creates and restores a snapshot bag of link states from/to Gazebo simulator
~snapshot_bag (string, default: "snapshot.bag")
- path to snapshot bag to write
~timeout (double, default: 10.0)
- creation timeout in sec
~snapshot_bag (string, default: "snapshot.bag")
- path to snapshot bag to read
~timeout (double, default: 10.0)
- restoration timeout in sec
Sequence and parameters are same as create_snapshot
joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)
~button (int, default: 2)
- button id to trigger creation
- defaults to circle button of PS4 joystick
Sequence and parameters are same as restore_snapshot
joy (sensor_msgs/Joy)
~button (int, default: 1)
- button id to trigger restoration
- defaults to cross button of PS4 joystick