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File metadata and controls

190 lines (129 loc) · 5.14 KB



wis2-grep is a Reference Implementation of a WIS2 Global Replay Service.

WIS2 Global Replay Service C4 component diagram


  • connects to a WIS2 Global Broker, subscribed to the following topics:
    • origin/a/wis2/# and cache/a/wis2/#
  • on notification messages
  • user-defined subscriptions
    • users can execute a process to subscribe to notification messages based on topic and/or datetime




Dependencies are listed in requirements.txt. Dependencies are automatically installed during pywis-pubsub installation.

Installing wis2-grep

# setup virtualenv
python3 -m venv --system-site-packages wis2-grep
cd wis2-grep
source bin/activate

# clone codebase and install
git clone
cd wis2-grep-management
python3 install


# setup environment and configuration
cp wis2-grep.env local.env
vim local.env # update accordingly

source local.env

# setup pywis-pubsub - sync WIS2 notification schema
pywis-pubsub schema sync

# setup backend
wis2-grep setup

# setup backend (force reinitialization of backend)
wis2-grep setup --force

# teardown backend
wis2-grep teardown

# connect to Global Broker
# notifications will automatically trigger wis2-grep to publish
# WNM to the API identified in wis2-grep.env (WIS2_GREP_GB)
pywis-pubsub subscribe --config pywis-pubsub.yml

# loading notification messsage manually (single file)
wis2-grep register /path/to/wnm-file.json

# loading notification messages manually (directory of .json files)
wis2-grep load /path/to/dir/of/wnm-files

# clean messages from API index
wis2-grep clean --hours 24

API queries

# by topic
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?q=%22cache/b/wis2%22"

# by bounding box (Canada):
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?bbox=-142,42,-5,84"

# by publication time (from/to):
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?datetime=2024-07-24T11:11:11Z/2024-07-25T12:34:21Z"

# by publication time (from):
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?datetime=2024-07-24T11:11:11Z/.."

# by publication time (to):
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?datetime=../2024-07-24T11:11:11Z"

# by message identifier
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items/<WNM_ID>"

# sort results by oldest messages (pubtime)
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?sortby=pubtime"

# sort results by latest messages (pubtime)
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?sortby=-pubtime"

# return as GeoJSON
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?f=json"

# return as HTML
curl "http://localhost/collections/wis2-notification-messages/items?f=html"


The Docker setup uses Docker and Docker Compose to manage the following services:

  • wis2-grep-api: API powered by pygeoapi
  • wis2-grep-broker: MQTT broker
  • wis2-grep-management: management service to publish notification messages published from a WIS2 Global Broker instance
    • the default Global Broker connection is to NOAA. This can be modified in wis2-grep.env to point to a different Global Broker
  • wis2-grep-backend: API search engine backend (default Elasticsearch)

See wis2-grep.env for default environment variable settings.

To adjust service ports, edit docker-compose.override.yml accordingly.

The Makefile in the root directory provides options to manage the Docker Compose setup.

# build all images
make build

# build all images (no cache)
make force-build

# start all containers
make up
# API is up at http://localhost

# reinitialize backend
make reinit-backend

# start all containers in dev mode
make dev
# API is up at http://localhost

# view all container logs in realtime
make logs

# login to the wis2-grep-management container
make login

# restart all containers
make restart

# shutdown all containers
make down

# remove all volumes
make rm


Running Tests

# install dev requirements
pip3 install -r requirements-dev.txt

# run tests like this:
python3 tests/

# or this:
python3 test

Code Conventions

Bugs and Issues

All bugs, enhancements and issues are managed on GitHub.
