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Docker2 #147

Workflow file for this run

name: test-docker-image
[ push, pull_request ]
contents: read
packages: write
issues: write
pull-requests: write
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Build test environment
working-directory: docker/tests
run: |
# create env file
export USER_ID="$(id -u)"
export GROUP_ID="$(id -g)"
echo "${GROUP_ID}:${USER_ID}"
docker compose build
# make sure data directory exists has correct permissions
mkdir ./data
sudo chown -R "$(id -g)":"$(id -u)" ./data
- name: Run containers
working-directory: docker/tests
run: |
export USER_ID="$(id -u)"
export GROUP_ID="$(id -g)"
echo "${GROUP_ID}:${USER_ID}"
docker compose up -d
- name: Run CLI tests
working-directory: docker/tests
run: |
sleep 10s
docker logs subscriber
echo "Testing adding subscription"
docker ps
# test adding a subscription
docker exec subscriber bash -c "source /home/wis2downloader/.venv/bin/activate && wis2downloader add-subscription --topic cache/a/wis2/+/services/#"
# test listing subscriptions
echo "Testing listing subscriptions"
docker exec subscriber bash -c "source /home/wis2downloader/.venv/bin/activate && wis2downloader list-subscriptions"
# publish a test message
echo "Publishing test message"
docker exec publisher pywis-pubsub publish --topic cache/a/wis2/my-centre/services/downloader \
--config /pywis-pubsub/config/config.yml \
-i test -u "http://subscriber:5000/openapi"
sleep 1s
echo "Verifying data downloaded"
# cat file contents (check the published file has been downloaded)
cat "./data/$(date +'%Y')/$(date +'%m')/$(date +'%d')/cache/a/wis2/my-centre/services/downloader/openapi.bin"
echo "Testing removing subscription"
# test deleting subscriptions
docker exec subscriber bash -c "source /home/wis2downloader/.venv/bin/activate && wis2downloader remove-subscription --topic cache/a/wis2/+/services/#"
- name: Run API tests
working-directory: docker/tests
run: |
export USER_ID="$(id -u)"
export GROUP_ID="$(id -g)"
echo "${GROUP_ID}:${USER_ID}"
# get metrics
curl http://localhost:5000/metrics
# test adding a subscription
curl -X 'POST' \
'http://localhost:5000/subscriptions' \
-H 'accept: application/json' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"topic": "cache/a/wis2/+/services/#"
# test listing subscriptions
curl http://localhost:5000/subscriptions
# publish a test message
docker exec publisher pywis-pubsub publish --topic cache/a/wis2/my-centre/services/downloader \
--config /pywis-pubsub/config/config.yml \
-i test -u "http://subscriber:5000/metrics"
sleep 1s
# cat file contents (check the published file has been downloaded)
cat "./data/$(date +'%Y')/$(date +'%m')/$(date +'%d')/cache/a/wis2/my-centre/services/downloader/metrics.bin"
# test deleting subscriptions
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:5000/subscriptions/cache/a/wis2/%2B/services/%23
- name: Shutdown
working-directory: docker/tests
run: |
docker compose down