diff --git a/examples/nws-gfs-10deg (1).json b/examples/nws-gfs-10deg (1).json deleted file mode 100644 index 5091844..0000000 --- a/examples/nws-gfs-10deg (1).json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,293 +0,0 @@ -{ - "id": "urn:x-wmo:md:us-noaa-nws:nwp.gfs_1deg", - "conformsTo": [ - "http://wis.wmo.int/spec/wcmp/2/conf/core" - ], - "time": null, - "type": "Feature", - "geometry": { - "type": "Polygon", - "coordinates": [ - [ - [ - 0, - -90 - ], - [ - 0, - 90 - ], - [ - 360, - 90 - ], - [ - 360, - -90 - ], - [ - 0, - -90 - ] - ] - ] - }, - "properties": { - "created": "2022-06-23T18:36:00Z", - "updated": "2022-06-23T18:36:00Z", - "wmo:dataPolicy": "core", - "type": "dataset", - "title": "Global Forecast System 1 Degree Resolution", - "description": "The Global Forecast System is a weather forecast model produced by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.", - "keywords": [ - "Geopotential Height", - "Planetary Boundary Layer Height", - "Tropopause", - "Atmospheric Pressure Measurements", - "Pressure Thickness", - "Sea Level Pressure", - "Surface Pressure", - "Land Cover", - "Soil Moisture/Water Content", - "Soil Temperature", - "Sea Surface Temperature", - "Albedo", - "Incoming Solar Radiation", - "Longwave Radiation", - "Outgoing Longwave Radiation", - "Shortwave Radiation", - "Solar Radiation", - "Surface Temperature", - "Atmospheric Stability", - "Boundary Layer Temperature", - "Dew Point Temperature", - "Surface Temperature", - "Upper Air Temperature", - "Water Vapor Processes", - "Water Vapor Indicators", - "Water Vapor", - "Water Vapor Profiles", - "Boundary Layer Winds", - "Surface Winds", - "Upper Level Winds", - "Wind Profiles", - "Wind Dynamics", - "Precipitation Amount", - "Precipitation Rate", - "Liquid Precipitation", - "Solid Precipitation", - "Snow Cover", - "Snow Depth", - "Sea Ice Concentration", - "Land Use/Land Cover Classification", - "Prediction", - "Global", - "Deterministic", - "cloud_ceiling", - "entire_atmosphere_considered_as_a_single_layer", - "entire_atmosphere", - "ground_or_water_surface", - "high_cloud_layer", - "highest_tropospheric_freezing_level", - "hybrid_level", - "level_at_specified_pressure_difference_from_ground_to_level_pa", - "level_of_0C_isotherm", - "maximum_wind_level", - "mean_sea_level_pa", - "middle_cloud_layer", - "planetary_boundary_layer", - "sigma_level_sigma_value", - "specified_altitude_above_mean_sea_level_m", - "specified_height_level_above_ground_m", - "tropopause", - "depth_below_land_surface_m", - "isobaric_surface_pa", - "potential_vorticity_k_m2_kg-1_s-1", - "convective_cloud", - "convective_cloud_bottom_level", - "convective_cloud_top_level", - "boundary_layer_cloud_layer", - "high_cloud_bottom_level", - "high_cloud_layer", - "high_cloud_top_level", - "low_cloud_bottom_level", - "low_cloud_layer", - "low_cloud_top_level", - "middle_cloud_bottom_level", - "middle_cloud_layer", - "middle_cloud_top_level", - "nominal_top_of_the_atmosphere", - "absolute_vorticity", - "albedo", - "apparent_temperature", - "best_(4_layer)_lifted_index", - "categorical_freezing_rain_(yes=1;_no=0)", - "categorical_ice_pellets_(yes=1;_no=0)", - "categorical_rain_(yes=1;_no=0)", - "categorical_snow_(yes=1;_no=0)", - "cloud_mixing_ratio", - "cloud_water", - "cloud_work_function", - "composite_reflectivity", - "convective_available_potential_energy", - "convective_inhibition", - "convective_precipitation", - "convective_precipitation_rate", - "depth_below_land_surface", - "dew_point_temperature", - "downward_long-wave_radiation_flux", - "downward_short-wave_radiation_flux", - "field_capacity", - "frictional_velocity", - "geopotential_height", - "graupel", - "ground_heat_flux", - "haines_index", - "high_cloud_cover", - "icao_standard_atmosphere_reference_height", - "ice_cover", - "ice_growth_rate", - "ice_temperature", - "ice_thickness", - "ice_water_mixing_ratio", - "land_cover_(1=land,_0=sea)", - "latent_heat_next_flux", - "level_at_specified_pressure_difference_from_ground_to_level", - "liquid_volumetric_soil_moisture_(non_frozen)", - "low_cloud_cover", - "maximum_temperature", - "medium_cloud_cover", - "meridional_flux_of_gravity_wave_stress", - "minimum_temperature", - "momentum_flux,_u-component", - "momentum_flux,_v-component", - "mslp_(eta_model_reduction)", - "ozone_mixing_ratio", - "percent_frozen_precipitation", - "planetary_boundary_layer_height", - "plant_canopy_surface_water", - "potential_evaporation_rate", - "potential_temperature", - "precipitable_water", - "precipitation_rate", - "pressure", - "pressure_of_level_from_which_parcel_was_lifted", - "pressure_reduced_to_msl", - "rain_mixing_ratio", - "reflectivity", - "relative_humidity", - "sensible_heat_next_flux", - "sigma_level_(sigma_value)", - "snow_depth", - "snow_mixing_ratio", - "soil_temperature", - "soil_type", - "specific_humidity", - "storm_relative_helicity", - "sunshine_duration", - "surface_lifted_index", - "surface_roughness", - "temperature", - "total_cloud_cover", - "total_ozone", - "total_precipitation", - "u-component_of_wind", - "u-component_storm_motion", - "upward_long-wave_radiation_flux", - "upward_short-wave_radiation_flux", - "v-component_of_wind", - "v-component_storm_motion", - "vegetation", - "ventilation_rate", - "vertical_speed_shear", - "vertical_velocity_(geometric)", - "vertical_velocity_(pressure)", - "visibility", - "volumetric_soil_moisture_content", - "water_equivalent_of_accumulated_snow_depth", - "water_runoff", - "wilting_point", - "wind_speed_(gust)", - "zonal_flux_of_gravity_wave_stress", - "Weather and Climate", - "International", - "Atmosphere", - "weatherForecasts", - "meteorology" - ], - "keywordsCodespace": "http://codes.wmo.int/306/4678", - "language": "en", - "themes": [ - { - "concepts": [ - { - "id": "weather" - } - ], - "scheme": "https://github.com/wmo-im/wis2-topic-hierarchy/blob/main/topic-hierarchy/earth-system-discipline/index.csv" - } - ], - "contacts": [ - { - "organization": "NOAA/NWS/NCEP", - "contactInfo": [ - { - "phone": "(301) 683-1500" - }, - { - "email": "sdm@noaa.gov" - } - ], - "address": { - "deliveryPoint": "NOAA Center for Weather and Climate Prediction, 5830 University Research Ct", - "city": "College Park", - "state": "Maryland", - "postalCode": "20740", - "country": "United States" - }, - "onlineResource": "https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/", - "contactInstructions": "email", - "roles": [ - "host", - "producer" - ] - } - ], - "formats": [ - "GRIB2" - ], - "contactPoint": "sdm@noaa.gov", - "license": "http://codes.wmo.int/wmdr/DataPolicy/_WMOOther", - "rights": "access", - "extent": [ - { - "spatial": { - "bbox": [ - 0, - -90, - 360, - 90 - ], - "crs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/crs/OGC/1.3/CRS84" - }, - "temporal": { - "interval": [ - [ - "2022-06-23T18:00:00Z", - null - ] - ], - "trs": "http://www.opengis.net/def/uom/ISO-8601/0/Gregorian" - } - } - ] - }, - "links": [ - { - "rel": "data", - "href": "https://nomads.ncep.noaa.gov/pub/data/nccf/com/gfs/prod/", - "type": "application/x-grib", - "title": "NOAA Operational Model Archive and Distribution System (NOMADS)" - } - ] -} \ No newline at end of file