The package ajdmom
is a Python
package designed for automatically deriving moment formulas
for the well-established affine jump diffusion (AJD) processes. ajdmom
can produce explicit closed-form
expressions for moments or conditional moments of any order, significantly enhancing the usability
of AJD models. Additionally, ajdmom
can compute partial derivatives of these moments with respect to the
model parameters, offering a valuable tool for sensitivity analysis. The package's modular architecture makes
it easy for adaptation and extension by researchers. ajdmom
is open-source and readily available for
installation from GitHub or the Python
package index (PyPI).
Currently, ajdmom
supports computations of moments, central moments, and covariances for the Heston
Stochastic Volatility (SV) model and its three AJD extensions:
- SVJ (SV with jumps in the price),
- Two-Factor SV,
- Two-Factor SV with jumps in the price.
Moreover, the package can compute partial derivatives of these quantities with respect to model parameters.
In addition, the package supports computations of conditional moments and conditional central moments for another three AJD extensions:
- SVVJ (SV with jumps in the variance),
- SVIJ (SV with independent jumps in the price and variance),
- SVCJ (SV with contemporaneous jumps in the price and variance).
The computations of conditional moments and conditional central moments is also supported for
- SRJD (Square-Root Jump Diffusion) process.
The moments and covariances obtained through ajdmom
have far-reaching implications for multiple domains,
including financial modelling, simulation and parameter estimation. For simulations, these moments can
establish the underlying probability distributions, leading to significant reductions in computational
time when contrasted with conventional numerical CF inversion techniques. In parameter estimation,
the moments serve to formulate explicit moment estimators while the likelihood functions are not analytically
solvable. Consequently, ajdmom
has the potential to become an essential instrument for researchers and
practitioners demanding comprehensive AJD model analysis.
To get the formula for the first moment
from ajdmom import mdl_1fsv # mdl_1fsv -> mdl_1fsvj, mdl_2fsv, mdl_2fsvj
from pprint import pprint
m1 = mdl_1fsv.moment_y(1) # 1 in moment_y(1) -> 2,3,4...
# moment_y() -> cmoment_y() : central moment
# dpoly(m1, wrt), wrt = 'k','theta',... : partial derivative
msg = "which is a Poly with attribute keyfor = \n{}"
print("moment_y(1) = "); pprint(m1); print(msg.format(m1.keyfor))
which produces:
moment_y(1) =
{(0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0): Fraction(-1, 2),
(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0): Fraction(1, 1)}
which is a Poly with attribute keyfor =
('e^{-kh}', 'h', 'k^{-}', 'mu', 'theta', 'sigma_v', 'rho', 'sqrt(1-rho^2)')
Within the produced results, the two principal key-value pairs, namely (0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0): Fraction(-1,2) and (0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0): Fraction(1,1), correspond to the following expressions:
respectively. The summation of these terms yields the first moment of the One-Factor SV model:
package successfully encapsulates
the model's dynamics into a computationally manipulable form, specifically leveraging a custom dictionary
data structure, referred to as Poly
, to encode the moment's expression.
The documentation is hosted on
This code is being developed on an on-going basis at the author's Github site.
For support in using this software, submit an issue.