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version 1.00

Make account: It is possible with full free plan. Must be verified.

General Shema

 |                                                                                 |
 | +------------------------------------+  +-------------------------------------+ |
 | |                                    |  |                                     | |
 | |  +------------------------------+  |  | Even out web app need client key    | |
 | |  |                              |  |  | access to be created initially. Next| |
 | |  |  LARAVEL 8 JSON-API Core     |  |  | step is to create  access token  for  |
 | |  |                              |  |  | every logged user. This will be     | |
 | |  +------------------------------+  |  | automated in future.                | |
 | |  +------------------------------+  |  |                                     | |
 | |  |            GUARD             |  |  | - User must be logged if we want to | |
 | |  |    lara^el/passport auth     |  |  | create database entries.            | |
 | |  +------------------------------+  |  | - Personal access token generate    | |
 | | +--------------+ +---------------+ |  | - Access is ready.                  | |
 | | |home.blade.php| |      API      | |  |                                     | |
 | | |     route    | |     route     | |  |                                     | |
 | | |    web.php   | |    app.php    | |  |                                     | |
 | | +--------------+ +---------------+ |  |                                     | |
 | +------------------------------------+  +-------------------------------------+ |
 |     ^               ^    |   ^   |                                              |
 |     |            +-------v-------v--+                                           |
 |     |LOGIN       | Logged user      |                                           |
 |     |            | request POST     |                                           |
 |     |            +--^--------^------+                                           |
 |     |               |    |   |   |                                              |
 |  +-----------------------v-------v--+   +-------------------------------------+ |
 |  || Web app based on Vue framework ||   |    Other type of applications       | |
 |  ||   Class component oriented     ||   | +----------------+ +--------------+ | |
 |  +----------------------------------+   | | Native android | | native ios   | | |
 |  |            +-------------------+ |   | | Android Studio | | xcode proj   | | |
 |  | +--------+ |  vue components   | |   | +----------------+ +--------------+ | |
 |  | | app.ts | | +--+ +--+    +--+ | |   | +----------------+ +--------------+ | |
 |  | +--------+ | |  | |  |    |  | | |   | | hybrids multi  | |other - server| | |
 |  |            | +--+ +--+ ++ +--+ | |   | | platform (web) | |console access| | |
 |  |            +-------------------+ |   | +----------------+ +--------------+ | |
 |  +----------------------------------+   +-------------------------------------+ |
 |                                                                                 |

Instal on heroku

Just deploy. Storage and front links for avatars (images) not fixed.

Install and run:

Create with mysql database with name apimashine.

Navigate to the root folder application/

  composer install
  // cp .env.example .env
  php artisan passport:install
  php artisan migrate
  php artisan db:seed
  php artisan key:generate
  php artisan passport:keys --force
  php artisan passport:client --personal
  php artisan serve

Debugger bar composer require barryvdh/laravel-debugbar:3.3 --dev


heroku access -a=APPNAME

Update :

For Server part:

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

composer dump-autoload

For Web client:

  npm run watch

  npm install
  npm update

Based on

Laravel JSON API

More info:

Help links:


zlatnaspirala/api-mashine is licensed under the

GNU General Public License v3.0

Copyright 2016, All rights reserved.

Disclaimer of warranty 'API Mashine' is provided "as-is" and without warranty of any kind, express, implied or otherwise, including without limitation, any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. In no event shall the author of this software be held liable for data loss, damages, loss of profits or any other kind of loss while using or misusing this software.

External LICENCE: Apache-2.0 License