This repo contains the source code of the front-end for The data-gathering scripts are elsewhere. runs on Ubuntu 12.10.
Install dependencies via OS package manager:
apt-get install git python-virtualenv python-lxml python-openid python-oauth2 \ python-iso8601 python-numpy python-scipy
Clone the source code. Besides this project, you'll also need @unitedstates/congress-legislators which is where legislator and committee information come from.
git clone git clone --recursive
Change directory to the source code root:
cd ./
Run the build script to install additional dependencies into a virtual environment:
Create a local settings file based on the example file:
to set up your database. The default configuration uses SQLite as the database and no database configuration is required. Fill in SECRET_KEY though. Here's how you can generate a SECRET_KEY:./ generate_secret_key
To enable search (for which complete instructions haven't been provided, so really skip this):
Install Solr:
apt-get install openjdk-7-jre jetty
Follow the instructions at:
Initialize the database and minify some files:
./ syncdb ./minify
Load some data:
wget{people,usc_sections,billterms}.json ./ loaddata django-fixture-people.json ./ loaddata django-fixture-usc_sections.json ./ loaddata django-fixture-billterms.json ./ committee # fails b/c meeting data not available ./build/ ./ bill --congress=113 --disable-index --disable-events ./ vote --congress=113 --disable-index --disable-events
If you configured Solr, you can remove --disable-index. For the sake of speed, --disable-events will skip the creation of the events table for bills, which is the basis for feeds and tracking, so that will be nonfunctional.
Check the site works by running the development server and visiting the URL specified by the runserver process.
./ runserver
To update the data in the future, first git-pull the congress-legislators repo to get the latest legislator information. Then:
build/ ./ person ./ committee --congress=113 ./ bill --congress=113 ./ vote --congress=113
TODO: We haven't set up any search indexing, so all of the search pages will come up empty.