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jeongdiana edited this page Dec 27, 2019 · 2 revisions

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The components listed approximately from lower to higher level - later files are less fundamental.


    • def run_penelope(...): Bypasses the penelope GUI and calls the pyPENELOPE API directly to run penelope in the CWD

    • def run_detector_test(...): Calls the Lumerical python API to build a simulation volume around a generation rate matrix and run a charge transport simulation.

    • class Trajectory: Contains the description of a "trajectory" object, used to store pyPENELOPE trajectories in memory. Its members are the properties of the trajectory, as well as a list containing the trajectory's events.

    • def parse_traj(filename, trim=True): Used to parse pe-trajectories.dat files from pyPENLOPE into a list of Trajectory objects. Has the option to trim extraneous datapoints based on IBODY value.
    • def separate_collisions(trajectories): Used to separate a list of trajectory objects by primary particle, resulting in a list of "showers" that each were caused by a single primary.

    • def preprocess_data(trajectories): Scans the trajectories for minimum and maximum values to later be used to adjust the simulation volume
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