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Start with teachPress

Michael edited this page Nov 3, 2019 · 7 revisions

Starting with publications

After the installation of the plugin you will find a new "Publications" menu in the WordPress admin area.

Publication Menu in WordPress

You have now two options in the plugin to add new publications:

  1. You can manually add them like a new post or page. Go to the "Add new" section in the "Publications" menu. Fill up the fields, you need and click the "Create" button.

Add New section for Publications

  1. You can use the bibtex importer. Go to the "Import/Export" section in the "Publications" menu. Next, copy a bibtex entry to the text area or choice a bibtex file and select the import options. After that, click on "Import" and teachPress will save the data to his database.

The Import section for publications

Now, go back to the "Publications" main menu of teachPress and you will see your first publication.

Publication Main Menu

The next step after adding the first publication is to bring a publication list to a page (or post) on your website. For that, create a new page an write [tpcloud] or [tplist] in the editor.

Adding new publication list

Save the page now and have a look to the page/post on your website. You will see your publication list:

Publication List

Some basic options for the publication lists

teachPress supports a number of options/parameters for each shortcode. For a full documantation, please visit the shortcode section of this wiki. In the following you will find some basic options for the publication list:

Publication list with images

[tpcloud image=”left” image_size=”70″]

Publication list with images

Publication list without tags

[tpcloud show_tags_as="none"]

Publication list with tags as dropdown

[tpcloud show_tags_as="pulldown"]

Publication list without use filter

[tpcloud show_user_filter="0"]

Starting with courses

The course section works similar to the publication section: Add a course over the backend menu and write one of the shortcodes into a page or post:

For course lists: [tpcourselist]

For the enrollment system: [tpenrollments]