72)
- New: publication type "workshop" added (#67)
- New: Add "show_link" option for [tpref] shortcode (experimental feature)
- Bugfix: DOI included in URL list (Thanks to Sven Mayer) (#73)
- Bugfix: Infinte loop when using headlines grouped by year and then by type (headline="4") (Thanks to Abel Gómez) (#76)
- Bugfix: Wrong quote characters cause invalid generation of LaTeX accented letters (Thanks to Abel Gómez) (#77)
- Bugfix: Enable title links in inline mode if DOI is available (Thanks to Abel Gómez) (#78)
- Bugfix: Booktitle column is too small for some publications (#80)
- Bugfix: Division through zero error in shortcodes.php (#82)
- Bugfix: Fix substitutions in convert_bibtex_functions (#83)
- Bugfix: Prevent double encodes in tags (#84)
- New: List of imports is now availabe
- New: Support for returning meta data to get_publications() added (#61)
- New: [tplist, tpcloud]: New parameter "include_editor_as_author" added (#62)
- Changed: "Dynamic detection" is now the default option for author/editor detection in the publication import
- Changed: Foreign key constraints for new installations removed
- Bugfix: Fixed editor parsing in the publication import
- Bugfix: Fixed problems with some special chars in the publication import for author/editor names
- New: Publication type "patent" added (#59)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameters "author_separator" and "editor_separator" added (#58)
- Changed: [tpcloud]: "nofollow" attributes for tag links added
- Changed: [tpcloud]: URL values in jump menus splitted
- Changed: Expansion for special chars which will be detected during the import
- Bugfix: Fix for displaying editors as authors for periodical in RTF and text exports
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: Fix align setting for the "show all" button
- Bugfix: [tpsingle]: Fix for displaying editors as authors for collections and periodical
- Bugfix: [template: teachPress original small]: Remove annoying extra space in bibliographic template (#54)
- Bugfix: [template: teachPress original small]: Years were displayed twice in publication lists (#10)
- Bugfix: Fix missing tables in tp_tables::remove()
- Bugfix: [tpsearch]: Fixed a PHP warning which occurs if "as_filter" is enabled.
- Bugfix: UTF-8 to TeX conversion fixed for é/è and É/È (Thanks to Marcel Waldvogel) (#51)
- Bugfix: Variable initialization fixed for better PHP 7.1 compatibility (Thanks to Marcel Waldvogel) (#50)
- Bugfix: Enable german translation of "inproceedings" in singular (#49)
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Fixed a problem which can lead to PHP fatal errors while generating publication lists (#49)
- New: Template system for publication lists added (#26)
- New: Cite function for publications in the backend (#22)
- New: Option for dynamic author/editor format detection for bibtex imports added (#15)
- New: System for replacing BibTeX journal macros added (#46)
- New: [tpenrollments]: New parameter "order_signups" added
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter "year" added (#34)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameter "template" added (#26)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameter "image_link" added (#8)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameter "title_ref" added (#14)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: New parameter "show_bibtex" added (#12)
- New: [tpcloud, tplist]: Altmetric support added; New parameters: "show_altmetric_donut", "show_altmetric_entry" (#44)
- New: Colored labels for publication types added (with the new template) (#13)
- New: Option to mark publications as "forthcoming"
- New: Altmetric support added (not avaiable by default)
- Changed: RSS feeds, bibtex feeds, export streams and ajax requests now generated via WordPress APIs (#35)
- Changed: [tplist, tpcloud]: Parameter "entries_per_page" works now if pagination is disabled (#20)
- Changed: [tplist, tpcloud, tpsearch]: Default settings for author/editor name parsing changed to initials (#19)
- Changed: [tplist, tpcloud, tpsearch]: Usage of parameter "style" changed (#26)
- Changed: [tpcloud]: Show filters (year, type, authors, user) if more than one value is given via parameters (#33)
- Changed: Style improvements for better support for WordPress 4.4+
- Bugfix: Fixed the problem with including wp-load.php for generating feeds and exports (#35)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the tinyMCE plugin which leads to wrong default parameters for [tplist]
- Bugfix: Fixed a optical sort order problem with assessments
- Bugfix: Inproceeding renamed to Inproceedings because the singular form doesn't exist
- New: French translation added (Thanks to Alexandre Touzet)
- Bugfix: Delete of publications fails if custom publication meta fields were used (#45)
- New: Enroll multiple students at one time (#23)
- Changed: Replaced get_currentuserinfo() with wp_get_current_user()
- Changed: Added class for tp_allbooks_link
- Changed: Publication search now includes the abstract (#39)
- Changed: Style improvements for better support for WordPress 4.4+
- Bugfix: Hide document manager in tinyMCE plugin for users who have no capabilities to use teachPress (#3)
- Bugfix: HTML output for proceedings shows the edition instead of volume/number (#18)
- Bugfix: Prevent a deletion of line breaks by bibtexParse in the import (#21)
- Bugfix: Fixed a variable initialization bug in core/widgets.php (#24)
- Bugfix: CSV export of enrollments has problems with the visibilty options of meta data fields (#36)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which leads to creation of related content (e.g. pages) for sub courses (#40)
- Bugfix: [student meta fields]: The "required" attribute could not be set for select boxes (#41)
- Bugfix: Fixed a sort order problem in the document manager after uploading files (#42)
- Bugfix: Fixed a possible security issues in enrollments.php
- New: [tpenrollments]: New parameters „order_parent“ and „order_child“ added
- New: Foreign key checks can be disabled for installs and updates (parameter TEACHPRESS_FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS added).
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter „author“ added
- Bugfix: Fixed a wrong definition of where clauses in some database functions under some conditions (Thanks for reporting to David Lahm)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the tinyMCE plugin which leads to wrong parameter names in shortcodes
- Bugfix: Fixed several bugs in the copy course function
- Changed: Spanish translation updated (Thanks to Alfonso Montejo)
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which has added all default values of the plugin settings after reactivation again
- Bugfix: Edit student form doesn’t display the student data
- New: Optional error reporting for actviations added
- Bugfix: Descending style formats were not available via tinyMCE plugin #11
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which leads to an error message after plugin activation
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the declaration of two parameters for the tinyMCE plugin
- Bugfix: Constructor of the books widget updated to PHP 5 style, see Deprecating PHP4 style constructors in WordPress 4.3
- Bugfix: The plural form of „Journal Articles“ was not displayed
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent the visibility of some teachpress setting tabs
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent the selection of sub courses in the course overview
- Bugfix: [tpsingle]: Missing CSS declaration
- New: Support for HTML text formatting elements (b, i, u, s, sub, sup, em, small, del) in publication titles added
- Changed: Spanish language files updated (Thanks to Alfonso Montejo Ráez)
- Changed: Small improvements for character encoding in exports
- Bugfix: Fixed usage of deprecated parameter (TP_COURSE_SYSTEM, TP_PUBLICATION_SYSTEM) in settings menu
- New: Partial slovenian translation added
- New: Fade out status messages of the document manager after some seconds
- Changed: Better course select list for the document manager
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the handling of volume/number formatting in a publication meta row under certain conditions
- Bugfix: Capability checks added for course actions (editing and deleting)
- Bugfix: Fixed an „order by“ bug in get_tp_options()
- Bugfix: Prevent loading of frontent scripts/styles in the document manager tab of the tinyMCE plugin
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: Author filter doesn’t consider the user parameter
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in [tpenrollments] which displays the wrong student meta data
- Bugfix: Tag list was not displayed in the backend
- New: Send a notification to participants if they were added to a course by admin or after an increase of the number of places
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist]: Fixed a problem with doubled entries, if the headline type 3 or 4 is used.
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: The parameter „type“ was ignored
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: The filter reset was not displayed if only the author filter was set
- Bugfix: Fix usage of constant WPLANG under WordPress 4.0 or higher
- Bugfix: Hide the author line of a publication entry, if there is no author or editor given
- Bugfix: Prevent double escapes for sql statements
- Changed: BibTeX value „tpstatus“ renamed to „pubstate“ (adapted from biblatex)
- Bugfix: Missing comma in BibTeX entries.
- Bugfix: Fixed an old installer bug, which adds the wrong template for related content.
- New: [tpcloud, tplist, tp_search]: New parameter „container_suffix“ added
- New: [tplist]: New parameter „author“ added
- New: A real author filter for publications added
- New: Autocomplete for authors/editors added
- New: Meta data system for courses, students and publications added
- New: Assessment management for courses added
- New: Simple capability management for courses added
- New: Simple document management for courses added
- New: Direct export of .bib files for selected publications added (via „Show as BibTeX entry“)
- New: Option for converting utf-8 chars into BibTeX compatible ASCII strings
- New: Direct creation of related content based on drafts added
- New: Direct creation of sub courses added
- New: Page menu for enrollments added
- New: DOI field for publications added
- New: Shortcode [tpcourseinfo]
- New: Shortcode [tpcoursedocs]
- New: [tpenrollments]: New parameter „date_format“ added
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter „show_tags_as“ added
- New: tinyMCE 4 plugin for inserting shortcodes and documents
- New: Send notification to a student if his registration is moved from the waitinglist to the course by automatic fill up
- New: Editable time limit for exports and uploads added (constant TEACHPRESS_TIME_LIMIT)
- Changed: Rewritten core API
- Changed: Rewritten Shortcode [tpcloud]
- Changed: Rewritten Shortcode [tpenrollments]
- Changed: [tpcloud, tplist]: Pagination is enabled by default, the parameter entries_per_page is set to 50 (before: 30)
- Changed: UI modifications for better integration in WordPress 3.9+
- Changed: Using HTML5s „required“ attribute for required fields in registration forms
- Changed: Using parameters instead of variables for the definition of database table names
- Changed: Visible names for some publication types changed
- Changed: Using field type „search“ for search fields
- Changed: Increased varchar limit for some field in table teachpress_pub (author,editor –> 3000 chars; institution, organization –> 500 chars)
- Changed: The plugin requires at least WordPress 3.9 instead of 3.3
- Bugfix: Fixed the handling of curly-brackets for the definition of surnames in author/editor names
- Bugfix: Replace double spaces in author/editor names
- Bugfix: BibTeX import: Better identification for the date of publishing
- Bugfix: teachPress books widget works again
- Killed: The shortcode [tpdate] is deprecated, use [tpcourseinfo] instead
- Killed: The following functions are deprecated: get_tp_course(), get_tp_courses(), get_tp_course_free_places(), get_tp_tags(), get_tp_tag_cloud(), get_tp_publication(), get_tp_publications(), tp_is_user_subscribed(), tp_check_bookmark(), tp_admin_page_menu()
- New: [tpsearch]: Reset button for search input field added
- New: [tpsearch]: CSS classes for search button and „Results for…“ headline added
- New: [tpsearch]: Returns a message if no publication was found
- New: [tpsearch]: New parameter „order“ added
- Bugfix: Fixed missing ids and classes for show/hide buttons in [tpcloud, tplist] if the list style „images“ is used.
- Bugfix: [tpdate]: Fixed the sort order of sub courses
- Bugfix: Fixed wrong assignments between TP_COURSE_SYSTEM and TP_PUBLICATION_SYSTEM
- Bugfix: Prevent adding of -tags within publication meta rows in XML and RTF files
- Bugfix: Fix usage of editor names instead of author names in feeds and RTF files
- Bugfix: Reenable xls export for enrollments
- Bugfix: The copy function for courses creates only empty courses.
- New: Meta data of publications (page, adress, chapter, isbn, …) have their own HTML selectors.
- New: [tpcloud, tplist]: New link style option (link_style = direct) added (Thanks to Ellie)
- Bugfix: Adding of new courses of studies was impossible
- Bugfix: Fixed a small spelling mistake
- New: Support for WordPress 3.9
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem in settings menu with a wrong return to the correct tab
- Bugfix: Fixed the closing of the mass edit menu for publications
- Bugfix: Fixed some style issues in context with the new WordPress UI design
- Bugfix: Fixed a possible issue with non declared array keys in edit students menu
- New: [tpcloud, tplist]: New headline option (headline = 4: sort by type and year) added (Thanks to Ellie)
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter „exclude_tags“ added
- New: Access control is now editable for courses and for publications separately
- New: Bulk edit for publications in admin menu
- New: [tplist], [tpcloud]: Support for custom sort orders for publication lists added (if headline = 2 is used)
- New: [tpcloud]: Pagination added
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameters „pagination“, „entries_per_page“ and „sort_order“ added
- Changed: [tpcloud]: Parameter „limit“ is now „tag_limit“
- Changed: BibTeX type „masterthesis“ is now „mastersthesis“
- Bugfix: The original content of a mail was replaced with the header
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent adding of terms, course types and courses of studies
- New: [tpcloud], [tplist], [tpsearch]: Style option „std_num“ added
- New: [tpcloud], [tplist]: Style option „std_num_desc“ added
- Changed: Auto wordwrap for abstracts disabled
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the import of BibTeX data which are enclosed with double quotes
- New: Shortcodes [tplinks], [tpbibtex], [tpabstract] added
- New: More filters for publications on admin screens
- New: Export for .bib files added
- New: Import for .bib and .txt files added
- New: Import option for forcing updates of existing publications added
- New: Simple generator for bibtex keys added
- New: Auto correction for spaces in bibtex keys added
- New: Support for some html expressions (b,i,u,sup,sub,u,ul,li) and the conversion to their latex equivalents in abtracts added.
- New: Screen options for some admin screens added
- New: [tplist], [tpcloud]: Style option „numbered_desc“ added
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter „hide_tags“ added
- New: [tpsearch]: New parameters „user“ and „tag“ added
- New: [tpsingle]: New parameters „image“, „image_size“ and „link“ added
- New: Parameters „user“ and „exclude“ for get_tp_tags() added
- New: Parameter „exclude“ for get_tp_tag_cloud() added
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem with the return of get_tp_publications() if the function was used in count mode and publications were filtered by year
- Bugfix: Editorials were not identified correctly
- Bugfix: Tags were not editable (tag management page)
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: A list in „numbered“ style started with 0
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: „Exclude“ parameter was ignored
- Bugfix: [tpsearch]: Impossible to use the search if WordPress uses no permalink structure
- Bugfix: [tplist]: Useless default values for „user“ and „tag“ removed
- Bugfix: Fixed an division through zero problem in teachpress_addpublications_page()
- Bugfix: Fixed an improper presentation of meta information in some cases if the publication type is presentation
- Bugfix: [tpenrollments]: Prevent execution of tp_add_signup() and tp_delete_signup_student() if there was no course selected
- Bugfix: Fixed embedding of scripts and images for SSL-Sessions
- New: [tplist]: Optional pagination added
- New: [tplist]: New parameters „pagination“ and „entries_per_page“ added
- New: [tplist]: New headline option added (sort by year and type)
- New: Publication type „periodical“ added
- New: Field „issuetitle“ added for publications with the type „periodical“
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: Changing of the „order“ parameter was not working
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevents adding of publications
- Bugfix: Unable to delete all databases with tp_uninstall()
- Bugfix: [tpenrollments]: Fixed possible destroying of templates, [reported in WP Support Forum]
- Bugfix: [tpenrollments]: Not fillable input fields in the registration form, [reported in WP Support Forum]
- Bugfix: [tpenrollments]: User registration doesn’t work, [reported in WP Support Forum]
- Bugfix: Fixed a wrong SQL-Request if tags are not exists in get_tp_tag_cloud(), [reported in WP Support Forum]
- Bugfix: Fixed a wrong call of objects under some conditions in tp_registration_form()
- Bugfix: Fixed an untimely loading of data under some conditions in teachpress_students_page()
- Bugfix: Publication import: Try to fix a problem with line breaks within keywords, [reported here]
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent deleting terms, courses of studies and course types
- New: [tpsingle]: New parameter „key“ added
- Bugfix: [tpcourselist]: Sub courses were displayed in a wrong way
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch, tpsingle]: Fixed the handling of „In:“ strings for publication meta rows
- Bugfix: Publications could not be deleted with the first try
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with missing keywords/tags in BibTeX based publication feeds
- Bugfix: Try to fix a problem with unvisible publications
- Bugfix: Fixed a problem with a possible division through in add_publication.php
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: Tag cloud generation fixed if parameter user is enabled
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsearch]: Publication list generation fixed and improved
- New: Publication types „online“ and „collection“ added
- New: Field „urldate“ added for publications with the type „online“
- New: Shortcode [tpsearch] added
- New: Numbered publication lists are available
- New: Single course overview redesigned
- New: Enrollments can be moved to releated courses
- New: Sort options for enrollments added
- New: Include parameter for tplist added
- New: Support for network installations added
- New: Automatic permalink detection added
- New: teachPress core API added
- Changed: Parsing of publication meta information for all shortcodes
- Changed: BibTeX import improved
- Changed: RSS feed generation improved
- Changed: Publication search improved
- Bugfix: [tpcloud, tplist, tpsingle]: Some bugs with the publication meta row output fixed
- Bugfix: Wrong flag (selected) was sometimes returned by get_tp_wp_pages()
- Bugfix: Deprecated function eregi was replaced
- Bugfix: Optional „type“ field was declared as „techtype“
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which arised if the function „Show as BibTeX entry“ was used without selecting publications before
- Killed: Menu „Add manually“ replaced
- Killed: [tpcloud]: Support for „id“ parameter replaced. Please use „user“ instead
- Bugfix: Year was not displayed in a string which was generated by [tpsingle]
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the year filter of tplist
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in bibtex implementation –> name is now a title
- New: Portuguese (Brazil) translation added
- Bugfix: Fixed a small bug in show_courses.php (variable declaration)
- New: Allow articles as linked source
- New: Introduce some functions of the planned teachpress 4 API (i.e. tp_is_user_subscribed)
- New: Don’t load admin functions in the frontend
- Changed: Update for slovak translation
- Changed: Update for slovak translation
- Changed: Update all .po language files
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug at adding/changing of courses (was introduced with 3.1.3)
- Bugfix: Fixed a silent overbooking of courses
- Bugfix: Fixed the complete handling of free places to reduce possible collisions of database queries during the enrollment process
- New: [tpenrollments, tpcourselist]: New parameter „term“ for selecting the term you want to show
- Bugfix: Missing statement for full courses in the enrollment system
- Bugfix: The url field of teachpress_pub table was not changed from varchar to text
- New: [tplist, tpcloud]: New parameter „exclude“ for excluding publications from the lists
- New: [tplist, tpcloud]: New parameter „link_style“
- New: [tplist, tpcloud]: Abstracts will be displayed directly in publication lists
- New: [tplist]: Abstracts and BibTeX entries will be displayed
- New: [tplist]: Expand type parameter for more than one publication type
- New: Sending emails as a separate copy to the email author (optional)
- New: Adding more than one website/file to a publication
- New: Some small UI improvements
- New: Slovak translation added
- Changed: URL field for publications changed from varchar to text
- Changed: Using INNODB as default database engine
- Changed: Using transactions for subscribing/unsubscribing users
- Changed: Names of some CSS style classes in publication lists
- Bugfix: BibTeX import ignores date field
- Bugfix: BibTeX export could not display „edition“ field
- Bugfix: Colspan was not set in publication tables
- Bugfix: Highlighting of the saved date in datepicker doesn’t work
- Bugfix: Students were not correctly deleted
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in displaying publications: year was not displayed for booklets
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent an installation under WordPress Multisite
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent adding of publications
- Killed: Log system, teachpress_log table
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent sending of e-mail notifications
- New: [tpcourselist]: New option for hiding the headline
- New: [tpcourselist]: New option for displaying a simple text under the headline
- New: [tpcloud, tplist]: New option for listing publications after type, year (Set headline=“2″ for this)
- New: [tpcloud]: New parameter „headline“ is available
- New: Tags (Keywords) will be displayed in BibTeX entries
- New: E-mail notifications for the enrollment system (if users are signed up for a course or for a waitinglist of a course)
- New: Writing e-mails directly from the admin menu
- New: File export for publications added: .txt(BibTeX) and .rtf format
- New: Datepicker translations for Spanish and Italian added
- New: Plural forms for publication types added
- Changed: Use add_help_tab instead an own help tab on teachpress admin screens
- Changed: Use the integrated jQuery library from WordPress (i.e. datepicker) instead of an own
- Changed: Use the style of button-primary / button-secondary from WP instead of an own copy
- Changed: Line breaks in course comments will be displayed
- Changed: [tpcloud]: „id“-parameter renamed to „user“
- Changed: [tpdate]: Hide invisible child courses
- Changed: [tpcloud, tplist]: If there is no URL given for a publication, teachPress tests if there is an related page instead
- Bugfix: Using of undefined constants
- Bugfix: Using of undefined variables
- Bugfix: Publication title was not displayed in BibTeX strings
- Bugfix: Deprecated call of load_plugin_textdomain
- Bugfix: Installation of the tables teachpress_relation, teachpress_signup failed
- Bugfix: [tpcloud]: Unable to reset the publication type filter
- New: WordPress Media Importer is now usable for the URL field of a publication
- Changed: The parameters.php isn’t longer required
- Bugfix: Fixed some CSS bugs in conjunction with WordPress 3.2
- Bugfix: Fixed two small errors
- New: teachPress is now compatible with WordPress 3.2
- New: An option for selecting all checkboxes is now available in some admin menus
- New: The deactivation of the course/publication system is possible
- Changed: Visibility handling for courses
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the shortcode [tpcourselist]: With activated permalink structure it was in some cases for users not possible to select an other semester
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the page menu: Wrong page number calculation under determined conditions
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the enrollments system: If the course and the sub-course name were the same, the course type was displayed instead of the sub-course type
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the enrollments system: If there is no related page given, the course name isn’t longer a link
- Bugfix: Fixed the bibtex import for several special chars
- New: „order“ option for the shortcodes [tplist], [tpcloud]
- New: „type“ option for the shortcodes [tplist], [tpcloud]
- New: Improved filter system for the backend publication menu
- New: teachPress can now manage the number of free places of a course automatically.
- New: Improved visibility options for courses
- Changed: Pagemenus have now the WordPress 3.0 Design
- Changed: Backend function have their own file: core/admin.php
- Bugfix: Fixed a redirect bug in the backend publication menu
- Bugfix: Fixed a small CSS bug in the frontend courselist, shortcode: [tpcourselist]
- Bugfix: The year 0000 is no longer visible in the year filter of [tpcloud] – 0000 stands for no date given – publications with no date are furthermore visible at the end of the publication list
- Killed: Detailed parameter description for shortcodes in the help sections –> moved to docs/shortcodes.html
- Killed: Language files for en_US (because it’s already the basic plugin langauge)
- New: If you want it, you can now use custom post types instead of pages for the related page links
- Info: WordPress 2.8 is not longer supported
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the publication overview (backend): The tags were not displayed
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the updater which set the field type for birthday in the table teachpress_stud to varchar and not to date
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug when student data were edited via backend: Data were lost
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevent an direct edit after adding a course/publication
- New: Strict Subscribing
- New: Improved Admin menu
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with a wrong redirect after the user cancelled the deleting of students
- New: New style option for [tpcloud], [tplist]
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in teachPress books widget – the name of a book is no longer a html-element name
- Bugfix: The Room is now vissible again in single course overviews (Bug was introduced with version 2.0.10)
- New: Spanish translation added
- New: Improved tag menu
- New: Improved students menu
- New: New style options for editor names – available for the shortcodes [tpcloud], [tplist], [tpsingle]
- New: New style options for author names – available for the shortcodes [tpsingle]
- Bugfix: Waiting lists are now sorted by registration date and not longer by user name
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in single course menu: If there is no enrollment, enrollment details are not longer visible
- Bugfix: Some shortcode parameters are now more secure
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which insert wrong links to the publication feeds in the settings menu
- Bugfix: Fixed some bugs with slashes with was not stripped for the final displaying. It’s fixed for the xls/csv-export, the RSS parser and in some menus
- Bugfix: Fixed some bugs in xls/csv export
- New: New style options for author names – available for the shortcodes [tpcloud], [tplist]
- New: Highlighting of child courses in the course overview
- Bugfix: Fixed a html bug in show_single_course.php
- Bugfix: Fixed the sort of participants if the registration number is disabled
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the table of participants if the registration number is disabled
- New: Better style permissions for all shortcodes. Some nasty hard coded CSS code is removed.
- Changed: Style for tpenrollments, tpdate and tpcloud shortcodes
- Changed: Italian translation updated
- New: Support for WordPress 3.1
- New: Basic italian translation added
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the charset in the xls-export – teachpress uses now utf8_encode()
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the bibtex output of articles
- Bugfix: Fixed some small GUI-bugs
- Bugfix: Fixed style of some buttons
- Changed: Type of the registration timestamp has changed from date to datetime
- Bugfix: Fixed a security vulnerability (sql injection) which was opened with a fix in version 2.0.5
- Bugfix: teachPress uses now the right local server time and not longer greenwich time
- New: Now you can set the time (hour, minute) for the start/end of a enrollment period
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which displayed a wrong message after adding a student
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevented the manual adding of students
- Bugfix: Some small user interface improvements
- Bugfix: Fixed some bugs in the english translation
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug which prevented the installation of the teachpress_pub table
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with one login mode (integrated)
- Changed: New author and plugin website
- Bugfix: The year was not displaying for articles
- Bugfix: Images in the publication lists were not scaled
- Bugfix: Child courses are now visible, if their parent was deleted
- Bugfix: Fixed bugs in the admin course overview
- Bugfix: Course type was not selected when an user edit a course
- Bugfix: Fixed a variable declaration in get_tp_publication_type_options()
- New: Introduce an option for deselecting the default teachPress frontend style
- Changed: Some small improvements for publication lists
- Bugfix: Fixed german translation for proceedings and inproceedings
- Bugfix: BibTeX-Key was not displaying in the frontend
- New: BibTeX support (bibtex export, more data fields, more publication types)
- New: Shortcode „tpsingle“ for displaying single publications
- New: Shortcode „tpcourselist“ for displaying a course list
- New: Shortcode „tpenrollments“ for displaying the enrollement system
- New: Shortcode „tppost“ for displaying parts of a post only for registered students
- New: Images for courses
- Changed: Style of single publications generated with [tpsingle]
- Changed: Bibtex export now discerns isbn from issn
- Changed: Shortcode „tpcloud“: It’s now possible to deactivate the html anchor
- Changed: Redesigned user interface
- Changed: Number of chars for a semester name (from 10 to 100)
- Changed: Database and directory structure
- Changed: Some small improvements for publication lists
- Bugfix: Fixed bugs in the overview of students
- Bugfix: Fixed problems with the user data field selection for registration forms
- Bugfix: It’s now possible to add images directly from the WordPress Media Library
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug with the email column in the course lists
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in xls export: The parent course name is now displaying
- Killed: own database functions tp_var, tp_query, tp_results
- Bugfix: Fixed some bugs with the pagination in the students and the publication overview
- Bugfix: Delete the bugfix in tpdate shortcode from version 2.0.b3, because the bug was the bugfix
- New: It is possible to deactivate some fields for user data
- New: New registration mode available
- New: Function for uninstalling teachPress
- Changed: Some small improvement for attendance lists
- Changed: Settings
- Changed: Design for enrollment system
- Changed: Calendar: from jscalendar to datepicker (jquery-plugin)
- Changed: Directory structure
- Bugfix: Fixed bugs with utf8 chars
- New: RSS-Feed script for publications
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in the „copy course“ function
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in the „add students manually“ function
- New: Displaying images in publication lists
- New: Larger edit field for course comments
- Bugfix: Size of visible images in the publication edit menu is limited
- Bufgix: Some function names now more unique
- Bugfix: Fix some security vulnerabilities
- Bugfix: Fixed different bugs, which originated with the file merging in the publication management in version 0.80.0
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug when adding a publication
- New: Capabilities for backend access control
- New: Possible to prevent sign outs for registrations
- Changed: Style of frontend course overview
- Changed: Central definition of publication types in the source code
- Changed: Select fields reworked
- Changed: Translation for publication types
- Changed: Put all javascript functions to standard.js
- Changed: Put the teachPress settings page from the courses menu to the WordPress settings menu
- Bugfix: Fixed displaying child courses in display.php
- Bugfix: Cleaned backend CSS and more CSS3 compatibility
- Bugfix: Fixed access bug for students.php
- Bugfix: Fixed updater
- New: teachPress books widget
- New: Add images to your publications
- New: Related pages for publications
- New: Related pages for courses
- New: ISSN field for publications
- Changed: Many small changes in the enrollment form (now display.php)
- Changed: Smarter script loading
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug when you add a student manually
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in the sort order of terms
- Bugfix: Fixed charset and collation for teachpress tables
- Bugfix: Fixed bug when parent and child course have the same name
- Killed: URL field for courses
- Changed: Design for course overview
- Changed: Default language changed from german to english
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug when student unsubscribes from a course (Thanks to Jean T. )
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in the course overview (frontend)
- Fixed a small problem with the version name
- New: Copy function for courses
- New: Simple CSV-export for enrollments
- New: Free selectable names for child courses
- New: More parameters for the [tpcloud] shortcode
- New: Using wpdb->prefix for database names
- Changed: Order of courses in the backend overview
- Changed: Structure of registration form
- Changed: Tag-Cloud creation
- Changed: Course search
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in ‚add courses‘ form
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug by using students search
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug in get_tp_message()
- Killed: XML-export for enrollments
- Changed: Logo and style
- Changed: Script and style load
- Bugfix: Fixed usability bugs
- Changed: Publication lists sorted by year
- Changed: New design for publication lists
- Bugfix: Bugfix for installer
- Bugfix: Fixed bug when adding new publications
- Bugfix: Fixed bug when adding new course
- Bugfix: Fixed unauthorized access to the teachpress directory
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in "tp_date" shortcode
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in courses overview
- Bugfix: Fixed bug by adding new course
- Bugfix: Fixed bug in parent listmenus
- Bugfix: Fixed security-Bug in excel export
- Added: Add XML-Export for Enrollments
- Added: Add new E-Mail functions
- Added: More filter for publications (Frontend)
- Changed: Redesigned settings page
- Changed: Better WordPress integration
- New: Search function for courses
- New: Tag management
- New: English language added
- Verhalten des List-Menü in showlvs.php verbessert, Verhalten der Anzeige beim Aufruf von showlvs.php verbessert.
- verbesserter tplist-Shortcode, Tabellenschema in Doku hinterlegt, Fehler im Datenbankschema behoben
- Fehler mit Umlauten in Suchfunktionen behoben, Suchfunktionen verbessert
- Zugriffsfehler in einstellungen.php beseitigt,
- Verhinderung beim Aufrufen der Admin-Scripts außerhalb von Wordpress,
- Tag Clouds funktionieren jetzt auch wenn WordPress ohne Permalinks betrieben wird (allerdings nur auf Seiten)
- Kompatibel mit WordPress 2.8.1
- Fehler in suche.php behoben
- Eingabefenster in suche.php neu gestaltet,
- Shortcode "teachpress" in "tpdate" umbenannt,
- Suche nach Studenten verbessert,
- Suche nach Publikationen ermöglicht,
- Anzeige für Publikationen "springt" im Frontend nicht mehr beim Wechsel eines Tags
- Wartelisten
- Datenbank-Updater
- Excel-Export für Einschreibelisten
- Platzhalter in geändert
- Hinzufügen und Löschen von Studiengängen
- Performance beim Aufbau der Publikationen im Frontend verbessert
- Bookmarks auf Publikationen können beim Erstellen der Publikation jetzt auch auf andere User gesetzt werden
- Kommentar bei Publikationen
- Auswahlmenü bei der Übersicht zu aktuellen LVS im Frontend
- neues Logo
- Ermöglicht das Hinzufügen, Bearbeiten, Löschen und Anzeigen (mit oder ohne Tag-Cloud im Frontend) von Publikationen
- Formular Kalender: JS Calendar (GNU-LGPL Lizenz)
- Neue Shortcodes: tplist, tpcloud (beide für Publikationen)
- Desgin an WordPress angepasst, Button jetzt auch in Firefox rund, title-bei einigen Links hizugefügt, eigenes * Tabellendesign nur noch im Frontend und Vereinfachung der Nutzung
- Vorlagen für Anwesenheitslisten
- Überarbeitete Benutzerführung
- verbesserte Suchfunktion nach Studenten
- Lehrveranstaltungen und Studenten sind zum Bearbeiten nun direkt aus den Übersichten aufrufbar
- Die Namen der Datenbanktabellen sind jetzt frei wählbar
- Installation vereinfacht
- Parent-ID bei LVS jetzt veränderbar
- Trennung der Matrikel von der internen User-ID
- Shortcode zum Einblenden der Termine einer LVS
- Eigene CSS für Frontend Darstellung von teachPress
- Sicherheits-Log
- Neues Design
- Verbessertes User-Interface mit verbesserter Benutzerführung
- schnelles Wechseln des Semesters
- manueller Eingriff ins System möglich (Bearbeiten, Hinzufügen und Einschreiben von Studenten)
- wenn LVS gelöscht wird werden auch dazugehörige Einschreibungen gelöscht
- Darstellungsfehler in der CSS beseitigt
- Nutzerdaten können im Backend bearbeitet werden
- Auswahlfilter funktionieren jetzt
- verbesserte Sicherheit
- Mailto-Verknüpfungen für E-Mails
- Neuer Hauptmenü-Punkt: Studenten
- Suche nach Studenten zeigt jetzt mehr Infos
- Fachsemester wird jetzt abgespeichert
- Darstellung der Einschreibungen im Fronted geändert
- Studenten können in Listen nach Studiengang sortiert werden
- Umlaute Problem behoben
- Einführung der Parent-ID
- Ausklappbare Menüs
- Nutzer kann im Fronted seine Daten bearbeiten
- Hilfe verbessert
- Anpassung an Wordpress 2.7
- diverse Fehlerbehebungen
- Bearbeiten von LVS jetzt stabil
- Fehler im Datenbankschema behoben
- Einschreibesystem funktioniert
- erstes User-Menü im Fronted
- Funktionierende Ausgabe von Einschreibungen allgemein und für den Kurs
- Erweiterte Datenbank: Abspeichern URL, E-Mail, Studiengang, 1 neue Datenbanktabelle (Einschreibungen)
- neue Seite: Einstellungen (keine Funktion)
- Integration von Tabber
- Anzeige der Einschreibungen im Fronted nur wenn User angemeldet ist, sonst Warnhinweis
- Bearbeiten von Lehrveranstaltungen möglich (instabil)
- Darstellungsfehler (RGB-Farbe wurde nicht dargestellt) im Firefox behoben
- Eintragen, Löschen und Anzeige von Lehrveranstaltungen (LVS)
- Übersicht zur einzelnen Lehrveranstaltungen
- Anzeige auf Statischer Seite im Fronted