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Meeting 2024 01 15
Tom Kralidis edited this page Jan 30, 2024
24 revisions
Monday 15 January 2024 13h - 14h UTC
MS Teams
Name | Agency | GitHub handle | Attendance |
Mr Tom KRALIDIS (Lead) | MSC | @tomkralidis | X |
Mr Guillaume AUBERT | EUMETSAT | @gaubert | X |
Mr Xinqiang HAN | CMA | @Amienshxq | X |
Ms Hanane KAMIL | Météo Maroc | @hananeKamil | |
Mr Ioannis MALLAS | ECMWF | tbd | |
Mr Ian MCDONALD | EUMETSAT | @McDonald-Ian | |
Mr Steve OLSON | NOAA | @solson-nws | |
Mr Ján OSUSKY | HMEI | @josusky | X |
Mr David PODEUR | Météo-France | @davidpodeur | |
Ms Antje SCHREMMER | DWD | @antje-s | X |
Ms Julia SIELAND | DWD | @jsieland | X |
Name | Agency | GitHub handle | Attendance |
Mr Masato FUJIMOTO | JMA | @masato-f29 | X |
Mr Kenji TSUNODA | JMA | @KenRJTD | |
Mr Yutaro TONOOKA | JMA | ||
Mr Kentaro | JMA |
Name | Agency | GitHub handle | Attendance |
Ms Anna MILAN | WMO | @amilan17 | X |
Mr Dave Berry | WMO | @david-i-berry | |
Washington Otieno | WMO | X |
- Previous meeting minutes and actions (all)
- Secretariat updates (Anna)
- INFCOM-3 delivery
- Tom opened the meeting and introduced the agenda.
- The team review the actions from the last meeting
- ACTION 1: (Antje) there was a point for modification of link to metadata to NOT download from the origin (Tom) I think the WIS2 Guide indicates that the GDC can update the metadata links (Antje) {{added clarification}}; (Tom wrote down the summary)
- the problem: GC shows original WCMP2 doc with original links, GDC changes WCMP2 doc and publishes to catalog; GC still has original links;
- solutions: Publish WCMP2 records where WNM cache=false; GDC detected cache=false; do not update links
- (Jan) so GSs will change the WNM? (Antje) yes. Not inside the metadata record for cache=false; (Tom) noting that original intention for cache false was for data file, not metadata;
- Secretariat updates: (Anna) focusing on prepping the specs for publication; there needs to be something ready to share with SC-IMT next week, but then there's another week to finalize the docs for INFCOM; (Tom) I'll provide an update what's come out of the SC-IMT at the next meeting;
- WCMP2 for INFCOM-3 issues
- examples (issue#131): (Tom) when a metadata record fails, it gets put into the 'failed' directory; (Guillaume) the centre-id failed for EUMETSAT record (Tom) added it to the centre-id; (Guillaume) other questions in PR to address if we have time; and would like to add some records for recommended data within a week; (Tom) Xingiang will you be able to update records? (Xingiang) Yes, by the end of Friday (Guillaume) there are some inconsistencies that we should probably address; (Tom) will check with Steve; (Anna) do we have parallel records for WNM records where applicable? (Tom) not yet; so we should look at the consistency across the WCMP2 and WNM records;
- (Guillaume) What vocabulary term do I use for documentation? "describes", "describedBy"...? The team decided that 'about' might be best IANA rel type; (Guillaume) it would be good to have some basic guidance that covers most of the cases;
- KPIs: probably ready; Anna will review for publication readiness
- issue #19, referencing stations: (Antje) it's difficult to find the right parameters in OSCAR/surface for a FacilitySet; There are different possibilities; (Tom) predefined facility sets are not available through the API;
- PR #144: (Julia) durations and null are in dates are not accepted and made a workaround with additionalExtents;
- WNM for INFCOM-3
- Issue #41 coarser resource publication example? (Guillaume) yes, I can provide an example and I think Simon is already doing that too; (Tom) this is for recommended data (NOT core data);
- WTH for INFCOM-3
- no outstanding issues need to be addressed for INFCOM-3
- Next steps for final publication - (Anna) need to have something to present to SC-IMT by the end of this week, then there is another week to make final drafts; (Anna) All specs will be published in the Manual on WIS, Vol II and preparing Clause 7 for this purpose;
NOTE: ordered in priority
- Xinqiang/Guillaume/Steve: update CMA/EUMETSAT/NOAA examples
- Anna/Antje/Guillaume/Tom: review all WCMP2 examples for consistency between them
- all review/create WNM examples for consistency with WCMP2 examples
- Jan: review example snippets in WNM by 19 Jan
- Julia: review example snippets in WCMP2 by 19 Jan
- Tom: add "about" to [table 4 link relations selection] in the WCMP2 DONE https://github.com/wmo-im/wcmp2/pull/147
- Tom: add issue for GDC to be able to send updated WCMP2 documents (after link injection) for publication to GB DONE: https://github.com/wmo-im/wis2-guide/issues/71
- Guillaume: open issue for table 4 link relations selection table
- Anna: confirm that WCMP2 KPIs are fine for publication
- Tom: review pywcmp validation based on PR #144 results