SpotiDL is a free program which you can install and use easily to download spotify songs and playlists for offline usage without premium.
- Node.js (
- Download the zip file from github or if you have git clone you can run
git clone
- Go to .example.env and change its name to .env
- Put in your spotify API client ID and client Secret.
- Open command prompt window in the directory.
- Run
npm i
- Now, copy the link of the spotify song/playlist you want to download.
- Run the following command
node index.js spotify-link
- Your track/playlist will be downloaded in a few moments depending on length of track or number of songs.
There is no help command yet, I am still working on it. In case of any bugs please DM me on Discord (General Kenobi#6680)
- Yash Madaan (General Kenobi#6680)
- Aayush Garg
- 0.1
- Initial Release