provides a Kotlin implementation of an XMTP message API client for use with Android apps.
Use xmtp-android
to build with XMTP to send messages between blockchain accounts, including DMs, notifications, announcements, and more.
This SDK is in Pre-Preview status and ready for you to experiment with.
However, we do not recommend using Pre-Preview software in production apps. Software in this status is likely to change based on feedback.
Specifically, this SDK is currently building out an example app.
Follow along in the tracking issue for updates.
To learn more about XMTP and get answers to frequently asked questions, see FAQ about XMTP.
For a basic demonstration of the core concepts and capabilities of the xmtp-android
client SDK, see the Example app project. This is currently a work in progress.
While in Pre-Preview status, we plan to release in GitHub Packages. When this moves to Dev Preview status, we will have this released in Maven Central. For help consuming GitHub Packages, read this doc.
implementation 'org.xmtp:android:X.X.X'
The XMTP message API revolves around a message API client (client) that allows retrieving and sending messages to other XMTP network participants. A client must connect to a wallet app on startup. If this is the very first time the client is created, the client will generate a key bundle that is used to encrypt and authenticate messages. The key bundle persists encrypted in the network using an account signature. The public side of the key bundle is also regularly advertised on the network to allow parties to establish shared encryption keys. All of this happens transparently, without requiring any additional code.
// You'll want to replace this with a wallet from your application.
val account = PrivateKeyBuilder()
// Create the client with your wallet. This will connect to the XMTP `dev` network by default.
// The account is anything that conforms to the `XMTP.SigningKey` protocol.
val client = Client().create(account = account)
// Start a conversation with XMTP
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
// Load all messages in the conversation
val messages = conversation.messages()
// Send a message
conversation.send(text = "gm")
// Listen for new messages in the conversation
conversation.streamMessages().collect {
print("${message.senderAddress}: ${message.body}")
A client is created with Client().create(account: SigningKey): Client
that requires passing in an object capable of creating signatures on your behalf. The client will request a signature in two cases:
- To sign the newly generated key bundle. This happens only the very first time when a key bundle is not found in storage.
- To sign a random salt used to encrypt the key bundle in storage. This happens every time the client is started, including the very first time).
The client connects to the XMTPdev
environment by default. UseClientOptions
to change this and other parameters of the network connection.
// Create the client with a `SigningKey` from your app
val options = ClientOptions(api = ClientOptions.Api(env = XMTPEnvironment.PRODUCTION, isSecure = true))
val client = Client().create(account = account, options = options)
You can save your keys from the client via the privateKeyBundle
// Create the client with a `SigningKey` from your app
val options = ClientOptions(api = ClientOptions.Api(env = XMTPEnvironment.PRODUCTION, isSecure = true))
val client = Client().create(account = account, options = options)
// Get the key bundle
val keys = client.privateKeyBundle
// Serialize the key bundle and store it somewhere safe
val keysData = keys.toByteArray()
Once you have those keys, you can create a new client with Client.from
val keys = PrivateKeyBundle.parseFrom(keysData)
val client = Client().buildFrom(bundle = keys, options = options)
You can configure the client's network connection and key storage method with these optional parameters of Client.create
Parameter | Default | Description |
env | DEV |
Connect to the specified XMTP network environment. Valid values include DEV , .PRODUCTION , or LOCAL . For important details about working with these environments, see XMTP production and dev network environments. |
// Configure the client to use the `production` network
val options = ClientOptions(api = ClientOptions.Api(env = XMTPEnvironment.PRODUCTION, isSecure = true))
val client = Client().create(account = account, options = options)
, andappVersion
parameters from the XMTP client SDK for JavaScript (xmtp-js) are not yet supported.
Most of the time, when interacting with the network, you'll want to do it through conversations
. Conversations are between two accounts.
// Create the client with a wallet from your app
val client = Client().create(account = account)
val conversations = client.conversations.list()
You can get a list of all conversations that have had one or more messages exchanged in the last 30 days.
val allConversations = client.conversations.list()
for (conversation in allConversations) {
print("Saying GM to ${conversation.peerAddress}")
conversation.send(text = "gm")
These conversations include all conversations for a user regardless of which app created the conversation. This functionality provides the concept of an interoperable inbox, which enables a user to access all of their conversations in any app built with XMTP.
You might choose to provide an additional filtered view of conversations. To learn more, see Handle multiple conversations with the same blockchain address and Filter conversations using conversation IDs and metadata.
You can also listen for new conversations being started in real-time. This will allow apps to display incoming messages from new contacts.
client.conversations.stream().collect {
print("New conversation started with ${it.peerAddress}")
// Say hello to your new friend
it.send(text = "Hi there!")
You can create a new conversation with any Ethereum address on the XMTP network.
val newConversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
To be able to send a message, the recipient must have already created a client at least once and consequently advertised their key bundle on the network. Messages are addressed using account addresses. The message payload must be a plain string.
Other types of content are currently not supported.
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
conversation.send(text = "Hello world")
You can receive the complete message history in a conversation by calling conversation.messages()
for (conversation in client.conversations.list()) {
val messagesInConversation = conversation.messages()
It may be helpful to retrieve and process the messages in a conversation page by page. You can do this by calling conversation.messages(limit: Int, before: Date)
which will return the specified number of messages sent before that time.
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
val messages = conversation.messages(limit = 25)
val nextPage = conversation.messages(limit = 25, before = messages[0].sent)
You can listen for any new messages (incoming or outgoing) in a conversation by calling conversation.streamMessages()
A successfully received message (that makes it through the decoding and decryption without throwing) can be trusted to be authentic. Authentic means that it was sent by the owner of the message.senderAddress
account and that it wasn't modified in transit. The message.sent
timestamp can be trusted to have been set by the sender.
The flow returned by the stream
methods is an asynchronous data stream that sequentially emits values and completes normally or with an exception.
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
conversation.streamMessages().collect {
if (it.senderAddress == client.address) {
// This message was sent from me
print("New message from ${it.senderAddress}: ${it.body}")
This package does not currently include thestreamAllMessages()
functionality from the XMTP client SDK for JavaScript (xmtp-js).
With XMTP, you can have multiple ongoing conversations with the same blockchain address. For example, you might want to have a conversation scoped to your particular app, or even a conversation scoped to a particular item in your app.
To accomplish this, you can pass a context with a conversationId
when you are creating a conversation. We recommend conversation IDs start with a domain, to help avoid unwanted collisions between your app and other apps on the XMTP network.
// Start a scoped conversation with ID mydomain.xyz/foo
val conversation1 = client.conversations.newConversation(
context = InvitationV1ContextBuilder.buildFromConversation("mydomain.xyz/foo")
// Start a scoped conversation with ID mydomain.xyz/bar. And add some metadata
val conversation2 = client.conversations.newConversation(
context = InvitationV1ContextBuilder.buildFromConversation("mydomain.xyz/bar", metadata = mapOf("title", "Bar conversation"))
// Get all the conversations
val conversations = client.conversations.list()
// Filter for the ones from your app
val myAppConversations = conversations.filter {
val conversationId = it.context?.conversationId ?: return@filter false
You can decode a single Envelope
from XMTP using the decode
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
// Assume this function returns an Envelope that contains a message for the above conversation
val envelope = getEnvelopeFromXMTP()
val decodedMessage = conversation.decode(envelope)
You can save a conversation object locally using its encodedContainer
property. This returns a ConversationContainer
object which conforms to Codable
// Get a conversation
val conversation = client.conversations.newConversation("0x3F11b27F323b62B159D2642964fa27C46C841897")
// Dump it to JSON
val gson = GsonBuilder().create()
val data = gson.toJson(conversation)
// Get it back from JSON
val containerAgain = gson.fromJson(data.toString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8), ConversationV2Export::class.java)
// Get an actual Conversation object like we had above
val decodedConversation = containerAgain.decode(client)
decodedConversation.send(text = "hi")
All the send functions support SendOptions as an optional parameter. The contentType option allows specifying different types of content than the default simple string, which is identified with content type identifier ContentTypeText. Support for other types of content can be added by registering additional ContentCodecs with the Client. Every codec is associated with a content type identifier, ContentTypeId, which is used to signal to the Client which codec should be used to process the content that is being sent or received. See XIP-5 for more details on codecs and content types.
Codecs and content types may be proposed as interoperable standards through XRCs. If there is a concern that the recipient may not be able to handle a non-standard content type, the sender can use the contentFallback option to provide a string that describes the content being sent. If the recipient fails to decode the original content, the fallback will replace it and can be used to inform the recipient what the original content was.
// Assuming we've loaded a fictional NumberCodec that can be used to encode numbers,
// and is identified with ContentTypeNumber, we can use it as follows.
Client.register(codec = NumberCodec())
val options = ClientOptions(api = ClientOptions.Api(contentType = ContentTypeNumber, contentFallback = "sending you a pie"))
aliceConversation.send(content = 3.14, options = options)
Message content can be optionally compressed using the compression option. The value of the option is the name of the compression algorithm to use. Currently supported are gzip and deflate. Compression is applied to the bytes produced by the content codec.
Content will be decompressed transparently on the receiving end. Note that Client enforces maximum content size. The default limit can be overridden through the ClientOptions. Consequently a message that would expand beyond that limit on the receiving end will fail to decode.
conversation.send(text = '#'.repeat(1000), options = ClientOptions.Api(compression = EncodedContentCompression.GZIP))
As a performance optimization, you may want to persist the list of conversations in your application outside of the SDK to speed up the first call to client.conversations.list()
The exported conversation list contains encryption keys for any V2 conversations included in the list. As such, you should treat it with the same care that you treat private keys.
You can get a JSON serializable list of conversations by calling:
val client = Client().create(wallet)
val conversations = client.conversations.export()
// To load the conversations in a new SDK instance you can run:
val client = Client.create(wallet)
val conversations = JSON.parse(loadConversationsFromSomewhere())
val client.importConversation(conversations)
Because xmtp-android
is in active development, you should expect breaking revisions that might require you to adopt the latest SDK release to enable your app to continue working as expected.
XMTP communicates about breaking revisions in the XMTP Discord community, providing as much advance notice as possible. Additionally, breaking revisions in an xmtp-android
release are described on the Releases page.
Older versions of the SDK will eventually be deprecated, which means:
- The network will not support and eventually actively reject connections from clients using deprecated versions.
- Bugs will not be fixed in deprecated versions.
The following table provides the deprecation schedule.
Announced | Effective | Minimum Version | Rationale |
There are no deprecations scheduled for xmtp-android at this time. |
Bug reports, feature requests, and PRs are welcome in accordance with these contribution guidelines.
XMTP provides both production
and dev
network environments to support the development phases of your project.
The production
and dev
networks are completely separate and not interchangeable.
For example, for a given blockchain account, its XMTP identity on dev
network is completely distinct from its XMTP identity on the production
network, as are the messages associated with these identities. In addition, XMTP identities and messages created on the dev
network can't be accessed from or moved to the production
network, and vice versa.
When you create a client, it connects to the XMTPdev
environment by default. To learn how to use theenv
parameter to set your client's network environment, see Configure the client.
The env
parameter accepts one of three valid values: dev
, production
, or local
. Here are some best practices for when to use each environment:
: Use to have a client communicate with thedev
network. As a best practice, setenv
while developing and testing your app. Follow this best practice to isolate test messages todev
inboxes. -
: Use to have a client communicate with theproduction
network. As a best practice, setenv
when your app is serving real users. Follow this best practice to isolate messages between real-world users toproduction
inboxes. -
: Use to have a client communicate with an XMTP node you are running locally. For example, an XMTP node developer can setenv
to generate client traffic to test a node running locally.
The production
network is configured to store messages indefinitely. XMTP may occasionally delete messages and keys from the dev
network, and will provide advance notice in the XMTP Discord community.