The code is tested with Python3.8, PyTorch == 1.12.1, CUDA == 11.7, mmdet3d == 1.0.0rc6, mmcv_full == 1.6.2, mmdet == 2.28.1 and MinkowskiEngine == 0.5.4. We recommend you to use anaconda to make sure that all dependencies are in place.
Step 0. Download and install Miniconda from the official website.
Step 1. Create a conda environment and activate it.
conda create --name mmdet3d python=3.8 -y
conda activate mmdet3d
Step 2. Install PyTorch following official instructions, e.g.
conda install pytorch torchvision -c pytorch
Step 3. Following mmdetection3d to install pytorch, mmcv, mmdet and mmdet3d.
Step 4. Install MinkowskiEngine.
conda install openblas-devel -c anaconda
pip install -U git+ -v --no-deps --install-option="--blas_include_dirs=/opt/conda/include" --install-option="--blas=openblas"
Step 5. Install other dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt