- BNO055 is a system in package.
- A combination of cortex M0, microcontroller, fusion software is responsible of handling everything in the background.
- We are going to play with BNO055 from Raspberry Pi Pico by using MicroPython.
- I2C or IIC or SMBus Pins
- SCL: Clock line
- SDA: Data line
Slave1 Master Slave2
SCL <-> SCL <-> SCL
SDA <-> SDA <-> SDA
- Following infos are from datasheet
- The default I2C address of the BNO055 device is 0x29 (Datasheet 4.6 I2C Protocol)
- The default operation mode after power-on is CONFIGMODE. (3.3 Operation Modes)
- Incomplete Register Table (4.2.1 Register map Page 0)
Page Name Addr Default 0,1 Page ID 0x07 0x00 0 OPR_MODE 0x3D 0x1C 0 TEMP 0x34 0x00 0 CALIB_STAT 0x35 0x00 0 EUL_Heading_LSB 0x1A 0x00
- Setup an i2c obj (API doc)
from machine import Pin, I2C
i2c = I2C(id=0, scl=Pin(5), sda=Pin(4), freq=400000)
- Make sure we are at Page 0 (Different page, different register)
>>> i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x07, 1)
- Check if we are at CONFIGMODE
>>> "{0:b}".format(int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x3D, 1), 'little', True))
'10000' # 10000 is xxxx0000
- We read nothing in CONFIGMODE
>>> i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x34, 1) # TEMP
- Change operation mode from CONFIGMODE to NDOF
i2c.writeto_mem(0x29, 0x3D, b'\x0C') # 0x0C == xxxx1100
- Read Temperature
>>> temp = i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x34, 1)
>>> int.from_bytes(temp, 'little', True)
31 # Celsius Deg
- Read Calibration Status
>>> "{0:b}".format(int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x35, 1), 'little', True))
'110100' # Last two zeros means magnetometer is not calibrated
- Shake BNO055 and what happend
>>> "{0:b}".format(int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x35, 1), 'little', True))
'110011' # Calibrated
- Read Heading
import time
while 1:
print(int.from_bytes(i2c.readfrom_mem(0x29, 0x1A, 2), "little", True) / 16) # 16 is from Table 3-29: Euler angle data representation
An important quote from VitallyRaccoon's post: "To configure the module for i2c communication both jumpers should be closed."