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A simple charting library for Android, supporting line- bar- and piecharts, scaling, dragging and selecting.

Remember: It's all about the looks.

The experimental branch might contain new features that are still buggy. It is recommended to be safe and only make use of the code on the master branch.

If you are having questions or problems, feel free to contact me, create issues for this project on GitHub or open questions on stackoverflow with the mpandroidchart tag.

Forks, pull-requests or any other forms of contribution are always welcome.


For a brief overview of the most important features, please download the PlayStore Demo MPAndroidChart Example.apk and try it out.


Core features:

  • Scaling on both axes (with touch-gesture, axes separately or pinch-zoom)
  • Dragging (with touch-gesture)
  • Finger drawing (draw values into the chart with touch-gesture)
  • Highlighting values (with customizeable popup-views)
  • Save chart to SD-Card (as image, or as .txt file)
  • Read .txt file chart-data
  • Predefined color templates
  • Legends (generated automatically, customizeable)
  • Fully customizeable (paints, typefaces, legends, colors, background, gestures, dashed lines, ...)

Chart types:

  • LineChart (with legend, simple design) alt tag

  • LineChart (with legend, simple design) alt tag

  • LineChart (single DataSet) alt tag

  • BarChart2D (with legend, simple design)

alt tag

  • BarChart2D (single DataSet)

alt tag

  • BarChart2D (multiple DataSets)

alt tag alt tag

  • BarChart3D

alt tag

  • PieChart (with selection, ...)

alt tag alt tag

  • ScatterChart (with squares, triangles, circles, ... and more)

alt tag


Rely on the "MPChartExample" folder and check out the examples in that project. The example project is also available in the Google PlayStore.

Furthermore, here is some code to get started.


For using a LineChart, BarChart or PieChart , define it in .xml:

        android:layout_height="match_parent" />
    LineChart chart = (LineChart) findViewById(;

or create it in code (and then add it to a layout):

    LineChart chart = new LineChart(Context);


  • setDescription(String desc): Set a description text that appears in the bottom right corner of the chart.
  • setDescriptionTypeface(Typeface t): Sets the Typeface used for drawing the description text.
  • setGraphOffsets(int left, int right, int top, int bottom): Sets the offsets of the graph in every direction, provide density pixels.
  • setDrawYValues(boolean enabled): If set to true, the actual drawn values will be drawn next to the points, bars, or pie slices of the chart.
  • setValuePaintColor(int color): Sets the color used for drawing the values if setDrawYValues(...) is enabled.
  • setValueTypeface(Typeface t): Sets the Typeface used for drawing the values if setDrawYValues(...) is enabled.
  • setValueDigits(int digits): Sets the number of digits to use for all printed values.
  • setColorTemplate(ColorTemplate ct): Sets a ColorTemplate for the chart containing all colors. More information below.
  • setPaint(Paint p, int which): Replaces the specified default Paint object with a new one. This method can be used to replace any predefined Paint object with an own Paint object and develop a completely personalized design.

Getters and convenience:

  • public ChartData getData(): Returns the ChartData object the chart currently displays. It contains all information concerning the displayed values such as minimum and maximum values, value counts, value sums, ...
  • public float getScaleX(): Returns the current scale factor on the x-axis.
  • public float getYChartMin(): Returns the current minimum y-value that can be displayed by the chart - bottom line.
  • public float getYChartMax(): Returns the current maximum y-value that can be displayed by the chart - top line.
  • public float getAverage(): Returns the average value across all values the chart holds.
  • public float getAverage(int type): Returns the average value for a specific DataSet type in the chart. This type is the type provided in the DataSet constructor.
  • public PointF getCenter(): Returns the center point of the chart in pixels.

Gestures & Selecting:

  • setTouchEnabled(boolean enabled): If set to ture, touch gestures (such as scaling and dragging) will be possible on the chart. NOTE: If touch-gestures are disabled, highlighting on touch is disabled as well. Default: true.
  • setOnChartValueSelectedListener(OnChartValueSelectedListener l): Sets a selection-listener to the chart that will generate callbacks when values are selected or unselected. The callback contains the selected values and their indices.
  • setHighlightEnabled(boolean enabled): If set to true, highlighting/selecting values is possible on the chart. Default: true.


  • saveToGallery(String title): Saves the current chart state as an image to the gallery.
  • saveToPath(String title, String pathOnSD): Saves the current chart state as an image to the specified path.
  • setScaleMinima(float x, float y): Sets the minimum scale factors for x- and y-axis. If set for example to 3f, the user will not be able to fully zoom out.
  • centerViewPort(int xIndex, float val): This method makes it possible to aim the center of the view (what you can see from the chart) to a specific position inside the chart, described by the index on the x-axis and the value on the y-axis. This also works very well in combination with the setScaleMinima(...) method.

Adding data:

If you want to add values (data) to the chart, it has to be done via the

    setData(ChartData data);

method. The ChartData class encapsulates all data and information that is needed for the chart during rendering. In the constructor, you can hand over an ArrayList of type DataSet as the values to display, and an additional ArrayList of String that will describe the legend on the x-axis.

    public ChartData(ArrayList<String> xVals, ArrayList<DataSet> dataSets) { ... }

So, what is a DataSet and why do you need it? That is actually pretty simple. One DataSet object represents a group of entries (datatype Entry) inside the chart that belong together. It is designed to logically separate different groups of values in the chart. As an example, you might want to display the quarterly revenue of two different companies over one year. In that case, it would be recommended to create two different DataSet objects, each containing four values (one for each quarter). As an ArrayList to describe the legend on the x-axis, you would simply provide the four Strings "1.Q", "2.Q", "3.Q", "4.Q".

Of course, it is also possible to provide just one DataSet object containing all 8 values for the two companys.

So how to setup a DataSet object?

    public DataSet(ArrayList<Entry> yVals, String label) { ... }

When looking at the constructor, it is visible that the DataSet needs an ArrayList of type Entry and a String used to describe the DataSet and as a label for the Legend. Furthermore this label can be used to find the DataSet amongst other DataSet objects in the Chartdata object.

The ArrayList of type Entry encapsulates all values of the chart. A Entry object is an additional wrapper around a value and holds the value itself, and it's position on the x-axis (the index inside the ArrayList of String of the CharData object the value is mapped to):

    public Entry(float val, int xIndex) { ... }

Putting it all together (example of two companies with quarterly revenue over one year):

At first, create the lists of type Entry that will hold your values:

    ArrayList<Entry> valsComp1 = new ArrayList<Entry>();
    ArrayList<Entry> valsComp2 = new ArrayList<Entry>();

Then, fill the lists with Entry objects. Make sure the entry objects contain the correct indices to the x-axis. (of course, a loop can be used here, in that case, the counter variable of the loop could be the index on the x-axis).

    Entry c1e1 = new Entry(100.000f, 0); // 0 == quarter 1
    Entry c1e2 = new Entry(50.000f, 1; // 1 == quarter 2 ...
    // and so on ...
    Entry c2e1 = new Entry(120.000f, 0); // 0 == quarter 1
    Entry c2e2 = new Entry(110.000f, 1; // 1 == quarter 2 ...

Now that we have our lists of Entry objects, the DataSet objects can be created:

    DataSet setComp1 = new DataSet(valsComp1, "company 1");
    DataSet setComp2 = new DataSet(valsComp2, "company 2");

Last but not least, we create a list of DataSets and a list of x legend entries and build our ChartData object:

    ArrayList<DataSet> dataSets = new ArrayList<DataSet>();
    ArrayList<String> xVals = new ArrayList<String>();
    xVals.add("1.Q"); xVals.add("2.Q"); xVals.add("3.Q"); xVals.add("4.Q"); 
    ChartData data = new ChartData(xVals, dataSets);

Now, our ChartData object can be set to the chart. But before drawing it, colors need to be specified. If no colors are specified when the data is drawn, the default ColorTemplate will be used.

Setting colors:

Setting colors can be done via the ColorTemplate class that already comes with some predefined colors (constants of the template e.g. ColorTemplate.LIBERTY_COLORS).

Explaination: The ColorTemplate basically has two methods for setting colors:

  • addDataSetColors(int[] colors, Context c): This method will add a new array of colors for the DataSet at the current index. The current index starts at 0 and depends counts up per call of this method. If no calls of this method have been done before, the colors set in this call will be used for the DataSet at index 0 in the ChartData object. Upon calling this method again on the same ColorTemplate object, the provided color values will be used for the DataSet at index 1.

  • addColorsForDataSets(int[] colors, Context c): This method will spread the provided color values over an equal amount of DataSet objects, using only one color per DataSet.

In our example case, we want one color for each DataSet (red and green), which will mean, that all entries belonging to the same DataSet will have the same color:

    ColorTemplate ct = new ColorTemplate();
    ct.addColorsForDataSets(new int[] {, }, this);

It would also be possible to let each DataSet have variations of a specific color. For example company 1 should have 4 colors from light to dark red, and company 2 should have 4 colors from light to dark green. In that case, we specify a color array for each DataSet:

    ColorTemplate ct = new ColorTemplate();
    ct.addDataSetColors(redColors, this); // redColors is an array containing 4 colors
    ct.addDataSetColors(greenColors, this);

Displaying legends:

By default, all subclasses of BarLineChartBase support legends and will automatically generate and draw a legend after setting data for the chart.

The number of entries the automatically generated legend contains depends on the number of used colors as well as on the number of DataSets used in the chart. The labels of the Legend depend on the labels set for the used DataSet objects in the chart. If no labels for the DataSet objects have been specified, the chart will automatically generate them.

For customizeing the Legend, use you can retreive the Legend object from the chart after setting data.

    // setting data...
    Legend l = chart.getLegend();
    // and many more...

More documentation and example code coming soon.


Copyright 2014 Philipp Jahoda

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Special thanks to mikegr and ph1lb4 for their contributions to this project.