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577 lines (397 loc) · 30.9 KB

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577 lines (397 loc) · 30.9 KB

Version History


Fixes issue with no_std compatability introduced in 1.23.0 (#501).


  • Add BorschSchema support for the borsh feature (#498).
  • Implement TryFrom for Decimal primitive types (#493).
  • Fix to_i64 to support i64::MIN (#496).
  • Implement Inv from num_traits (#495).
  • Some minor housekeeping tasks (#487, #490).

Thank you @turion, @arthurprs and @jnitard for your help with this release.


  • Add support for borsh serialization/deserialization (#478).
  • Fixes an issue with serde-with-str where it wasn't behaving the same as serde-str when using bincode (#484).
  • Added must_use to is_sign_negative and unpack (#482).
  • Minor documentation fixes.

Thank you @jkbpvsc for your help in this release.


  • Saturating op variants have been added: saturating_add, saturating_sub and saturating_mul (#464)
  • Fixes issue with log10 values 0 < x < 1 (#469)
  • Various documentation fixes/cleanup.

Thank you @c410-f3r for your work in this release!


  • Additional fuzz testing for deserialize (#452)
  • Documentation fix for rounding strategy (#458)
  • from_str is now over 4x faster, utilizing const generics and TCO (#456)
  • Fixed from_str issue with rounding issues when too many digits in source string. (#453)
  • New serde-with functionality for greater configurability when using serde (#459)
  • Various maintenance tasks (#460)

This is truly a collaborative release and has some significant contributions from the community. A huge thank you to everyone involved:


This is a minor dot release and contains library updates (#334) and expanded scope in prelude to include num_traits::Signed (#450). While subtle, it also expands the way towards some bigger improvements including variable precision.

Of a larger note, the minimum Rust compiler version has been updated so we can start utilizing various compiler features (such as const generics). The miminum compiler version is now 1.51.0.

Thank you to @c410-f3r and @jracollins for your contributions to this release.


  • Fixes integer handling for to_f64 when scale is set to 0. #443. Thank you @anatols for creating this fix.
  • Add support for Rocket Forms using the feature flag rocket-traits. #445. Thank you @Misterio77 for putting this together.
  • Add Diesel MySQL support, enabled by the feature flag db-diesel-mysq. #446.


  • Fixes panic when display precision was specified greater than 30. #428.
  • Binds deserialize so that invalid scale values cannot be set. This may be a breaking change for some users leveraging this in a const function. #428.
  • Fixes an issue in round_sf whereby integral values that started with a 0 or 1 would output incorrect rounded numbers. #430, #437.
  • Adds from_f32_retain and from_f64_retain functions which allow parsing a floating point number and retaining any excess precision. #438.


  • Implement sin/cos/tan functions which are enabled within the maths feature. #413.
  • Implement round_sf and round_sf_with_strategy to enable significant figure rounding. #421
  • Remove unnecessary std feature from arrayvec usage #417.
  • Adhoc benchmarking and fuzz tooling improvements #412, #415, #416, #418.

Thank you to @c410-f3r for all your help with fuzz and benchmarking improvements!


A minor bug and feature release which adds a couple of new functions as well as cleans up some documentation:

  • Support for serializing to float without converting to float via the serde-arbitrary-precision feature. #402. Thanks @JamesHinshelwood! for finding and fixing this!
  • Add log10 support to the maths feature. Please note that ln and log10 will now panic on invalid input since both functions have a checked_* equivalent. This is the preferred approach going forward, however if you would like to re-enable the previous behavior please use the maths-nopanic feature. #397.
  • Added further constants to the Decimal library including TWO, TEN, ONE_HUNDRED, ONE_THOUSAND, and NEGATIVE_ONE. #400.
  • Fixes serialization issue for -0 whereby - would be output #406. Thanks @edwardycl!
  • Fixes float rounding before return in to_f64. #401.
  • Added file to help people get set up with Rust Decimal locally and cleaned up some documentation examples.


Fixes an issue #398 where Decimal::ZERO.ln() would panic rather than returning Decimal::ZERO. This aligns the behavior with calling ln on negative decimals.

Thank you to @SebRollen for finding and fixing this.


Fixes an overflow issue during division under some specific circumstances. (#392)


A bug fix release following on from 1.14.0:

  • Fixes an issue whereby in some cases when subtracting a 64 bit Decimal a negating overflow would occur during underflow. #384. Thank you to @c410-f3r for finding this as part of fuzz testing.
  • Fixes an issue with exp whereby negative values lost accuracy due to inability to converge. #378. Thank you to @schungx for finding this and proposing a fix.
  • Fixes some documentation issues.


  • Added checked_exp and checked_norm_pdf functions #375.
  • Fixes bug in division under certain circumstances whereby overflow would occur during rounding. #377
  • Documentation improvements

Thank you to @falsetru, @schungx and @blasrodri for your help with this release!


This is a minor update to the library providing a few new features and one breaking change (I'm not using semver properly here sorry).

  • #[must_use] added to functions to provide additional compiler hints.
  • try_from_i128_with_scale function added to safely handle i128 overflow errors.
  • New c-repr feature added which will ensure that #[repr(C)] is used on the Decimal type. Thanks @jean-airoldie.
  • Small improvements to from_scientific. It now supports a wider range of values as well has slightly faster performance.
  • Support for negative and decimal pow functions. This is breaking since powi(u64) has been renamed to powi(i64). If you want to continue using u64 arguments then please use powu(u64). The fractional functions should be considered experimental for the time being and may have subtle issues that still need ironing out. Functions are now:
    • powi, checked_powi - When the exponent is a signed integer.
    • powu, checked_powu - When the exponent is an unsigned integer.
    • powf, checked_powf - When the exponent is a floating point number. Please note, numbers with a fractional component will use an approximation function.
    • powd, checked_powd - When the exponent is a Decimal. Please note, numbers with a fractional component will use an approximation function.


Adds num_traits::One back to rust_decimal::prelude to prevent unnecessary downstream dependency breakages. Thanks @spearman.


Fixes an issue #361 when rounding a small number towards zero.


Fixes small regression whereby 0 - 0 was producing -0. Thank you @KonishchevDmitry for providing a swift fix (#356).


Added num_traits::Zero back to rust_decimal::prelude to prevent unnecessary downstream dependency breakages.


This version releases faster operation support for add, sub, cmp, rem and mul to match the renewed div strategy. It does this by leveraging 64 bit support when it makes sense, while attempting to still keep 32 bit optimizations in place. To ensure correct functionality, thousands more tests were included to cover a wide variety of different scenarios and bit combinations. Compared to previous operations, we get the following speed improvements:

  • add - up to 2.2x faster
  • div - up to 428x faster
  • mul - up to 1.8x faster
  • rem - up to 1.08x faster
  • sub - up to 2.5x faster

Of course, if old functionality is desired, it can be re-enabled by using the legacy-ops feature.

Other improvements include:

  • Remove unnecessary String allocation when parsing a scientific number format. Thanks @thomcc for the fix #350.
  • Fixes overflow bug with sqrt when using the smallest possible representable number. #349.
  • Some minor optimizations in the maths feature. Future work will involve speeding up this feature by keeping operations in an internal format until required.
  • Added associated constants for MIN, MAX and ZERO. Deprecated min_value() and max_value() in favor of these new constants.
  • -0 now gets corrected to 0. During operation rewrite I needed to consider operations such as -0 * 2 - in cases like this I opted towards 0 always being the right number and -0 being superfluous (since +0 == -0). Consequently, parsing -0 etc in general will automatically be parsed as 0. Of course, this may be a breaking change so if this functionality is required then please create an issue with the use case described.
  • Small breaking change by renaming is_negative to negative in UnpackedDecimal.
  • Some internal housekeeping was made to help make way for version 2.0 improvements.


This is a documentation only release and has no new functionality included. Thank you @c410-f3r for the documentation fix.


This release includes a number of bug fixes and ergonomic improvements.

  • Mathematical functionality is now behind a feature flag. This should help optimize library size when functions such as log and pow are not required (e.g. simple financial applications). Mathematical functionality is now behind the maths feature flag. #321.
  • Numerous test coverage improvements to ensure broader coverage. #322, #323
  • Various documentation improvements. #324, #342
  • Fixes u128 and i128 parsing. #332
  • Implemented Checked* traits from num_traits. #333. Thank you @teoxoy
  • Added checked_powi function to maths feature. #336
  • Updated from_parts to avoid accidental scale clobbering. #337
  • Added support for the Arbitrary trait for rust-fuzz support. This is behind the feature flag rust-fuzz. #338
  • Fixes e^-1 returning an incorrect approximation. #339
  • Revamp of RoundingStrategy naming and documentation (#340). The old naming was ambiguous in interpretation - the new naming convention follows guidance from other libraries to ensure an easy to follow scheme. The RoundingStrategy enum now includes:
    • MidpointNearestEven (previously BankersRounding)
    • MidpointAwayFromZero (previously RoundHalfUp)
    • MidpointTowardZero (previously RoundHalfDown)
    • ToZero (previously RoundDown)
    • AwayFromZero (previously RoundUp)
    • ToNegativeInfinity - new rounding strategy
    • ToPositiveInfinity - new rounding strategy
  • Added function to access mantissa directly. #341
  • Added a feature to rust_decimal_macros to make re-exporting the macro from a downstream crate more approachable. Enabling the reexportable feature will ensure that the generated code doesn't require rust_decimal to be exposed at the root level. #343


  • Fixes bug in bincode serialization where a negative symbol causes a buffer overflow (#317).


  • Fixes a bug introduced in division whereby certain values when using a large remainder cause an incorrect results (#314).


  • Fixes bug introduced in neg whereby sign would always be turned negative as opposed to being correctly negated.

Thank you KonishchevDmitry for finding and fixing this.


  • Upgrade postgres to 0.19 and tokio-postgres to 0.7.
  • Faster serde serialization by preventing heap allocation.
  • Alternative division algorithm which provides significant speed improvements. The new algorithms are enabled by default, but can be disabled with the feature: legacy-ops. Further work to improve other operations will be made available in future versions.
  • Add TryFrom for f32/f64 to/from Decimal

Thank you for the the community help and support for making this release happen, in particular: jean-airoldie, gakonst, okaneco and c410-f3r.


  • Added arbitrary precision support for serde_json deserialization (#283)
  • Add u128 and i128 FromPrimitive overrides to prevent default implementation kicking in. Also adds default From interceptors to avoid having to use trait directly. (#282)
  • Alias serde-bincode as serde-str to make usage clearer (#279)
  • Adds scientific notation to format strings via UpperExp and LowerExp traits. (#271)
  • Upgrade tokio-postgres and postgres libraries.
  • Add statistical function support for powi, sqrt, exp, norm_cdf, norm_pdf, ln & erf (#281, #287)
  • Allow sum across immutable references (#280)

Thank you for all the community help and support with this release, in particular xilec, remkade and Anders429.


Make std support the default to prevent breaking downstream library dependencies. To enable no_std support please set default features to false and opt-in to any required components. e.g.

rust_decimal = { default-features = false, version = "1.8.0" }


  • no_std support added to Rust Decimal by default. std isn't required to use Rust Decimal, however can be enabled by using the std feature. #190
  • Fixes issue with Decimal sometimes losing precision through to_f64. #267.
  • Add Clone, Copy, PartialEq and Eq derives to RoundingStrategy.
  • Remove Proc Macro hack due to procedural macros as expressions being stabilized.
  • Minor optimizations

Thank you to @c410-f3r, @smessmer and @KiChjang.


  • Enables bincode support via the feature serde-bincode. This provides a long term fix for a regression that was introduced in version 0.6.5 (tests now cover this case!). Issue 43.
  • Fixes issue where rescale on zero would not have an affect. This was due to an early exit condition which failed to set the new scale. Issue 253.
  • Add min and max functions, similar to what f32 and f64 provide. Thank you @michalsieron.
  • Updates documentation for is_sign_positive and is_sign_negative to specify that the sign bit is being checked.

Please note: feature naming conventions have been modified, however backwards compatible aliases have been created where necessary. It's highly recommended that you move over to the new naming conventions as these aliases may be removed at a later date.


  • Fixes issue with PostgreSQL conversions whereby certain inputs would cause unexpected outputs. Issue 241.
  • Fixes issue with from_str_radix whereby rounding logic would kick in too early, especially with radix less than 10. Issue 242.
  • Fixes issue whereby from_str (implicity from_str_radix) would panic when there was overflow and overflow significant digit was < 5. Issue 246.
  • Make bytes and byteorder optional since they're only used in the postgres feature and tests.
  • Fix edge case in from_i128_with_scale when i128::MIN was provided.

Thank you to @serejkaaa512, @AbsurdlySuspicious and @0e4ef622 for your contributions!


  • Added additional RoundStrategy abilities: RoundUp to always round up and RoundDown to always round down.
  • Updated prelude to include expected structs and traits by default.

Special thank you to @jean-airoldie for adding the additional rounding strategies and to @pfrenssen for fixing an issue in the README.


  • Performance improvements for to_f64 when using a scale > 0.

Special thank you to @hengchu who discovered and resolved the issue!


  • Allow uppercase "E" in scientific notation.
  • Allow scientific notation in dec! macro.
  • Deprecate set_sign and replace with set_sign_positive and set_sign_negative. This is intended to improve the readability of the API.
  • Fixes precision issue when parsing f64 values. The base 2 mantissa of the float was assuming guaranteed accuracy of 53 bit precision, however 52 bit precision is more accurate (f64 only).
  • Removes deprecated usage of Error::description.


  • Replace num dependency with num_trait - implemented Signed and Num traits.


  • Fixes issue whereby overflow would occur reading from PostgreSQL with high precision. The library now handles this by rounding high precision numbers as they're read as opposed to crashing (similar to other underflow situations e.g. 1/3).


  • Retain trailing zeros from PostgreSQL. This ensures that the scale is maintained when serialized into the Decimal type.
  • Fixes issue where -0 != 0 (these are now equivalent - thank you @hengchu for discovering).
  • Improve hashing function so that the following property is true: k1 == k2 -> hash(k1) == hash(k2)
  • Update normalize function so that -0 normalizes to 0.

Special thanks to @hathawsh for their help in this release!


  • Update to Postgres 0.17 and add postgres async/await support via tokio-pg
  • Added option for serializing decimals as float via serde-float

Special thanks to @pimeys and @kaibyao!


Updates dependencies to prevent build issues.


Bug fix release:

  • Fixes issue where scaling logic produced incorrect results when one arm was a high precision zero. Thank you @KonishchevDmitry!


Bug fix release:

  • Fixes issue where ToSql was incorrectly calculating weight when whole portion = numeric portion.
  • Fixes issue where Decimal::new incorrectly handled i64::max_value() and i64::min_value().
  • Fixes issue where rem operation incorrectly returned results when scale was required.


This release represents the start of semantic versioning and allows the library to start making fundamental improvements under the guise of V2.0. Leading up to that I expect to release 1.x versions which will include adding various mathematical functions such as pow, ln, log10 etc.

Version 1.0.0 does come with some new features:

  • Checked Operations! This implements checked_add, checked_sub, checked_mul, checked_div and checked_rem.
  • Fixes overflow from max_value() and min_value() for i32 and i64.
  • Minor documentation improvements and test coverage.

Special thanks to @0e4ef622 for their help with this release!


  • Add prelude to help num trait inclusion (use rust_decimal::prelude::*)
  • Add Default trait to the library. This is equivalent to using Decimal::zero()
  • Added assignment operators for references.

Special thanks to @jean-airoldie for his help with this release!


  • Fall back to from_scientific when from_str fails during deserialization. Thanks @mattjbray!
  • Added basic Sum trait implementation


  • Fixes a bug in floor and ceil where negative numbers were incorrectly handled.


  • Macros are now supported on stable. This does use a hack for the meantime so due diligence is required before usage.
  • Fixes issue when parsing strings where an underscore preceded a decimal point.
  • const_fn support via a feature flag. In the future this will be the default option however in order to support older compiler versions is behind a feature flag.


  • Macros (nightly) now output structural data as opposed to serialized data. This is fully backwards compatible and results in some minor performance improvements. Also, removed feature gate so that it can be compiled in stable.
  • Fixes a string parsing bug when given highly significant numbers that require rounding.


  • Bumped dependencies to remove some legacy serialization requirements.


Special thanks to @xilec, @snd and @AndrewSpeed for their help with this release.

  • New rounding strategies introduced via round_dp_with_strategy. Previously default rounding support used bankers rounding by default whereas now you can choose to round the half way point either up or down.
  • PostgreSQL write performance improved so that it is at least 3 times faster than the previous implementation.
  • Debug trait now outputs the actual decimal number by default to make it more useful within consuming libraries (e.g. To get something similar to the previous functionality you can use the unpack argument - this is likely for core rust-decimal library maintainers.
  • Various other performance improvements for common operations such as rescale, sub and div.


  • Performance optimization for add.


  • Introduces the Neg trait to support the ability to use -decimal_variable.
  • Fixes bug with underflow on addition.


This release updates the published documentation only and is a no-op for functionality.


  • Introduces from_scientific allowing parsing of scientific notation into the Decimal type.
  • Fixes a bug when formatting a number with a leading zero's.


  • Fixes bug in rescale whereby scaling which invoked rounding incorrectly set the new scale for the left/right sides.


  • Fixes bug in cmp whereby two negatives would return an incorrect result.
  • Further documentation examples
  • Small improvements in division logic
  • New abs, floor and ceil functions.


This is a minor version bump as we slowly build our way towards 1.0. Thank you for everyone's support and help as we get there! This has a few notable changes - also introducing a few new interfaces which is the reason for the version bump:

  • from_parts function to allow effective creation of Decimal's without requiring binary serialization. An example of this benefit is with the lazy static group initializers for Postgres.
  • normalize function to allow stripping trailing zero's easily.
  • trunc function allows truncation of a number without any rounding. This effectively "truncates" the fractional part of the number.
  • fract function returns the fractional part of the number without the integral.
  • Minor improvements in some iterator logic, utilizing the compiler for further optimizations.
  • Fixes issue in string parsing logic whereby _ would cause numbers to be incorrectly identified.
  • Many improvements to mul. Numbers utilizing the lo portion of the decimal only will now be shortcut and bigger numbers will now correctly overflow. True overflows will still panic, however large underflows will now be rounded as necessary as opposed to panicing.
  • Hash was implemented by convention in 0.6.5 however is reimplemented explicitly in 0.7.0 for effectiveness.
  • PostgreSQL read performance improved by pre-caching groups and leveraging normalize (i.e. avoiding strings). Further optimizations can be made in write however require some div optimizations first.
  • Added short circuit write improvement for zero in PostgreSQL writes.
  • Benchmarks are now recorded per build so we can start tracking where slow downs have occurred. This does mean there is a performance hit on Travis builds however hopefully the pay off will make it worthwhile.


Fixes issue with rescale sometimes causing a silent overflow which led to incorrect results during addition, subtraction and compare. Consequently Decimal now rounds the most significant number so that these operations work successfully.

In addition, Decimal now derive's the Hash trait so that it can be used for indexing.


Fixes silent overflow errors when parsing highly significant strings. from_str will now round in these scenario's, similar to oleaut32 behavior.


Fixes a regression in ordering where by different scales would be rescaled towards losing precision instead of increasing precision. Have added numerous test suites to help cover more issues like this in the future. Also fixes an issue in parsing invalid strings whereby the precision exceeded our maximum precision. Previously, this would work with unintended results however this now returns an Error returned from FromStr.


Fixes an issue with division of rational numbers allowing results greater than MAX_PRECISION. This would ultimately cause issues for future operations on this number. In addition, in some cases transitive operations would not be equal due to overflow being lost.


This minor release is purely to expose rust_decimal_macros for use on the nightly channel. Documentation has been updated accordingly.


This release has a few major changes to the internal workings of the Decimal implementation and consequently comes with a number of performance improvements.

  • Floats can now be parsed into a Decimal type using from_f32 and from_f64.
  • add, sub, mul run roughly 1500% faster than before.
  • div run's roughly 1000% faster than before with room for future improvement.
  • Also get significant speed improvements with cmp, rescale, round_dp and some string manipulations.
  • Implemented *Assign traits for simpler usage.
  • Removed BigInt and BigUint as being intermediary data types.


Minor bug fix to prevent a panic from overflow during comparison of high significant digit decimals.


Minor bux fix to prevent panic upon parsing an empty string.


  • Removes postgres from default feature set.
  • bincode support for serde
  • Better support for format strings
  • Benchmarks added to tests


Fixes bug in cmp whereby negative's were not being compared correctly.


Minor bug fix to support creating negative numbers using the default constructor.


This release is a stylistic cleanup however does include some minor changes that may break existing builds.


  • Serde is now optional. You can enable Serde support within features using the keyword serde.
  • Serde now returns errors on invalid input as opposed to 0.
  • f64 conversion support has been added.
  • Update Postgres dependency to use v0.15.


This is a documentation release that should help with discoverability and usage.



  • Removed trait ToDecimal and replaced with builtin From trait (#12)