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Mapping Summon Content Type and Fields

MaggieZhao edited this page May 15, 2019 · 6 revisions

This document includes the information that we refer to map Summon Content Types or response fields to the corresponding reference types or fields. The Gem maps summon responded fields to RIS/Endnote/RefWorks tagged formats.

Mapping Summon Content Types/Fields to corresponding Reference types/fields

Mapping Summon Content Types to corresponding Reference types

Note: If a mapping is not found, will use "GEN" (The name of Generic in RIS tag) as the reference type. TY in the RIS mapping fields specifies the reference type

Mapping tags (RefWorks/Endnote/RIS) with the Summon fields

Other references:

  1. Endnote Direct Import

  2. RIS format

  3. RefWorks
    RefWorks Direct Export