Releases: wso2/product-es
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0
WSO2 Enterprise Store team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0!
WSO2 Enterprise Store (WSO2 ES) is your user-friendly introduction to the limitless possibilities of employing an enterprise store for fully federated enterprise asset management. Development teams and business users alike can easily and rapidly discover, subscribe to, and utilize any digital enterprise asset to increase productivity and efficiency of an organization. With features such as customizable views of asset lifecycles and usage statistics, and the ability to change and manage each asset lifecycle, WSO2 ES is a very flexible and powerful platform to provision and manage digital assets. It is backed by the award winning WSO2 Carbon middleware stack, which provides enterprise grade identity management and stability.
For more information on WSO2 Enterprise Store and to download the product please visit Also, take a look at the online product documentation.
How to Run
- Extract the downloaded zip
- Go to the bin directory in the extracted folder
- Run the or wso2server.bat as appropriate
- Launch a web browser and navigate to https://localhost:9443/carbon to access the admin console
- Navigate to https://localhost:9443/publisher to access the publisher web app
- Navigate to https://localhost:9443/store to access the store web app
- Use "admin", "admin" as the username and password to login as an admin
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 includes following features, improvements and bug fixes.
List of New Features in ES 2.1.0
List of Improvements in ES 2.1.0
Bug Fixes
Allow Users to Discover Assets
- Perform advance search queries
- Refine search results with Taxonomies and Tags
- Allow users to share experiences with Reviews and Ratings
- Bookmark assets with a customizable subscription process
Manage Assets
- Create and maintain asset metadata with the Publisher
- Categorize and organize assets using Tags and Taxonomies
- Control visibility of assets using an State XML Lifecycle
Plug-in Any Type of Digital Asset
- Extension mechanisms to add new asset types such as APIs, Web apps, mobile apps, and services - all in one store
- Increased flexibility with extension model enabling app-level and asset-level customizations
- Custom lifecycles for specific asset types
- Customize the subscription process relevant to the particular asset type such as download an eBook, subscribe to an API and install a mobile app
- Customize views of each asset type based on required preferences
- WSO2 Enterprise Store comes pre-loaded with provision for gadgets, websites with extensions available for apps and REST and SOAP services
Customizable Storefront
- Improved usability with revamped store and publisher UIs and added functionalities such as Role-Based Access-Control (RBAC)
- Responsive UIs portable on any device such as tablets
- Home page displays for all asset types
- Navigation menu for all asset types
- Search based on each asset’s custom attributes, tags and/or categories
- Sort assets based on rating, name and/or date created
- Individual page per asset with comments, rating, tags and other details of the asset for easy reference
- Personalized ‘My Items’ corner to display subscribed assets
Customizable Publisher
- Easily add new assets for a given asset type
- Asset type based view to manage each asset type as a group
- Graphical view of the entire lifecycle of an asset
- Manage the lifecycle of any asset
- Role based interactions to review and publish assets
- Historical views of asset lifecycle updates
- View of usage statistics of assets
Connect and Scale
- Connect to enterprise user stores to provide access to existing user bases
- Single-Sign on for Storefront and Publisher
- Clustered deployment for high availability and scalability
Known Issues
All the open issues pertaining to WSO2 Enterprise Store are reported at the following location:
How You Can Contribute
Mailing Lists
Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.
Developer List : |...
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 beta-2 Release
- [STORE-858] - Mobile UI issue - In registration page security question dropdown box not fit to screen size
- [STORE-1328] - Tenant users cannot view new assets although it is successfully created
- [STORE-1354] - Published gadgets are displayed when searched for gadgets in "In Review" state
- [STORE-1355] - Broken images are displayed when "no thumbnails" and "no banners" labels are viewed
- [STORE-1384] - [MSSQL] "Failed to initilize database. java.lang.NullPointerException" when starting the server
- [STORE-1387] - [STORE] Selected tag not visible in the listing page
- [STORE-1388] - [STORE] Styling issue with information pop over
- [STORE-1389] - [STORE] No spacing between asset cards
- [STORE-1394] - [STORE] Can not remove selected tag in tag cloud
- [STORE-1396] - Asset type hot deployment is not working
- [STORE-1404] - Empty "Current State Duration" in asset life cycle
- [STORE-1405] - [PUBLISHER] The lifecycle selection box does not reflect current lifecycle
- [STORE-1407] - Taxonomy - Wrong gadgets are filtered
- [STORE-1410] - Cannot edit the same filter added
- [STORE-1413] - Tenant Admin cannot login to the publisher without publisher role
- [STORE-1414] - Tenant Admin cannot login to the store without store role
- [STORE-1415] - Asset thumbnails are too close to each other in 1336 resolution
- [STORE-1416] - Selected tabs are not visible with Enterprise Store details page
- [STORE-1417] - Description is duplicated in the details page
- [STORE-1418] - Asset type icon is not visible in the asset details page
- [STORE-1420] - "Successfully subscribed to asset" is displayed when removing a bookmark
- [STORE-1421] - Need to refresh the page to bookmark an asset after unsubscribing from it
- [STORE-1422] - When searching for lcState and a space is included, wrong results are shown
- [STORE-1423] - [Store] All the published assets are shown when search for a lcState
[1] Product can be downloaded from
[2] Store Front URL : http://{host}:{9763}/store
[3] Store Back-office (Publisher) : http://{host}:{9763}/publisher
[5] JIRA Filter for WSO2 ES 2.1.0 BETA-2 :
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 alpha-2 Release
This is the beta-1 of the WSO2 Enterprise Store version 2.1.0, which will create a marketplace for your enterprise assets. You can download the beta at [1]. The beta-1 specifically contains the following new features,improvements and bug fixes.
New Feature
- [STORE-1393] - [STORE] Taxonomy Feature
- [STORE-1291] - [PUBLISHER] Show a message after updating tags
- [STORE-1351] - [STORE][Social Component] Give edit option to the user reviews
- [STORE-1377] - Adding search option pop over to ES
- [STORE-596] - Error when viewing a service created via custom extension.
- [STORE-597] - Make the thumbnail and image storage compatible with oracle DB
- [STORE-660] - Admin role is hard-coded in publisher and store
- [STORE-700] - Additional duplicate item is shown when editing asset with 'option' field
- [STORE-738] - Store Back-Office - UI(Margin) issue of Browse button used for Thumbnail and Banner fields
- [STORE-873] - Search box should have place holders.
- [STORE-967] - Store - Sorting Issue when filtered by tags
- [STORE-978] - [Keystore]When a different keystore with IS as an external IDP not allowing to login to publisher/store
- [STORE-1029] - Access deleted asset via a Bookmarked URL, get 500 error. From there if we click Go to Home, it directs to Store
- [STORE-1043] - When there are lot of fields for an asset type, when searching get pagination exception
- [STORE-1077] - Asset subscription process can not be customized globally
- [STORE-1090] - The users who doesnt have publisher role can visit the Asset create page via a boomarked URL.
- [STORE-1097] - Bookmarked assets are displayed as non bookmarked assets when they are searched from store basic search
- [STORE-1151] - ES /apis/asset/{id}/{action} API returns exception when incorrect payload is sent
- [STORE-1217] - Could not unpublish all assets from publisher
- [STORE-1259] - Bookmarking does not work on Safari
- [STORE-1261] - [STORE][PUBLISHER] Add a caret next to the name of the login/logout button
- [STORE-1263] - Change the color on dropdown
- [STORE-1267] - [STORE] Tag cloud visible in the top assets page
- [STORE-1268] - [PUBLISHER] The delete and lifecycle view contains an unformatted date time value
- [STORE-1269] - [PUBLISHER] Remove description field from the information blurb in the details page
- [STORE-1270] - [PUBLISHER] Add a breadcrumb to the asset pages
- [STORE-1272] - Cannot add multiple tags when creating assets
- [STORE-1273] - [PUBLISHER] Make notifications consistent
- [STORE-1275] - Bookmark related issues
- [STORE-1276] - SSO sign in error styling missing
- [STORE-1277] - Responsive issues in ES Store and Publisher
- [STORE-1279] - Change default asset icon
- [STORE-1280] - Fix sort icon (AZ) in both store and publisher
- [STORE-1283] - ES footer needs more contrast between background and the letters
- [STORE-1286] - Getting Unable to locate tenant configurations Error when calling http url
- [STORE-1287] - Make SSO sign-in page stylings identical with basic-auth sign-in page
- [STORE-1288] - Rectify the asset creation message
- [STORE-1289] - Add required * mark to new user registraion form
- [STORE-1290] - Email validation issue in store registration page
- [STORE-1292] - Remove statistics button from publisher
- [STORE-1294] - Enter an informative message to bookmarks tooltip
- [STORE-1297] - Refurbish the stylings of publisher asset details page
- [STORE-1298] - Social component related issues
- [STORE-1299] - No asset icon in the listing page
- [STORE-1301] - When registering new users numbers can enter as their First or Last Name
- [STORE-1304] - Incorrect default lifecycle added when you add a new site
- [STORE-1307] - Search history is not working for top assets page
- [STORE-1310] - Need to refresh the page in order to get the search results appear in the history
- [STORE-1315] - Advance search redesign UI to be more similar to other CRUD pages
- [STORE-1320] - Rxts with unbounded tables using options reset the values set when editing
- [STORE-1325] - Thumbnail issue in the newly created assets
- [STORE-1329] - [Publisher] UI improvements to the Version page
- [STORE-1330] - [STORE] Bookmarking improvements to the asset details page
- [STORE-1331] - [STORE] Bookmarking improvements to the My Items page
- [STORE-1332] - [PUBLISHER] Thumbnail icon issues in the listing and details pages
- [STORE-1333] - Username is case sensitive when saving assets in registry
- [STORE-1335] - [iphone] UI issues in the Store
- [STORE-1336] - [iphone] UI issues in the Publisher
- [STORE-1337] - [intermittent] Warning : Unable to locate an IDP Session Index for the provided session
- [STORE-1338] - Gadget's life cycle state is not moved to "Created" once it is created
- [STORE-1339] - Sites can be approved by a Publisher in "In-review" state rather than by a Reviewer
- [STORE-1343] - Issue in searching with MediaType operator
- [STORE-1345] - Cannot change the default asset type icon to a custom icon for a specific asset type
- [STORE-1346] - [Store] Remove the asset card when fail to remove bookmark in my bookmarks page
- [STORE-1347] - [Store][Social App] Users can rate same asset multiple times
- [STORE-1353] - The menu items overlap when the labels are lengthy...
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 beta-1 Release
Release Notes - WSO2 Enterprise Store - Version 2.1.0-BETA
This is the beta-1 of the WSO2 Enterprise Store version 2.1.0, which will create a marketplace for your enterprise assets. You can download the beta at [1]. The beta-1 specifically contains the following bug fixes.
- [STORE-560] - Options text not working
- [STORE-697] - ES does not support for option-text fields
- [STORE-844] - Copyrights of ES Back-office and store-front needs to be updated
- [STORE-882] - Mistake in removeTags method log.error messages
- [STORE-887] - Redirect user to login page - self sign up
- [STORE-959] - When pointing to the IBM jdk 1.7 and startup the sever back end exceptions can be seen.
- [STORE-976] - Clicking Signout from My Items throws Http 401 error
- [STORE-994] - Field attribute "readonly=false" is not indicated when rendering pages in Publisher
- [STORE-995] - [Internet Explorer] - Only quarter of the Lifecycle Flow Chart is displayed
- [STORE-997] - UI issue related to the search box in Store
- [STORE-1026] - Scroll Bar UI Issue in Search Box
- [STORE-1027] - When asset types are accessed from store, trace of errors are printing
- [STORE-1042] - Store- Exceptions in backend when assets are searched from asset-type list view
- [STORE-1052] - After creating a user via stores registration form entered data must be clear
- [STORE-1080] - Some ID is displayed with the asset in Advanced Search
- [STORE-1081] - Users who have both internal/publisher and internal/reviewer role can edit assets and create new version of assets that are in In-Review state which are created by someone else
- [STORE-1091] - Http 405 error displayed in User Reviews section when Browser Back button is clicked from Asset detail page
- [STORE-1093] - [mysql] - Exception thrown at server startup - Fresh pack with -Dsetup
- [STORE-1096] - [DB2]Cannot add reviews for asset with DB2
- [STORE-1112] - 500 error when trying to access secured extension APIs without logged in
- [STORE-1114] - [Store] Search with special charactors redirecting to an error page.
- [STORE-1141] - 500 error when clicking on store
- [STORE-1174] - [GC - Publisher] Validate options field in RXT
- [STORE-1179] - [Publisher] In publisher app assets page, user can't Identify the tab which they currently in
- [STORE-1183] - Life cycle rendering area is not properly shown in the GC [Publisher] for internet explorer 11
- [STORE-1184] - Lifecycle view in G-Reg publisher is not working in google chrome browser
- [STORE-1192] - [Publisher]Landing page search with empty string gives Error 500
- [STORE-1194] - [PUBLISHER] Readonly fields should contain a visual cue indicating that they cannot be edited
- [STORE-1197] - Go to Store and Go to Publisher links in the Sign In error page is mixed
- [STORE-1198] - [Jaggery-Modules] Refactor hasActionPermissionforPath to support anonymous users
- [STORE-1206] - Adding mandatory attribute for images in rxt file not working
- [STORE-1221] - Can not create more than one tag for a connector at same time in the publisher
- [STORE-1222] - Tags are shown inappropriately
- [STORE-1225] - [Store]Accessible asstets from store side which are not already published
- [STORE-1231] - Store and publisher top menu is vibrating when scrolling
- [STORE-1232] - Collapse issue in asset details page
- [STORE-1233] - Slide animation in asset edit page is different than the one in the overview page
- [STORE-1234] - Tags in the asset edit page is not rendered properly
- [STORE-1237] - [STORE] The asset details page displays all tags
- [STORE-1239] - [STORE] Sorting icon does not function in annonymous mode
- [STORE-1240] - [PUBLISHER] Delete UI should be migrated to GREG delete UI
- [STORE-1242] - Asset type colors should differ in the menu
- [STORE-1245] - Can not edit Provider in publisher when adding a new asset
- [STORE-1246] - [PUBLISHER] Unable to create a new version of an asset
- [STORE-1248] - [STORE] 500 error when accessing an asset that cannot viewed in annonymous mode
- [STORE-1250] - unable to add endpoints
- [STORE-1251] - Asset type icon is not aligned properly in publisher
- [STORE-1252] - Asset thumbnail looses responsiveness at smaller screen widths
- [STORE-1253] - [Publisher] Version number is not shown in asset details page
- [STORE-1254] - [PUBLISHER] Unable to add tags when creating an asset
- [STORE-1257] - [PUBLISHER] Default asset thumbnail does not appear
[1] Product can be downloaded from
[2] Store Front URL : http://{host}:{9763}/store
[3] Store Back-office (Publisher) : http://{host}:{9763}/publisher
Thank You,
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.1.0 alpha-1 Release
Release Notes - WSO2 Enterprise Store - Version 2.1.0-ALPHA-1
This is the ALPHA-1 of the WSO2 Enterprise Store version 2.1.0, which will create a marketplace for your enterprise assets. You can download the alpha at [1]. The ALPHA-1 release specifically contains following bug fixes, improvements, features and tasks.
New Feature
- [STORE-1229] - CLONE - Store search text box should maintain a list of last five searches performed
- [STORE-1199] - remove All Rights Reserved string from footer
- [STORE-1008] - Http Status code displayed for Trying to update asset fields that are readonly via REST API is 202. Expecting to see an Error Status Code
- [STORE-1122] - Add Cancel buttons in appropriate places
- [STORE-1131] - Adding category and tag based filtering
- [STORE-1139] - [G-REG] Store landing page does not show any of the added assets when not logged in
- [STORE-1148] - Publisher REST API regex validation for fields
- [STORE-1154] - Redirect user to login page after successful registration
- [STORE-1157] - Make store search box display what asset type is searched
- [STORE-1200] - All the URLs should be clickable
- [STORE-1201] - User must be made aware of check list item auto save
- [STORE-1202] - Need to change the size of the History label and a separator in the lifecycle view
- [STORE-1207] - Remove Duplicate Lifecycle details in Lifecycle view
- [STORE-998] - Assets can be created without having values for Required Fields from REST API
- [STORE-1013] - Assets cannot be created when Special Characters are added to Asset "Name"
- [STORE-1033] - Provide tag cloud support for ES
- [STORE-1041] - It loads only single row of assets at a time
- [STORE-1048] - [STORE] When scrolling it shows the loading asset info multiple times on top
- [STORE-1051] - [SERVER] On Asset delete successful message there is delete button
- [STORE-1053] - When creating assets, it allow to upload non image formats as images .
- [STORE-1054] - [Publisher] Can't say No to delete rest service
- [STORE-1068] - [STORE] Re-Login failed for store within the same session window
- [STORE-1071] - When adding a asset for teneant ,Backend print an error log
- [STORE-1082] - Tenant Store - Clicking Signout from asset detail page throws http 500 error page
- [STORE-1089] - Username as email - User with Publisher Role can publish assets without reviewer reviewing them
- [STORE-1105] - Values filled in URL field of a newly added RXT does not show at the Governance publisher
- [STORE-1106] - Custom drop down is not populating in Greg Publisher
- [STORE-1111] - [publisher] Remove artifact name from Add button
- [STORE-1115] - UI don't let you delete asset if you enable more then one meta.lifecycle.deletableStates
- [STORE-1120] - Publisher create asset page should load default value from RXT definition
- [STORE-1125] - Multiple lifecycle UI breaks when you click the select option in publisher in G-Reg
- [STORE-1127] - Sanitize get parameters in store/publisher and sso apps
- [STORE-1136] - ES lifecycle REST API calls does not communicate exceptions to REST clients
- [STORE-1137] - [G-Reg] Create an account on the Sign in page of the Store does not work.
- [STORE-1144] - [Publisher][API] Avaliable to create asset without passing values for the required fields
- [STORE-1149] - Enterprise Store Rest API - Association list exposes for incorrect end points
- [STORE-1150] - TYPO Error invocation rest endpoint
- [STORE-1153] - Some pages contain titles which should be customized in accordance with poduct gerg
- [STORE-1155] - Tags are not rendered properly in details page
- [STORE-1156] - Setting port offset value displays error page when trying to invoke 'User Reviews' tab in store
- [STORE-1158] - [Store] Landing page and Asset Listing page loading gets slower with asset count
- [STORE-1159] - Performance drawback due to asset loading spinner animation
- [STORE-1164] - Unable to update the value of a field for a soap service asset via the Publisher (GREG 5.1.0)
- [STORE-1169] - Asset Delete page shows wrong title
- [STORE-1172] - CLONE - When clicked on Goto store from Advanced search page redirected to new Another advance search instead store
- [STORE-1177] - Publisher/store login page provides browser cached usernames
- [STORE-1178] - CLONE - Enhancement for asset overview page URL fields
- [STORE-1185] - Store artifact creation process does not include namespace attribute in to new artifact creation
- [STORE-1186] - [STORE] Move the Social application functionality to the Store application
- [STORE-1187] - [STORE] Spaced queries do not work in the top-assets and listing page
- [STORE-1189] - [PUBLISHER] Allow users to naviagate to URLs entered after authentication
- [STORE-1191] - [STORE][PUBLISHER] Provide a way to change the basic auth page title
- [STORE-1193] - [STORE][PUBLISHER] Display the failure to login as an alert
- [STORE-1195] - [STORE][PUBLISHER] Session is not invalidated when the user logs out with basic auth
- [STORE-1211] - Email User Login not working when using 'authentication' method as 'basic'.
- [STORE-1212] - When using email login the '@' sign in username is not converted properly.
- [STORE-1213] - The '-AT-' needs to be converted to '-at-'.
- [STORE-1224] - [PUBLISHER] Life-cycle view is not rendered correctly in IE11
- [STORE-1226] - in SSO authentication mode session is not invalidated when server is restarted
[1] Product can be downloaded from
[2] Store Front URL : https://{host}:{9443}/store
[3] Store Back-office (P...
WSO2 Enterprise Store 2.0.0 Beta2 Release
This is the beta2 of the WSO2 Enterprise Store version 2.0.0, which will create a marketplace for your enterprise assets. Beta2 specifically contains following bug fixes, improvements, features and tasks.
- [STORE-177] - Rating for comments should be displayed in store main page
- [STORE-301] - Tag should only be visible only if that has one or more assets
- [STORE-400] - Publisher tables broken in low resolutions
- [STORE-473] - [Intermittent] Exception when server startup.
- [STORE-516] - assets can still be accessed after unpublishing them from back-office
- [STORE-517] - Enterprise Store H2 database growing repeatedly
- [STORE-523] - The incorrect rating values are displayed for assets in the Store
- [STORE-524] - Clicking on a tag does not list all assets that have the tag attached to it
- [STORE-525] - Improve invokeLcAction method to include the next state
- [STORE-526] - Serve assets from /assets instead of /asts
- [STORE-527] - Fix No checklist item found error when rendering the lifecycle view
- [STORE-545] - URL on View button of the top assets carousel is wrong
- [STORE-563] - Enable role specific login for publisher and store
- [STORE-586] - Change Hardcoded redirect paths for store and publisher apps
- [STORE-598] - Stop server trying to create resource at each server startup
- [STORE-610] - ES Publisher Statistics page date range picker does not work
- [STORE-625] - [Publisher] Add list view to Publisher
- [STORE-628] - [Publisher] Pagination support for the list view
- [STORE-653] - Support for RXT lifecycle element
- [STORE-662] - Same warning printed 3 times
- [STORE-664] - Search is not working in greg publisher.
- [STORE-665] - Delete artifact operation is not there in greg publisher
- [STORE-671] - Provide a nice drop down menu for versiong support
- [STORE-682] - Hard to find other versions in details pages (not user friendly)
- [STORE-688] - Asset delete option
- [STORE-696] - ES does not support for RXT field Tooltips
- [STORE-698] - ES top menu is not properly render when RXT name is long
- [STORE-704] - REST API breaks with non existing tenants
- [STORE-710] - Store Back Office - Disabled Asset Types can be accessed via URL
- [STORE-711] - Life Cycle History records are not updating - Internet Explorer
- [STORE-712] - [Internet Explorer] Once a Life Cycle status is Updated and Page refreshed, user is naviaged to the older session details
- [STORE-716] - Store Front - Disabled Asset Types can be accessed via URL
- [STORE-718] - Store Front - Bookmarked assets are displayed as Non Bookmarked Items in Asset List view
- [STORE-719] - UI Issue when Category dropdown list is expanded, in any asset List view which has the option - Internet Explorer
- [STORE-720] - If the Promote/Demote actions for an asset done via Admin Console, History Life Cycle records are not displayed in the Publisher
- [STORE-723] - Exception Thrown when creating account from Store Back-Office
- [STORE-725] - Watermark of Search field is "Search Gadgets" for every asset type
- [STORE-747] - Store - Clicking Register should direct to the Registration page
- [STORE-749] - Error while registering a user using a deleted username via store front and publisher
- [STORE-753] - Store - The default Image used for 'View-Source" is not visible in the UI with the white background
- [STORE-757] - My Subscription and My Bookmarks both are directed to the same location
- [STORE-763] - Adding Service Providers via ES carbon console throws Errors. Are these features needed by the ES?
- [STORE-764] - Error thrown trying to access "Add Identity Providers" via Carbon Console. Are these features needed by the ES?
- [STORE-773] - It takes more than 10+ seconds to display an asset created in the publisher list view
- [STORE-776] - Publisher/Store - Only Username watermark is shown in Sign In page
- [STORE-777] - Error when adding servicex without a version - Version is not a 'Required Field" in the servicex.rxt
- [STORE-778] - Changing the Required/Not Required state of fields via the rxt doesn't get reflected in the publisher
- [STORE-781] - Comments page is cropped in chrome and firefox
- [STORE-782] - Change default admin:admin username/password and test ES scenarios
- [STORE-785] - rxt - Marking a field as readonly="true" under table name="Overview" makes the field read only when even creating the asset
- [STORE-787] - Published assets are not visible when login with a tenant user to the store
- [STORE-788] - Tags in the asset details page lists all the tags for that asset type
- [STORE-794] - Copy feature does not copy images
- [STORE-795] - My items page is not accessible
- [STORE-797] - Publisher - Clickable element at the header of Advanced search directs the user to wsdl list view page
- [STORE-798] - When adding new gadgets no label name for tag box
- [STORE-799] - Publisher - Assets that hasn't got any tags are not properly displayed in the asset overview
- [STORE-801] - Publisher - Tenant users/admin cannot edit assets
- [STORE-802] - No results for version in advance search
- [STORE-805] - Rxt changes are not reflect after Graceful Restart/forced Restart via carbon
- [STORE-806] - Sort by Popularity Functionality is missing
- [STORE-810] - Store - Rating shown as 5 star for all assets when searched via the global search/advanced search
- [STORE-811] - Sorting Assets in publisher and store apps are not complete
- [STORE-812] - 401 Error thrown when Internal/Reviewer try to access Copy page ...
Fix to allow tenants to log in