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yvt edited this page Dec 25, 2013 · 10 revisions

Rendering is done through an interface called spades::client::IRenderer. This abstracts the actual rendering APIs.

How to render scene

  1. Setup a struct SceneDefinition and give it to BeginScene
  2. Add objects to the scene by renderer commands (this must be done for every frame since the renderer doesn't remember them over a frame):
  • Models
  • Dynamic Light
  • Sprites
  • Debug Line
  1. Call EndScene to tell the renderer that we have nothing to add to the scene anymore
  2. Draw 2D images
  3. Call FrameDone.
  4. Call Flip. The renderer will transfer the rendered image to the screen.

Renderer Commands


Initializes all subsystems of the renderer.


Destroys every objects needed by the renderer and releases memory used by them.


Returns an image object with the specified file name. Loaded images are cached during the lifetime of the renderer (that is, the renderer keeps a reference to the image).


Returns a model object with the specified file name. Loaded models are cached during the lifetime of the renderer (that is, the renderer keeps a reference to the model).


Creates a temporary image object from the given bitmap.


Creates a temporary model object from the given voxel bitmap.


Tells the renderer to render the given game map instead of the currently set one.


Specifies the fog color.


Tells the renderer to get ready for the 3D renderer commands.


Tells the renderer that there are no more 3D renderers commands for the current frame.

AddLight [3D]

Adds a point light or spotlight to the scene. This should not be called outside of BeginScene ... EndScene.

RenderModel [3D]

Adds a model to the scene. This should not be called outside of BeginScene ... EndScene.

AddDebugLine [3D]

Adds a 3D line segment to the scene. (Actually this should be used for debugging)

This should not be called outside of BeginScene ... EndScene.

AddSprite [3D]

Adds a sprite particle. This should not be called outside of BeginScene ... EndScene.

AddLongSprite [3D]

Adds a long sprite. This is mainly used for long bright objects without an exact shape, such as bullet tracers. This should not be called outside of BeginScene ... EndScene.


Specifies the color used by AddSprite, AddLongSprite, and DrawImage.

  • DrawImage treats this color value as "non-alpha premultiplied." So when A = 0, the renderer image becomes completely invisible.
  • AddSprite and AddLongSprite treat this color value as "alpha premultiplied." Therefore when A = 0, additive blending occurs.

DrawImage [2D]

Draws an image in the screen coordinate system. This should not be called between BeginScene and EndScene.

DrawFlatGameMap [2D]

Draws a 2D view of the current game map in the specified rectangle. This should not be called between BeginScene and EndScene.


Tells the renderer that there are no more things to render in the current frame. This should not be called between BeginScene and EndScene.


Displays the rendered image to the screen. This should not be called between BeginScene and EndScene.


Returns the current renderer image as a bitmap. Note that usually this operation is extremely slow.

This should not be called between BeginScene and EndScene.

GLRenderer Implementation

GLRenderer is an OpenGL 2.0/3.0 implementation of IRenderer and supports all required function. GLRenderer is currently the only implementation of IRenderer.

  • BeginScene just initializes the rendering
  • EndScene renders the scene in multiple passes:
    • Preparation
    • Shadow Maps Generation
    • Ocean Reflection Pass
    • Sun-light Pass
    • Dynamic Light Pass
    • Post-process
  • FrameDone flushes 2D rendering command buffer.
  • Flip calls Swap of the OpenGL device.

GL1Renderer Implementation

NOTE: This is not implemented. There are no plans to implement this. Just an idea.

GL1Renderer will be an OpenGL 1.x implementation of IRenderer and will support all required function.

CLRenderer Implementation

NOTE: This is not implemented. There are no plans to implement this. Just an idea.

CLRenderer will be a OpenCL implementation (like GPU-accelerated VOXLAP) of IRenderer and will support all required function.

SWRenderer Implementation

SWRenderer is a software implementation (similar to VOXLAP) of IRenderer and support fundamental features.

  • Map
  • Models
  • 2D Images
  • Sprites

SMP Renderer

When cg_smp is set to 1, multi-threaded rendering architecture is enabled. Client issues commands to AsyncRenderer, and AsyncRenderer sends the commands to IRenderer in a separate thread.

This architecture is similar to cg_smp of id Software's Quake 3.

Note that SMP renderer is unstable, difficult to trace errors, and there is some lag because of thread scheduling. Logging might not work correctly.

Future Extensions

CPU/GPU Ray-tracing renderer might be added (something like VOXLAP) in the future.