TL;DR: Had to take Friday 4pm class, made bot that will enrol me in Thursday class if it becomes available.
- From your favourite browser, inspect element, select the network tab, and go to the uts timetable login page. If you're using Google Chrome make sure to select preserve log.
- Login to the timetable app, and select the class for the subject that you'd like to change.
- From the list of network calls, select the network call to:
aplus2017/rest/student/{student number}/subject/{subject code}/group/{class type}/activities/?ss={login token}
- Take note of the subject code, the class type, and the activity codes for the classes you'd like to enrol in.
- Install python, pip, and virtualenvs. Virtualenvs is optional, skip to 4 if not using them.
- Create the virtualenv
virtualenv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Edit the with the appropriate values
- Wait for success (hopefully!)
For your own sanity, it might be worth checking that emails are working correctly by running python