The project is built for CS410P the Rust Programming course in Portland State University (Summer 2019).
- Frontend project
- Webapp
- Yew (the framework used in the project)
Table of Contents
Yiming Lin (Email address:
This is a frontend project that implements the traditional Chinese card game named "Dou dizhu". The framework used in this project is "Yew", which is a frontend web application framework.
This game has tons of ways to play, there are lots of mode to play as well. In this project, one of the game mode called "final phase" is implemented. It requires One player to play with computer. The player and the computer play in turn: discard cards by a set of rules, or give up current turn's right to discard cards. If the player has no card left, the player wins the computer; otherwise, the computer wins the player.
- In this project, player always discard cards firstly, then computer does.
- Once player finishes discarding card, the computer searches its owned cards that have the same pattern, also the value is greater than the cards the player has already discarded to discard; otherwase, the computer is forced to give up right to discard cards in this turn. Note: this step will be explained in detail in "The Rules of Card Pattern and Value"
- After the computer discarding cards or giving up its right to discard cards, the turn is back to player. If the player can't discard cards (becase the player doesn't have cards that have the same pattern as computer discarded, or its value is less than computer discarded), the turn goes to computer again.
- Repeat process 2 and 3 until either the player or the computer has no card left first.
Individual cards are ranked.
2 > Ace (A) > King (K) > Queen (Q) > Jack (J) > 10 > 9 > 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 3. -
3-3-3-3 (the lowest ranking Bomb)
2-2-2-2 (the highest ranking Bomb)
It can beat any other category (pattern) and individual card except Rocket or another Bomb with a higher or equal rank. -
Compare only the same Category (Pattern)
A player can only beat the prior hand using of the same category (pattern) but not the others. -
Compare only the Chains with the same length except rocket and bomb
For example, although both 9-10-J-Q-K and 3-4-5-6-7-8-9 are Single Chains, 9-10-J-Q-K cannot beat 3-4-5-6-7-8-9, nor vice versa. -
Jokers and 2 are non-consecutive cards
Examples of illegal Chain: 2-3-4-5-6, 2-2-2-3-3-3 w/ A-A-7-7, K-A-2 + B&W Joker + Colored Joker. -
Categories (patterns)
- solo: Any single card.
- solo chain: ≥ Five consecutive individual cards (like 3-4-5-6-7, 10-J-Q-K-A ...)
- pair: Two matching cards of equal rank (like 3-3, 5-5, 2-2 ...)
- pair chain: ≥ Three consecutive pairs (like 3-3-4-4-5-5, 10-10-J-J-Q-Q-K-K ...)
- Trio: Three individual cards of the same rank (like 3-3-3, 4-4-4, 2-2-2 ...)
- Airplane: ≥ Two consecutive trios (like 3-3-3-4-4-4, 7-7-7-8-8-8 ...) Note: airplane can followed by two random solos, or two random pairs (like 5-5-5-6-6-6-J-A, 4-4-4-5-5-5-A-A-2-2 ...)
pub struct Model {
console: ConsoleService, // browser console log
player_cards: Vec<Card>, // player owned card
player_buffer: Vec<Card>, // player selected card to hand in
player_message: String, // message output for player
computer_cards: Vec<Card>, // computer owned card
computer_buffer: Vec<Card>, // computer handed cards in the last turn
computer_strategy: ComputerPlayer, // computer's cards pattern strategy (in order to // reserve chains and bombs)
computer_pass: bool, // computer pass this turn
has_result: bool, // whether current game has a winner
mission: u32, // current game mission number
game_message: String, // message for the whole game
total_mission: u32, // total missions in this game
pub enum Msg {
PlayerCardClicked(Card), // event that player has selected a card in owned cards
PlayerBufferClicked(Card), // event thta player has deselected a card in card buffer
ObtainCard(bool), // whether need to grab new cards from
PlayerHandIn, // event that player hand in card
PlayerPass, // event that player pass this turn
impl Component for Model {
type Message = Msg;
type Properties = ();
// Initialize the game state
fn create(_: Self::Properties, _: ComponentLink<Self>) -> Self {
// Fetch user's cards and computer player's cards
let (user, computer) = get_cards(1u32);
// Build up computer player's strategy: Pattern division by bombs, chains, trios, pairs
let strategy = ComputerPlayer::new(computer);
// Get all computer cards from strategy to display
let computer_card = strategy.display();
Model {
console: ConsoleService::new(), // initialize browser's console log function
player_cards: user, // initialize user's owned cards
player_buffer: vec![], // initialize an empty buffer for player buffer
player_message: String::new(), // initialize empty string for user message
computer_cards: computer_card, // initialize computer player's card
computer_buffer: vec![], // initialize an empty buffer for computer player
computer_strategy: strategy, // setup computer strategy
computer_pass: false, // computer player cannot pass without a previous turn
has_result: false, // do not have a result at the beginning
mission: 1u32, // the first mission
game_message: String::new(), // initialize empty string for game message
total_mission: 6u32, // current total missions in this game
// this function trigger the HTML page updating, all the HTML elements are bound to the
// strcut Model
fn update(&mut self, msg: Self::Message) -> ShouldRender {
match msg {
Msg::PlayerCardClicked(card) => {
// event: player clicked a card from its owned cards
// remove the clicked Card object from the vector, player_cards
// and append it to the player_buffer
Msg::PlayerBufferClicked(card) => {
// event: player clicked a card from its card buffer
// remove the clicked Card object from the vector of player_buffer
// and append it to the vector, player_cards
Msg::PlayerHandIn => {
// event: player clicked "hand in" button
// if the pattern is invalid or the value is not greater than computer
// player handed cards, move all the cards in player_buffer to the
// player_cards
// otherwise, clear player_buffer, and computer player search for greater
// cards in the same pattern
// if computer player doesn't have such cards, pass
Msg::PlayerPass => {
// event: player clicked "pass" button
// clear player_buffer vector, and append all the cards in player_buffer
// to the player_cards
// computer player hand in cards based on its created "strategy"
Msg::ObtainCard(selection) => {
// obtain new two vectors of Card, from, one for user and the other
// for computer player
// start up a new game
// setup all the fields in Model with initial states
// The top-level HTML code.
// The values in each element are bound to the struct Model
// User triggered the changing of Model via HTML, and changed values will
// trigger update() so the HTML page will be re-rendered without refresh the
// webpage
impl Renderable<Model> for Model {
fn view(&self) -> Html<Self> {
let pass_btn = match self.computer_buffer.len() {
0 => "display: none",
_ => "display: inline",
html! {
<SelectUI display=&self.has_result message=&self.game_message onsignal=Msg::ObtainCard />
<div class="computer-container">
<CardBufUI cards=&self.computer_cards />
<CardBufUI cards=&self.computer_buffer ispass=self.computer_pass />
<div class="user-container">
<CardBufUI cards=&self.player_buffer onsignal=Msg::PlayerBufferClicked />
<CardBufUI cards=&self.player_cards onsignal=Msg::PlayerCardClicked />
<div class="user-button-container">
<button onclick=|_| Msg::PlayerHandIn>{ "Hand in" }</button>
<button style=pass_btn onclick=|_| Msg::PlayerPass>{ "Pass" }</button>
<p>{ &self.player_message }</p>
// The following example demonstates the way that all the patterns are
// searched from a slice of Card whose order has already been sorted
// in ascending form
// Pair, Trio, SoloChain, PairChain implements this algorithm
// Airplane is formed by Trios, and Pairs or Solos, which can reuse
// the code in Trios, Solos and Pairs.
// Bomb is simple, and special in Dou-dizhu, thus not implement it.
// Wrap up a slice of Card and search solo chains from that slice
pub struct SoloChainSearch<'a> {
cards: &'a [Card],
// Fields are used to reserve current state before calling next()
impl<'a> IntoIterator for SoloChainSearch<'a> {
type Item = Vec<usize>;
type IntoIter = SoloChainIterator<'a>;
fn into_iter(self) -> Self::IntoIter {
SoloChainIterator {
index: 0,
previous: 0,
start_val: 0,
pub struct SoloChainIterator<'a> {
cards: &'a [Card], // a slice of Card
index: usize, // current index of that slice
previous: u32, // previous value of that Card
start_val: u32, // the starting value of next()
// Iterator all the solochains from a slice of Card, next() returns
// a vector of indices in that slice
// For example:
// We have a group of Card with the following values:
// [3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,13,14]
// The 1st time next() returns:
// [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
// The 2nd time next() returns:
// [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
// The 3rd time next() returns:
// [2,3,4,5,6,7]
// The 4rd time next() returns:
// [3,4,5,6,7]
// Notice that the length of a solochain must be greater than 4.
// The above example demonstrates that all the solo chains are
// iterated
impl<'a> Iterator for SoloChainIterator<'a> {
type Item = Vec<usize>;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Vec<usize>> {
let mut result: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
let mut start_at = self.index;
let mut start_at_moved = false;
if self.index < {
while self.index < {
// Get the current value of current index (self.index)
let current =[self.index].value;
// if the current value is same as starting value
// increment the starting index
if self.start_val + 1 == current && !start_at_moved {
start_at = self.index;
start_at_moved = true;
if current == self.previous {
// if the current value is same as the previous value
// increment the self.index without doing anything
self.index += 1;
} else if current == self.previous + 1 {
// if the current value is greater than the previous value by 1
// save that index and increment the self.index
self.previous = current;
self.index += 1;
} else if result.len() >= 5 {
// if the current result vector of indices has already greater than 4
// __AND__ previous value plus one is not equal to current value
// which means the chain is broken
// return the indices
self.index = start_at;
self.start_val = current;
return Some(result);
} else {
// if the chain is broken, and the length of index vector is not
// greater than 4. Clear the previous index vector, and let current
// self.index as the starting point
result = Vec::new();
start_at_moved = false;
self.start_val = current;
self.previous = current;
self.index += 1;
if result.len() >= 5 {
self.start_val =[start_at].value;
self.index = start_at;
} else {
} else {
In your command line:
cargo install --force cargo-web
cargo web build
cargo web start
Then open your browser: use the following url:
In your command line:
# test in node.js environment
wasm-pack test --node
This test requries wasm-pack dependency (to get that):
# visit wasm-pack website:
curl -sSf | sh