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File metadata and controls

37 lines (29 loc) · 2.02 KB


This an extension for the MagicMirror.

It presents low and high water time predictions for given tide stations. Data is pulled from WorldTides. A valid user account is required to pull data. 1000 request per month are free, more requests would require a monthly fee.


Open a terminal session, navigate to your MagicMirror's modules folder and execute git clone, a new folder called MMM-WorldTides will be created.

Activate the module by adding it to the config.js file as shown below.

Using the module

modules: [
  module: 'MMM-WorldTides',
  position: 'top_right',
  config: {
    longitude: '', //longitude and latitude need to be written with . instead of ,
    latitude: '',
    appid: '' //appid needs to be requested from

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Values Description
longitude REQUIRED The simplest way to get longitude and latitude is to visit WorldTides, enter the city you want to add and the website will return the nearest station to your request. Please write down longitude and latitude with . instead of ,
latitude REQUIRED see above
appid REQUIRED The WorldTides API Key, which can be obtained by creating an account.
length Default: 172800 (2 days)
Maximum: 604800 (7 days)
The amount of days to be retrieved, provided in seconds.
hightideSymbol Default: 'fa fa-upload' A custom css value to change the symbol for flood. You can use symbols like 'wi weathericon wi-flood' WeatherIcons, 'fa fa-level-up' fontawesome
lowtideSymbol Default: 'fa fa-download' A custom css value to change the symbol for ebb.