activerun [legacy input] [legacy data]
activerun -i [json input]
activerun -r [restart file]
- Legacy Input: Row-specified Data
- Json Input: Input with json format. A json with default value will be created if input not found.
kT 1.0
dt 0.000005 # absolute timestep
stepstauB 1 # step for tauB (not tauR)
zeta(stokes) 1 # zeta when radius=1.0
overlap(a) 0.0000001
PeR 0.05
brownrot 1 # not work
browntrans 1 # not work
PeS 0.0
attraction 1 # not work
swimattract 1 # not work
morse 1
HS 0 # not work
Rg(a) 0.1
kappa 30
Um(kT) 5
output 10000
swimstart 0
spstart 0
mincellL 2
Currently the type of forces need to be changed manually.
"neta":0.026525823848649224, # viscosity coeff
"temp":1.0 # temperature for Brownian Force
"brownian":true, # not work
"init_seed":0, # seed for randomize angle
"global_seed":0, # random seed for whole running session
"restart":{ # configure for restart
"step":200000, # if start from restart file, it's the total step
"timestep":5e-06 # absolute timestep
"thermo":{ # thermodynamic property (currently only pressure and temperature)
"average_range":10, # average so many step around sample point
"thermo_step":100, # calculate step
"np":2 # core number