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1.0.0 Beta 3

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@diegoreymendez diegoreymendez released this 16 Jun 21:15
· 2432 commits to develop since this release

Welcome to Aztec v1.0 beta 3!

This version is a reengineering of Aztec to make the codebase simpler to understand, easier to maintain, and more resilient to bugs.

Please remember that Aztec is still beta software and is not ready for production.

It will be included starting in the next internal release of WordPress iOS 7.9.


  • Full undo support.
  • New toolbar in the Sample App.
  • Aztec is now leaner and simpler. It no longer tries to synchronize the DOM tree in real time and relies on a much simpler mechanism of converting to HTML only when necessary.
  • Aztec is much more resilient to visual-mode edits not propagating to HTML correctly.
  • Several crashing bugs have been fixed.

The full list of closed issues is available here

Known Issues

  • Empty lines are lost during some visual to HTML conversions.
  • Blockquotes and paragraphs in general have weird spacing around them.
  • Lists inside blockquotes and blockquotes inside lists render the same way.

Before reporting a new problem, please check the existing Aztec issues in the WordPress-iOS and Aztec Library repository

What's coming up next

  • Nested lists & improvements to lists and blockquotes rendering.
  • Better support for whitespace (ie: empty lines)
  • Core optimization & cleanup
  • Bug fixing