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Tom Kralidis edited this page Apr 9, 2022 · 6 revisions

World Meteorological Organization WMO Task Team on WIS Metadata (TT-WISMD)

TT-WISMD develops and maintains the following components in support of improved metadata and discoverability of data, products and services in the WMO Information System (WIS) GISCs/DCPCs, as well mass market search engines.

  • WIS Metadata standard and codelists
  • KPIs, scoring rubric and quality assessment tools
  • tools, best practices and guidelines for WIS metadata lifecycle management


all team: @wmo-im/tt-wismd

Name Agency GitHub handle
Mr Tom KRALIDIS (Lead) MSC @tomkralidis
Mr Guillaume AUBERT EUMETSAT @gaubert
Mr Ján OSUSKY HMEI @josusky
Ms Hanane KAMIL Météo Maroc @hananeKamil
Ms Julia SEILAND DWD @jsieland
Ms Marta GUTIERREZ ECMWF @martaguti
Mr Xinqiang HAN CMA @Amienshxq
Mr Steve OLSON NOAA @solson-nws
Mr Ioannis MALLAS ECMWF tbd

WMO Secretariat

Name GitHub handle
Ms Anna MILAN @amilan17
Mr Enrico FUCILE @efucile
Ms Xiaoxia CHEN @chenxiaoxia2019
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