When the user send a picture to the bot. At the first, it will crop an square picture from the center of the picture. Then, it will add the foreground.png to the square picture. Finally the bot send the result back to the user.
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Change PASSWORD in second line with a powerful password including uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers and symbols
CREATE USER 'profilebot'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'PASSWORD';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON profilebot.* TO 'profilebot'@'localhost';
Rename config.ini.sample file to config.ini . in config.ini file, at telegram section assign token with your telegram bot token. Also assign support_id with your personal account id. You can find your account id from t.me/myidbot. in config.ini file, at mysql section change password with the password you entered at previous step for database user.
In bot.service change "/path/to/file"s with path of your project Move bot.service to /usr/lib/systemd/system/profile-bot.service Execute bellow commands
systemctl daemon-reload
service profile-bot start
service profile-bot enable