3.5.0-next.11 (2018-08-28)
- cleanup, added favicon. removed unused blocks (d2b6ba1)
- CSS better styles on landing (35c55e1)
- Quantum: Quantum CSS splitting loads sourcemaps on production (3e548cc)
- don't throw asset reference error on wildcard imports (d594e65)
- footer styles (a0afc35)
- HMR event and sourcemaps reload (86d9811), closes #1324
- log.showBundledFiles ignored when log.enabled value missing (b1d1b17)
- match against valid npm namespace + package name (3e2bf8e)
- Quantum: Quantum file resolution of conflicting libraries (9cea9e5)
- md, css - links, added resources, other small fixes (2aa7768)
- minor changes to layout (c13c6f7)
- more content (b99f424)
- typescript section (aa91528)
- Update typescript version to fix a problem with build #1339 (17594a4)
- Upgrade fs-extra to remove fs.promises API warning (#1341) (e37caef)
- watcher can't resume if queue contains a rejecting promise (84dd0f0), closes #1335
- docs: colors (96b1d18)
- quantum: Ignoring Dynamic imports when mixed with sync imports (dd664d5)
- Quantum: fix Quantum CSS paths without splitConfig (0ec4058)
- Quantum: Prevent Quantum from creating empty chunks (24f5915), closes #1297 #1184
- Quantum: Quantum CSS splitting respects hashing (eafee77)
- Quantum: VUE modules ignored dynamic imports (d4be225), closes #1360
- add test for scope packages with valid name (d4f26fd)
- Automatic css splitting and lazy load with dynamic imports (e600da7)
- Quantum: Loading CSS chunks before split bundles are loaded and executed (#1355) (89800ef)
- website: A new website based on Docosaurus (c4cbea9)
- feature list (a3c4d08)
- Initial docs styles, fonts and logos (77dadd0)
- moving to sass (5990f30)
- New Quantum target - browser/server/universal (#1323) (b77400e)
- TypeScript section (5dc3814)
- swap minimist for getopts (eb48f84)
3.4.0 (2018-07-13)
- add error handling, add backward compatability, update docs. (49ebf45)
- Global keys order is respected in config, fixes #1304 (#1305) (722c501)
- move devServer fallback after proxy (163ef97)
- Quantum CSS now respects tree shaking (52637a5)
- remove node-sass from deps (bf305e2)
- adjust
option in webindex to a string instead of an object and update docs. (8d13bd9)
3.3.0 (2018-06-20)
- ConsolidatePlugin- Template engine takes basedir not baseDir (#1236) (0d3dbc2)
- Copy readme so it's included in npm (836ff48)
- cssFiles keys now use the {packageName}/{pattern} format (3459180)
- tests: Remove message from error object to make test compatible with Node 9. (c36ac01)
- CSSResource parse error (#1213) (cc4d42c)
- Error propagation bug. (#1216) (1ad7c71)
- Fixed a critical bug with CSSPlugin and path overrides (b129f2d)
- keep original source file extensions when using useTypeScriptCompiler option. (#1278) (5c39c94)
- Made error message clearer, and included HTML Template file not found error check. (#1207) (66f06bb)
- Quantum breaks on more than one configured globals (#1223) (f509d19)
- Remove debug console.log (1d3172c)
- renaming generated files to allow several vue files in a folder (fcfbfa0)
- require statements ignored if not 'true' requires. fixes #1142 (#1229) (0b138f2)
- syntheticDefaultExportPolyfill Check if frozen before attempting to defineProperty. (#1235) (2c971e7)
- Add css splitting with cssFiles quantum config (d3f5491)
- added support for arrays in modulesFolder (#1293) (73e2f73)
- Automatic alias mapping based on baseDir in tsconfig.json (ts) (8f11040)
- Consolidate Plugin - Pass baseDir & includeDir as options (#1225) (26e7ebe)
- devServer fallback (#1265) (1f5bbe3)
- filesMapping option to CSSResourcePlugin (#1281) (8cd39db)
- HTTPS devServer option (#1255) (0715cc3)
- Use cssFiles name as key for manifest (fb107ef)
- WebIndexPlugin accepts engine option (e0cba10)
- WebIndexPlugin additional attributes support in script tags (#1246) (f790bfb)
- Working CLI (install skeletons) (87df46a)
3.2.2 (2018-04-17)
- CSSResourcePlugin backslashes fixes on Windows 10 (c34c637)
- Update vue plugin to accept 'stylus' and 'sass' lang types by default. (ef7e577)
- SassPlugin header option (e9f8409)
3.2.1 (2018-04-10)
- typescript errors (#1185) (79e9dc5)
- Missing semicolon messed up with UMD init (9fbbb56)
- Replace troublesome uws with standard ws (0ebfcc2), closes #1189
3.2.0 (2018-04-06)
- #1101 types missing because of using bind (#1104) (76e6600)
- Add very small memory save (699979e)
- Added react and react-dom to devDependencies (#1111) (320522f)
- Allow postcss
to be overridden by options given to the plugin (8dcbc3d) - browser nested routes bug with Quantum (#1168) (dda92bb)
- Catching typescript transpilation errors (#1103) (8c0122a)
- data URLs handling in CSSResourcePlugin (#1098) (e44448e)
- Fix and optimize component HMR (adf5223)
- Fix bugs when using VueComponentPlugin in development. (b32016d)
- Fix postCSS error "without 'from' option" (#1118) (0ee1cc7)
- Fix scoped selector in VuePlugin. (#1117) (8d8ef5a)
- LoaderAPI typeof fix (#1109) (4f5d253)
- Optimize EnvPlugin when running on electron (a81448c)
- Optimize VuePlugin when is running on electron (7a5aa0b)
- PathResolver and browser overrides should respect a module override (2ecd663)
- Quantum typeof require should not be replaced with replaceTypeOf (d2df9ba), closes #1133
- Replace arrow functions with function in imports for development (02f2b77)
- sourcemaps path and windows slashes (14ea0be), closes #1143
- Stream polyfill returns an empty function (95868e3), closes #1162
- tslint: fixed all auto-fixable errors in core/FuseBox.ts (a16ab51)
- tslint: fixed all auto-fixable errors in Log.ts (78594b9)
- Support tsconfig.json with comments (#1129) (d3e9a8a)
- Suppress warnings for electron builds (1cf3638), closes #1160
- Typing error in source map generators (3331cab)
- typings plugins can consists of strings (3c13991), closes #1169
- Update the condition for vue HMR (#1120) (83c44ab)
- use typescript api to parse tsconfig.json (4236a32)
- languagelevel: adds template literal as identifier of ES2015 (a99e155)
- Added
case (1b77d27), closes #1163 - Add a useOriginalFilenames option to CSSResourcePlugin (78d31a9)
- Add help messages to Sparky tasks (f68993c)
- log option now takes an object (enabled, showBundledFiles & clearTerminalOnBundle) (#1136) (600b204)
- Quantum definedExpressions option (#1105) (4d846d2)
- sorted bundle sources (c1ba79f)
- stdin option (#1121) (cf975ad)
- WebIndexPlugin - Possibility to shape how bundles are emitted (#1144) (f1ac7d5)
3.1.3 (2018-02-07)
3.1.2 (2018-02-07)
- Quantum - replaces property require with fsx (71ba880)
3.1.1 (2018-02-06)
3.1.0 (2018-02-05)
- Some modules cannot be imported because
this !== module.exports
(#1030) (#1032) (4400985) - allowSyntheticDefaultImports is broken (#1063) (a7ed207)
- Corrects updates for HMR updates by pointing to the correct map file (#1037) (e299205)
- CSS grouping must use require on explicit user package (#1019) (625c2d9)
- CSSDependencyExtractor undefined path check (e4c2096)
- CSSModules fails to retrieve data from cache (#1008) (fee5386)
- CSSResourcePlugin breaks source maps (#1058) (ddb70eb)
- CSSResourcePlugin crashes with "TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined" (edda590), closes #1084
- definition of TSC options (#1065) (4529845)
- Duplicate slashes cause quantum to fail when resolving modules (f45bf5a), closes #1007
- Electron environment polyfills fs and other server modules (57add76)
- EnvPlugin doesn't work with target server on development (fixes #1033) (9711567)
- Fix #1030
this !== module.exports
) for Quantum (#1036) (b1c3f1e) - Fix a type in Bundle runner (#1051) (95a1eb0)
- Fix PostCSSPlugin warning and make it emit sourcemaps (d03a392)
- Fixes paths on windows (#1059) (9ee5e86)
- ImageBase64Plugin spits an error when cache is OFF (#1034) (89c7958)
- Maximum call stack when importing with LESS (#1023) (cf55c4c)
- Quantum is running only once, ignoring watch option (f4d8f5f)
- Quantum treeshaking respect double imports of the same file (#1064) (3dfcb1a)
- RawPlugin respects CSS dependencies for HMR (#1020) (4f4e367)
- replaced concat-with-sourcemaps to a fixed version (f1cad3f)
- replaces require variable without arguments (#1047) (7254820)
- Target electron must include events polyfill (#1038) (83f0058)
- tsc function fix on windows (#1061) (c7a7982)
- Typeof null in syntheticDefaultExportPolyfill (610efbb)
- WebIndex does not update the bundle hashes on watch mode (9cce9f3), closes #1013
- allowSyntheticDefaultImports (#1042) (5748434)
- bake quantum api into multiple bundles (#1086) (c83012f)
- Callback function for Sparky.watch (#1056) (fc42064)
- Clean CSS optimizer for Quantum (#1054) (1ed2402)
- Inlined CSS source maps and Quantum CSS (#1054) (d36fb71)
- Quantum manifest writes entry points (66b21e4)
3.0.2 (2018-01-05)
- Aliasing goes wrong with package.json in folder (#992) (0bb44d9)
- add type to FuseBoxOptions.package (#951) (f53bbff)
- Aliases broke Source Maps (#978) (ea79910)
- BundleProducer overrides NODE_ENV to production (#950) (39fc7f8)
- Bust css cached with PostCSSPlugin (#965) (95b9edd)
- Code spliting file integrity tests (3362861)
- CSSResourcePlugin should not rewrite absolute urls (#975) (fcf4f17)
- Ensure .babelrc options and direct BabelPlugin options are merged together (#920) (7aa77f8)
- Fix aliases in dynamic import statement (9242649), closes #943
- Fixed Issue with cached tsconfig language level (efa3ffe)
- Fixes Quantum splitting but when resources have many dependents (b181121), closes #949
- Fixing QuantumBit module movement mechanism (a528c9b)
- Fixing Sparky fuse context (49bd656)
- Incorrect dynamic module resolution (#982) (2160073)
- Issue with npm module dependencies being pulled into shared reference (#955) (1aa514c)
- LanguageLevel doesn't detect es2015 "const", "let" and "arrow function" (#917) (145912c)
- Modules are not moved to split bundles even the belong there (eb9d36c)
- Printing fuse version is moved to FuseBox.init (#1000) (c61551e)
- Quantum crashed with undefined conditions on the plugin list (3ef03fa), closes #939
- Quantum Splitting and node_modules (a093cad)
- QuantumBit fixing circular dependency issue (3ab0651)
- related to package.json main directive (#992) (071dc57)
- ScriptTarget ES-edition to ES-year aliases (#990) (#1001) (cba2bec)
- Sparky combined tasks and new colours (51cf154)
- Sparky failed to copy sub directories (7fb285d)
- sparky: Update watch flow to use user base path (#996) (7a878ee), closes #995
- Sparky log (48fcf12)
- Sparky shortcut functions lose context (9b29153)
- tsc added to Sparky export (31e62c0)
- Ability to publish typescript sources to npm (91b3a28)
- add
-option to WebIndex-plugin (#942) (3668e7a) - Add fuse helper to Sparky (8315595)
- Add support for adding prefetch and preload tags. (#987) (567f0d8)
- Added a rename function and some documentation (#957) (62a2bae)
- Added npmPublish, bumpVersion for Sparky (82f553d)
- Added Sparky.exec (ae02e49)
- Adding default sparky context value (d5ba1e1)
- allow CSS mask images to be processed with PostCSSResourcePlugin (#925) (1f1941d)
- Allow to set root option on postcss-modules (#985) (b92de87)
- An ability to create context in Sparky (#962) (afca694)
- Ensure Quantum target matches FuseBox.init target (#953) (a65ee45)
- EnsureEs5 false in Quantum (44a099c)
- Generate tsconfig.json if not found with default values (#952) (53a24e7)
- Introducing Quantum noConflictApi option (e819318), closes #947 #914
- PostCSS added support for .pcss extension (#972) (9e4df9b)
- Responsive target should affect tsconfig and Quantum uglify target (#946) (3fb7176)
- sendPageReload and sendPageHMR from fuse.js (#921) (6635a10)
- Smart code splitting (3b5ba2e), closes #934 #926 #880 #771 #933 #895
- Smart Code Splitting respect splitConfig option (55bc66b)
- Support HMR of files included through CSS Modules @value (#999) (55cfe54)
2.4.0 (2017-10-26)
- Accepts only strings for sourceMaps (#860) (65e110f)
- Check for frozen object in polyfillNonStandardDefaultUsage (#850) (6137026)
- css plugin doesnt check type before calling generateCorrectSourceMap (#897) (2969f66)
- Ensure correct path names for last changed file in bundle for VueComponentPlugin (#878) (c67cffe)
- Ensures typescript plugin is used when vue lang="ts" (#861) (0716e63)
- Fixes code splitting issue when Quantum doesn't take path resolver (#867) (942e599)
- Only inject HMR code at end of bundle if a vue file has been processed (#858) (1b68718)
- WebWorker now works with VanillaAPI (#869) (e40ec64)
- Add CLI API functionality (#892) (fcd30fb)
- Allow path overrides configuration (05a47fb)
- Allow typescript decorators for vue components (#870) (18f783e)
- Extended Server require with import statements on remote files (#883) (12dfc01), closes #871
- object-rest-spread acorn parser extension (#864) (3c7d18e)
- shimsPath customisation in Quantum (50124ad)
- StylusPlugin and CSSDependencyExtractor + Cache (#857) (fd024b2)
- Uglify-es support for quantum (#884) (7add661)
- WebIndexPlugin now accepts a template as a string literal (#886) (2792c1d)
2.3.3 (2017-10-05)
- Fixes CopyPlugin regression where filenames had js extensions (3745977)
2.3.2 (2017-10-04)
2.3.1 (2017-10-03)
- check pkg main (#797) (3c219de)
- Entry point path failure when resolving at runtime (#823) (abd760f)
- FuseBox.import and Quantum - unable to remove the record (b5230fb)
- Quantum didn't handle replacement of if else conditions (de1eed3)
- quantum relative package requires (#802) (aa11433)
- respect log level for cache clear (#830) (2d8131f)
- add language target to control transpilation level (ec41a95)
- expose
in file info (#782) (440dd3e) - support object rest-spread (#837) (e130db2)
2.2.31 (2017-09-05)
2.2.3 (2017-09-04)
2.2.3-beta.21 (2017-09-03)
2.2.3-beta.20 (2017-09-01)
2.2.3-beta.19 (2017-09-01)
2.2.3-beta.18 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.17 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.16 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.15 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.14 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.13 (2017-08-30)
2.2.3-beta.12 (2017-08-28)
2.2.3-beta.11 (2017-08-28)
2.2.3-beta.10 (2017-08-24)
2.2.3-beta.9 (2017-08-24)
2.2.3-beta.8 (2017-08-24)
2.2.3-beta.7 (2017-08-23)
2.2.3-beta.6 (2017-08-18)
2.2.3-beta.5 (2017-08-18)
2.2.3-beta.4 (2017-08-18)
2.2.3-beta.3 (2017-08-17)
2.2.3-beta.2 (2017-08-17)
2.2.3-beta.1 (2017-08-17)
2.2.2 (2017-08-16)
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2.2.2-beta.16 (2017-08-16)
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2.2.2-beta.14 (2017-08-14)
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2.2.1-beta.5 (2017-07-12)
2.2.1-beta.4 (2017-07-11)
2.2.1-beta.3 (2017-07-10)
2.2.1-beta.2 (2017-07-08)
2.2.1-beta.1 (2017-07-08)
2.2.0 (2017-07-03)
2.2.0-beta.28 (2017-07-03)
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2.2.0-beta.25 (2017-06-28)
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2.2.0-beta.2 (2017-06-16)
2.2.0-beta.1 (2017-06-16)
2.1.0 (2017-06-11)
2.1.0-beta.18 (2017-06-11)
2.1.0-beta.17 (2017-06-08)
2.0.2 (2017-06-06)
2.1.0-beta.16 (2017-06-06)
2.1.0-beta.15 (2017-06-06)
2.1.0-beta.14 (2017-06-06)
2.1.0-beta.13 (2017-06-04)
2.1.0-beta.12 (2017-06-04)
2.1.0-beta.11 (2017-06-04)
2.0.2-beta.1 (2017-06-02)
2.0.12 (2017-05-31)
2.0.11 (2017-05-30)
2.0.1 (2017-05-30)
2.1.0-beta.10 (2017-05-23)
2.1.0-beta.9 (2017-05-22)
2.1.0-beta.8 (2017-05-22)
2.1.0-beta.7 (2017-05-21)
2.1.0-beta.6 (2017-05-21)
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2.1.0-beta.4 (2017-05-18)
2.1.0-beta.3 (2017-05-17)
2.1.0-beta.2 (2017-05-16)
2.1.0-beta.1 (2017-05-14)
- relative includes requires filename option (pug) (3c4ae38)
2.0.0 (2017-05-10)
2.0.0-beta.23 (2017-05-10)
2.0.0-beta.22 (2017-05-09)
2.0.0-beta.21 (2017-05-09)
2.0.0-beta.20 (2017-05-08)
2.0.0-beta.19 (2017-05-08)
2.0.0-beta.18 (2017-05-08)
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2.0.0-beta.9 (2017-05-01)
2.0.0-beta.8 (2017-04-30)
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2.0.0-beta.6 (2017-04-27)
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2.0.0-beta.2 (2017-04-25)
2.0.0-beta.1 (2017-04-20)
1.4.1-beta.25 (2017-04-19)
1.4.1-beta.24 (2017-04-19)
1.4.1-beta.23 (2017-04-13)
1.3.131 (2017-04-05)
1.3.130 (2017-04-02)
1.4.1-beta.21 (2017-03-31)
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1.4.1-beta.18 (2017-03-29)
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1.3.129 (2017-03-28)
1.4.1-beta.7 (2017-03-28)
1.4.1-beta.6 (2017-03-28)
1.4.1-beta.5 (2017-03-27)
1.4.1-beta.4 (2017-03-27)
1.4.1-beta.3 (2017-03-27)
1.4.1-beta.2 (2017-03-27)
1.4.1-beta.1 (2017-03-26)
1.3.128 (2017-03-14)
1.3.127 (2017-03-12)
1.3.126 (2017-03-09)
1.3.125 (2017-03-09)
1.3.124 (2017-03-08)
- modules: