Releases: wponrails/wp-connector
Releases · wponrails/wp-connector
Allow `perform_async`
Delay execution
Merge pull request #50 from wponrails/feature/delay-jobexecution READY: Using perfom_in instead of perform_async
Add unpublish method
Merge pull request #46 from wponrails/feature/unpublish [READY] Add unpublish method
WordPress ACF options
WordPress options are a little different than WP post types.
This release allows for synchronising with WordPress options (ACF options).
This feature was previously based on v1.3.0 and was tagged as v1.4.0. This release combines this feature with the new configuration method of v2.0.0 and up.
wp-connector scoped configuration
Rails version prior to 4.2 do not support 'x configuration'.
Add Redirection redirects
This release adds support for the popular WordPress Redirection plugin by adding a concern for Redirects.
V1.0.1: Merge pull request #21 from hoppinger/feature/clean_up
Feature/clean up