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103 lines (95 loc) · 3.71 KB

File metadata and controls

103 lines (95 loc) · 3.71 KB
 ____  __  __ ____  ____  ____
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DMR++ files generator is a cloud based activity that generate DMRPP files from netCDF4 and HDF files

📖 Documentation


We are following v<major>.<minor>.<patch> versioning convention, where:

  • <major>+1 means we changed the infrastructure and/or the major components that makes this software run. Will definitely lead to breaking changes.
  • <minor>+1 means we upgraded/patched the dependencies this software relays on. Can lead to breaking changes.
  • <patch>+1 means we fixed a bug and/or added a feature. Breaking changes are not expected.

🔨 Pre-requisite

This module is meant to run within Cumulus stack. If you don't have Cumulus stack deployed yet please consult this repo and follow the documetation to provision it.

Deploying with Cumulus Stack

In file (where you defined cumulus module) add

module "dmrpp-generator" {
 // Required parameters
 source = "<tag_num>/"
 cluster_arn = module.cumulus.ecs_cluster_arn
 log2elasticsearch_lambda_function_arn = module.cumulus.log2elasticsearch_lambda_function_arn
 region = var.region
 prefix = var.prefix
 docker_image = var.dmrpp-generator-docker-image

 // Optional parameters
 cpu = 800 // default to 800
 memory_reservation = 900 // default to 900
 prefix = "Cumulus stack prefix" // default Cumulus stack prefix
 desired_count = 1  // Default to 1
 docker_image = "ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator:<tag_num>"

In file you need to define

variable "dmrpp-generator-docker-image" {
  default = "ghrcdaac/dmrpp-generator:<tag_num>"

Assuming you already defined the region and the prefix

Add the activity to your workflow

In your add

   "HyraxProcessing": {
      "Parameters": {
        "cma": {
          "event.$": "$",
          "task_config": {
            "buckets": "{$.meta.buckets}",
            "distribution_endpoint": "{$.meta.distribution_endpoint}",
            "files_config": "{$.meta.collection.files}",
            "fileStagingDir": "{$.meta.collection.url_path}",
            "granuleIdExtraction": "{$.meta.collection.granuleIdExtraction}",
            "collection": "{$.meta.collection}"
      "Type": "Task",
      "Resource": "${module.dmrpp-generator.dmrpp_task_id}",
      "Catch": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "ResultPath": "$.exception",
          "Next": "WorkflowFailed"
      "Retry": [
          "ErrorEquals": [
          "IntervalSeconds": 2,
          "MaxAttempts": 3
      "Next": "<Your next Step>"

Where <Your next Step> is the next step in your workflow.