This repository is used to publish the code, that usd in my image dehazing paper.
The C++ algorithm can set the parameters below:
block_size: the kernel size of twice minimum filter, before get the dark channel.
morphology_transoform_kernel_size: the kernel size of Morphological Transformations
is_cirle_wrong_point: circle the wrong pixel of airlight
Also, there is a python source code. To calculate the dark channel, I used a erode calculation, same as the twice minimum filter.
This algorithm is basesd on C++ and OpenCV. Install OpenCV from source code, more informatino can be found here.
Download some sample datasets to test the algorithm.
g++ dehaze.cpp dehaze.h `pkg-config opencv --cflags --libs` -o dehaze
./dehaze input.bmp
python3 input_file file_type
title={Research on Haze Removal for Autonomous Car},
author={Zhi, Wang and Daishi, Watabe},
journal={Transactions of Japan Society of Kansei Engineering},