diff --git a/schedule.md b/schedule.md
index 1823517..35befd4 100644
--- a/schedule.md
+++ b/schedule.md
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Assigned readings, activities, and projects are linked below. All work is due on
| 09/12 (Thur) | What is Python? | | Walsh: [Anatomy of a Python Script](https://melaniewalsh.github.io/Intro-Cultural-Analytics/02-Python/03-Anatomy-Python-Script.html) | |
| 09/17 (Tue) | Digital Humanities 2.0 | (1) [Digital Humanities Manifesto 2.0](https://www.humanitiesblast.com/manifesto/Manifesto_V2.pdf)
(2) Ted Underwood: [Seven ways humanists are using computers to understand text](https://tedunderwood.com/2015/06/04/seven-ways-humanists-are-using-computers-to-understand-text/) | | —Annotate reading |
| 09/19 (Thur) | Data Types & String Methods | | Walsh:
(1) [Data Types](https://melaniewalsh.github.io/Intro-Cultural-Analytics/02-Python/05-Data-Types.html)
(2) [String Methods](https://melaniewalsh.github.io/Intro-Cultural-Analytics/02-Python/06-String-Methods.html) | |
-| 09/24 (Tue) | Metaphors of Data | Annette Markham: [Undermining 'data'](https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4868/3749) | | —Annotate reading |
+| 09/24 (Tue) | Metaphors of Data | Annette Markham: [Undermining 'data'](https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/4868/3749) | | |
| 09/26 (Thur) | Computational Thinking | Jeanette Wing: [Computational Thinking](https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~15110-s13/Wing06-ct.pdf) | Walsh: [Comparisons & Conditionals](https://melaniewalsh.github.io/Intro-Cultural-Analytics/02-Python/08-Comparisons-Conditionals.html) | |
| 10/01 (Tue) | GitHub as a Platform | Nadia Eghbal: GitHub as a Platform, *Working in Public* (file in Discord **#announcements**) | | —Sign up for [GitHub](https://github.com) |
| 10/03 (Thu) | No classes scheduled | | | |