Welcome to my portfolio repository! This project showcases my professional journey, skills, and projects, providing an overview of my work as a software engineer and computer science enthusiast.
This portfolio is a personal website designed to highlight my skills, showcase my projects, and share my professional journey. It serves as a dynamic resume and a platform to connect with potential collaborators, employers, and like-minded individuals.
The project is built using:
- HTML: For structure and layout.
- CSS: For styling and design.
- JavaScript: For interactive features and dynamic content.
- Professional introduction and about me section.
- Showcase of projects with descriptions and links to live demos or GitHub repositories.
- Contact section with social links.
- Responsive design for seamless viewing across devices.
Feel free to connect with me:
Email: yashpandharish@vt.edu
GitHub: yash-kulkarni2000
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yash-kulkarni-657b971b9/
Thank you for visiting my portfolio repository! If you have any suggestions or feedback, feel free to open an issue or reach out to me.