See a short video of Version 1 of DESK42 at:
The DM42 running DESK42 (E6B) in action in the cockpit of a Piper Warrior taking off from Brigham City, Utah (BMC) viewing the Wasatch Mountains on left crosswind off of Runway 17.
This software is protected by the BSD 3-Clause License
and copyright (c) 2024 by deetee. All rights reserved.
DESK42 - Calculator, Spreadsheet, Text, Graphics, Games and More for the DM42
The DM42 calculator is a genuine device. A brilliant LCD display, good keys, a
USB disk and a powerful processor - all low powered by a single battery cell.
On the stable operating system (DMCP) runs Free42 - a perfect simulator of the
legendary HP42 calculator. As the DM42 is an "open system" it is possible to run
other software on top of the operating system (DMCP). And that is, where DESK42
comes in.
DESK42 is an extensive collection of applications that can be started by a
common user interface (DESK). It offers mathematical, text, graphics and useful
assistant applications - and even some games.
Finally a dream became true: The DM42 as essential tool in every cockpit. The
E6B application offers many utilities needed by pilots. Many thanks to
Jim B. Williams for contributing the needed expert know-how, many ideas and
endless patience when discussing aviation topics with a rookie like me.
Have fun!
Please note that you will lose all user data of your DM42 (ie. user programs or
settings) - make a backup!
Install DESK42:
* First load DESK42-xxx.pgm and (for desired later back switch to DM42)
DM42-x.xx.pgm ( to the root directory
of the USB disk.
* In your DM42 calculator goto SETUP (SHIFT-0)
* Enter menu point [5. System >]
* Goto system menu with [2. Enter System Menu]
* Leave DM42 and switch back to the operating system (DMCP) with
[3. Reset to DMCP menu]
* Load another program with [3. Load Program]
* Select the DESK42 program [DESK42-xxx.pgm]
* [Confirm with ENTER]
* [Press any key to start]
* [Press EXIT to continue ...]
* You are running DESK42 - have fun!
Reinstall DM42:
* Switch back to the operating system (DMCP) with DESK>OS (F1, F6).
* Load another program with [3. Load Program]
* Select the DM42 program [DM42-x.xx.pgm]
* [Confirm with ENTER]
* [Press any key to start]
* [Press EXIT to continue ...]
* You are running DM42 - thanks for trying DESK42
DESK is the hub and application launcher. It offers 18 quick keys (1-9 and SHIFT
1-9) to launch selected applications as well as a hierarchical menu system via
function keys for global settings. Finally DESK can exit DESK42 and switch back
to the operating system (DMCP) of the DM42 calculator.
Desk menu:
DESK Global settings
COLOR Set background color for DESK
FPS Set speed (frames per second) for various applications
KEYin Set preferred text input mode (see chapter TEXT INPUT MODE)
Dfmt Set date format in status line (YMD, MDY, DMY)
OS Leave DESK42 to OS (DMCP)
APP Menu to launch all possible applications
SNIP Perform a screenshot with a delay of 5 seconds (wait for beep)
INFO DESK42 info (try with different FPS)
The top line offers information about the system, the running application and
its settings.
The symbol and number at the most right position shows the battery status (where
the number 9 indicates a full battery or a power connection).
The next indicators show date (YYMMDD, MMDDYY or DDMMYY - toggle with DFmt) and
time (in 24 hour format).
The central part of the top line gives you information about the status of the
system (ie shift key or text input method).
The left side of the status line gives you information about the running app
(name, status, indicators).
When pressing ALPHA (Shift+ENTER) a function key menu pops up to select the
desired text input method (123, ABC, KBD or ASC):
123 Number keys enter number - other keys like "ABC"
ABC Alpha keys (Shift for capital letters)
KBD Virtual keyboard (DESK/kbd.txt) in top 3 key rows (Shift QUIT to leave)
ASC Select character from ascii table (numpad as cursor, key 5 selects)
Please note that the used text input method will be indicated in the central
part of the status line (1, alpha, keyboard, table).
STAX is the standard scientific RPN calculator of DESK42. Many routines of STAX
are used in other applications. To quit STAX press F1 - use UP or DOWN to exit
a function menu.
Conversions (F3, CONV) are always made in both directions - that means
converting a<>b results the a-unit in Y and b-unit in X.
DISP (Shift+E) changes the display mode of STAX regarding the displayed
precision or the use of a 'curtain' for less filled stacks.
A stored value (STO, RCL) will be indicated in the status line with 'M'.
STAX supports calculating with complex numbers. To execute the next keypress as
complex operation press COMPLEX (Shift+STO) or simply XEQ. Please note that the
imaginary part (or angle) of a number is located in the Y register of the stack
while the real part (or absolute value) is located in the X register.
STAX provides an useful "Key Recorder" which "plays" recorded key presses.
Record key presses with PRGM (Shift + R/S) and stop recording with PRGM or R/S.
Execute the recorded key presses (up to 50) with R/S.
Additionally finding the root (SOLVER), calculating an integral (INTEGRAL) or
printing a graph (PRINT) is supported (if the recorded keys represent a
STAX status line indicators
M Value (except 0) stored
CPX Execute next operation with complex numbers
STOP PLAY REC Key recorder indicator
X HEX mode
STAX supports following functions:
0~9. Number input
ENTER Enter number (lift stack) or duplicate TOS
X<>Y Swap last stack register
LASTx Push last ENTERed number to stack
+/- Negate TOS (ends number input)
E Push Y*10^X to the stack
BACKSPACE Clear last entry (while number input) or TOS
CLEAR Clear stack and statistics register
+ - * / Basic operation
STO RCL Stores TOS or push strored number to stack (store 0 to delete)
ROT Rotate last 3 stack elements
SUM+ SUM- Adds/removes data to/from statistics register
BasicMath % PI 1/X POW SQRT SQR LOG 10^X LN e^X
COMPLEX XEQ Execute the next key as complex number operation (see below)
Shift+XEQ ln(GAMMA)
PRGM R/S Record key presses or run recorded key presses
SOLVER Find root of recorded function (preenter a start value)
INTEGRAL Integral of recorded function (preenter limits a and b)
PRINT Plot a graph (preenter limits a and b) with 100x48 pixel
F2 HYP Hyperbolic functions
F4 STAT Statisitic/misc functions
AVG|S ... Mean value, standard deviation
LRa|b ... Line best fit y=ax+b
nP|Cr ... Permutations (nPr), Combinations (nCr)
P|Cdf ... Propability Density (PDF), Cumulative Distribution (CDF)
LN(!) ... Gamma function
INT ... Integer value of TOS
F5 MISC CONV Conversions (Polar/rect, hms/h, °C/°F, kg/lbs, cm/in, l/gal)
CONST Physical constants (see below)
F6 HEX BASE Toggle HEX and DEC mode
Complex number operations (XEQ + ...):
UP Convert to polar coordinates (works without XEQ or SHIFT)
DOWN Convert to rectangular coordinates (works without XEQ or SHIFT)
BasicMath + - * / 1/X SQRT LOG LN POW SQR 10^X e^X
Physical constants (F5);
c 299792458 Speed of light
g 9.80665 Acceleration of gravity
G 6.67430e-11 Newton constant of gravity
Vm 0.02271095464 Molar volume of ideal gas
NA 6.02214076e23 Avogadro constant
Rinf 10973731.568160 Rydberg constant
h 6.62607015e-34 Planck constant
Phi0 2.067833848e-15 Magnetic flux quantum
a0 5.29177210903e-11 Bohr radius
k 1.380649e-23 Boltzmann constant
R 8.314462618 Molar gas constant
F 96485.33212 Faraday constant
t 273.15 Celsius temperature
atm 101325 Standard atmosphere
e 1.602176634e-19 Elementary charge
eps0 8.8541878128e-12 Vacuum electric permittivity
mu0 1.25663706212e-6 Vacuum magnetic permeability
Z0 376.730313668 Impedance of vacuum
mU 1.6605390666e-27 Atomic mass constant
re 2.8179403262e-15 Electron radius
me 9.1093837015e-31 Electron mass
mp 1.67262192369e-27 Proton mass
mn 1.67492749804e-27 Neutron mass
mmu 1.883531627e-28 Muon mass
muB 9.2740100783e-24 Bohr magneton
muN 5.0507837461e-27 Nuclear magneton
mue -9.2847647043e-24 Electron magnetic moment
mup 1.41060679736e-26 Proton magnetic moment
mun -9.6623651e-27 Neutron magnetic moment
mumu -4.4904483e-26 Muon magnetic moment
alph 7.2973525693e-3 Fine structure constant
sigm 5.670374419e-8 Stefan-Boltzmann constant
G0 7.748091729 Conductance quantum
gamp 2.6752218744e8 Proton gyromagnetic ratio
C1 3.741771852e-16 First radiation constant
C2 1.438776877e-2 Second radiation constant
Example: Curve sketching (y=x*x-2)
* Record function: PRGM (Shift+R/S) x² 2 - R/S
* y(5): 5 R/S or MISC->FN->f(x)
* y'(5): 5 Shift+9 or MISC->FN->SLOPE
* Root: 8 (positive start value) SOLVER (Shift+7) or MISC->FN->SOLVE
* Integral from 0 to 1: 0 ENTER 1 INTEGRAL (Shift+8) or MISC->FN->INTEGRATE
* Plot function between -2 and 2: 2 +/- 2 PRINT (Shift+-) or MISC->FN->PLOT
RAX is the spreadsheet application of DESK42. When starting RAX you are in the
navigation mode. The number keys work as cursor pad (see below). The navigation
mode is also active when you refer in a formula to a specific cell.
Navigation Numpad/Cursorpad:
^ Up 7 Home 8 Up 9 PgUp
v Down 4 Left 5 Enter 6 Right
1 End 2 Down 3 PgDn
Keys in navigation mode:
1~9 Navigation - cursor pad
BSP Delete cell
ENTER Edit selected cell
STO Define and edit a new text cell
CONVERT (Shift+5) Hardcopy cell value
F2 FILE operation (New, Open, Save, SaveAs)
F3 F4 COPY and PASTE the selected cell
F5 F6 Change displayed spreadsheet format
Keys in edit mode (ENTER to select and quit):
F1 QUIT edit mode
F2 OP Spreadsheet operations
GET References (REF/RCL, IND) regular or indirect (push col and row)
STACK Stack operations (CLR, DROP, ENTER, RCL)
STAT Functions with referenced areas (COUNT, SUM, MIN/MAX, AVG, LRa|b)
COND Conditions (IF, ELSE, THEN, <, =, >)
INF Infinitesimal operations (MIN/MAX/PLOT, SLOPE, SOLVE, INT, DEQ))
F3 FN (STAX) Functions (HYP, STAT, CONV, CONST, MAT) ... see STAX
F5/F6 Cursor left/right (HOME/END with SHIFT+F5/F6)
BSP Clear command left to cursor
CLEAR Clear complete formula
RCL Reference
R/S Separate numbers (enter)
Matrix funktions (MAT):
DET Determinant (from)
TRANS Transpose (from, to)
INV Inverse (from, to)
MULT Multiply (from1, from2, to)
SUB Substract (from1, from2, to)
ADD Add (from1, from2, to)
Please note that RAX deals with 3x3 matrices only - smaller matrices can be
a subset.
A reference to a matrix references to the first matrix cell [1|1].
Matrix functions that create a new matrix write 3x3 (hard coded) values to
the spreadsheet at the target cell (to) if there is sufficient room on the
spreadsheet. Please be careful using these commands without a target cell to
not overwrite existing contents of the spreadsheet.
Please note that all matrix functions leave the determinant value on the stack.
Indirect references (IND) refer to row and column number from the stack.
A condition (< = >) compares two stack values - returns 1 (true) or 0 (false)
Due to FORTH a conditional function consists of:
<condition> IF <true-branch> ELSE(optional) <false-branch> THEN
MIN/MAX/PLOT pushes minimal and maximal plot values to the stack and plots the
function when leaving the edit mode (ENTER).
The INF functions evaluate a cell containing a function (REF to function)
which depends itself to a referenced cell (REF to x). In some cases additional
REFerences are required (ie x-value-range).
DEQ solves a differential equation (REF to function, x, y, x-target) y'=f(x,y)
with given start value y(x0) due to Runge-Kutta with 4th order (RK4). DEQ
calculates the value of the solution function (y value for the targeted x).
The calculator FLEX has the look and feel of STAX, but actually calculates
with the (first) cells of a RAX spreadsheet. Hence you can see and (with XEQ
or STACK>EDIT) edit the formula that yields the result.
Please note that numbers without a terminating ENTER (after using SWAP or ROT)
will be treated as not closed numbers (ie "2 ENTER 1 SWAP +" yields 24 =12*2).
Please note that DISP (Shift+E) toggles the display format.
Please note that leaving FLEX always clears all variables.
PLEX is a dedicated calculator for complex numbers. It was buildt from scratch
and doesn't use any routines from other calculators of DESK42.
PLEX supports following functions:
0~9. (Real) Number input
+ - * / Basic operation
BACKSPACE Clear last entry (while number input) or TOS
ENTER Enter number (lift stack) or duplicate TOS
X<>Y Swap last stack register
LASTx Push last ENTERed number to stack
+/- Negate TOS (ends number input)
E Push Y*10^X to the stack
CLEAR Clear stack and statistics register
STO RCL Stores TOS or push stored number to stack
ROT Rotate last 3 stack elements
BasicMath % PI 1/X POW SQRT SQR LOG 10^X LN e^X
Shift+XEQ ln(GAMMA)
F1 Quit
F2 DISP Toggle number input indicator (arrow or frame)
F3 XEQ Toggle view (rectangular or polar)
F4 HYP Announce hyperbolic operation
F5 SIGMA Conjugate TOS
F6 R/S COMPLEX Convert 2 real numbers on stack to complex number (vice versa)
FORX is not implemented yet. I'm still looking for a standard FORTH
implementation which can handle float (double) numbers and which is easy to port
to the DM-42.
This is the emulation of the legendary HP-35 pocket calculator, that was
introduced by Hewlett-Packard in January 1972.
Much later Peter Monta, Jacques Laporte and Pietro de Luca managed to run the
HP-35-ROM on other platforms. And the footprint of this calculator is incredible
small with 768/1536 words/bytes (ROM) and less than 10 Kilobytes of flash memory
(for the whole calculator application).
Please note that HP-35 doesn't use shifted keys. The SHIFT key is used to toggle
between the (smaller) original full precision display of the top of the stack
and the big 8-digit display. The latter one is complemented with a full
precision top of stack view in an additional status line.
This additional status line also displays an executed stacklift, a stored number
and the use of the recorder (see below) by showing a REC or PLAY sign.
The calculator is complemented by an useful "Key Recorder" which "feeds" the
emulator with key presses. With the SIGMA key the user can start or stop
recording (up to 50) key presses - the XEQ key executes the recorded key press
But there are also many key series prerecorded that can be selected with extra
function keys (use the UP and DOWN keys to switch between different function
* Hyperbolic functions (SINH, COSH, TANH and inverse)
* Additional math functions
- Polar/Rectangular conversions
- Present value (interest rate, time periods -> present value)
- Normal distribution (CDF/PDF)
- LN! ... ln(gamma()) function (factorial)
- Quadratic equation (p, q)
* Unit conversions (length weight, volume, temperature). Please note that
the conversions are always made in both directions. The X-register always
display the metric unit and the Y-register the english one (use SWAP key).
Please note that it is not possible to record pre recorded functions.
Original HP35 display and keyboard layout:
| |
| -1.234567890-12 |
| |
| X^Y log ln e^X CLR |
| SQRT arc sin cos tan |
| 1/X X><Y ROT STO RCL |
| - 7 8 9 |
| + 4 5 6 |
| * 1 2 3 |
| / 0 . PI |
The E6B flight computer is a legendary circular slide rule used in aviation.
DESK42 has all capabilities (and more) of E6B for flight planning. The
know-how for this application was contributed by Jim B. Williams. Jim has
logged several thousand hours of flight time over the past 64 years, is a
certified FAA Ground School Instructor and has developed multiple
aviation/navigation spreadsheets for VFR pilots.
The DESK42 E6B application has been created and developed to aid the VFR pilot
with flight planning, take-off, enroute, and landing calculations. Although the
app has been tested extensively and is believed to be bug free, there is always
the possibility of an error in the software. It is therefore recommended that
the pilot double check by other means the critical output data for safety’s
sake. If any error(s) are found, please contact the developer so that the
program can be corrected.
All tools of E6B are ordered in 17 pages (browse with F5, F6 or F4):
0 Table of pages (9 fast keys to E6B categories)
1 Dead Reckoning 1: Select route input (page 2) and desired units
2 Dead Reckoning 2: Insert coordinates or course/distance
Latitude/Longitude respectively True Course and Distance
3 Dead Reckoning 3: Insert other data
Magnetic Variation, True Air Speed, Fuel Burn Rate,
Wind Direction and Wind Velocity
4 Dead Reckoning 4: Results
Magnetic Heading, Distance, Ground Speed, Leg Time and Leg Fuel
5 Estimated Time of Arrival (ETA) calculation for the flight leg
Init/Start Time, Leg Time, ETA
6 ZULU Time (UTC) Conversion of Local Time
Init/Start Time, Time Zone (main airport of time zone, keys 4 or 6)
7 Temperature Conversion
Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin
8 Pressure Altitude Calculation
Airport Elevation, Altimeter Settings (Hg), Pressure Altitude
9 Density Altitude Calculation
Pressure Altitude, OAT (Outside Air Temperature), Density Altitude
10 True Altitude Calculation
OAT (Outside Air Temperature), Pressure Altitude, Indicated Altitude,
Ground Station Altitude, Corrected Altitude
11 True Air Speed (TAS) Calculation
Pressure Altitude, OAT (Outside Air Temperature),
IAS (Indicated Airspeed), TAS (True Air Speed)
12 Distance to Horizon Estimation
AGL (Above Ground Level) Altitude
13 Traffic Pattern Heading
Runway Number, Entry, Down Wind, Base, Finial
14 Head/Cross Wind (X-Wind) Calculations
Runway Number, Wind Direction, Wind Velocity, Head/Tail Wind, Cross Wind
15 Unit Conversion for Fuel
Imperial Gallons, US Gallons, Litres
16 Unit Conversion for Distance or Speed
Distance (Nautical Miles, Statute Miles, Kilometres)
Speed (Knots, Miles per Hour, Kilometres per Hour)
17 Distance/Time/Speed or Fuel/Time/FuelBurnRate calculations
Every number input cell can be edited with an RPN calculator (using the routines
and behavior of STAX). That means you can calculate your desired number in the
input cell before committing it to the E6B calculation (UP or DOWN key). In
addition all numbers on a page can be copied (F2) to the stack an can be used
(pasted) in any other input cell.
To exit/quit E6B to DESK press QUIT (F1).
TEX is a simple text editor. It offers 2 font sizes (F4) and indicates text size
(status line) and current text line (meter bar). Navigation can be done with the
UP/DOWN/F5/F6 keys - with SHIFT PgUp/PdDown/Home/End will be performed.
Backspace deletes a character - SHIFT-Backspace deletes the current line.
Please note that there are restrictions to file size (4096 bytes) and characters
per line (128).
PIX is some kind of drawing/presentation software. Insert, edit, cut, copy or
paste up to 64 text objects (PIX array) on a 32x13 character screen and (if
desired) insert a background image (bmp, 200x104 pixel).
In addition the complete screen can be saved to a (2 color) *.bmp file.
It's also possible to store/recall (F5/F6 or STO/RCL) a PIX/BMP-combination to
one of 9 slots (slides). STO+n/RCL+n saves/loads n.pix and n.bmp to/from the
USB disk (where n is the pressed key number 1-9). Please note the 'S'/'R'
symbols in the status line. In case of an unintentionally pressed STO a backup
file (backup.pix and backup.bmp) will be saved to USB disk.
Please note that for selecting a text object move the cursor (numpad) to the
left upper position of the text object.
Hint: To draw filled rectangles you can use (ie XL) text objects with (inverted)
space characters. To fill 'character gaps' copy the object with a slight offset.
PIX menu:
NEW New PIX array (delete all text objects)
OPEN Open/load PIC array from USB disc (*.pix)
SAVE Save PIC array to USB disc (*.pix)
SAVas Save PIC array as (file name with a length of 32 characters)
BMP menu:
CLR Clear background picture
OPEN Open/load background image from USB disc (*.bmp)
SAVE Save background image to USB disc (*.bmp)
SAVas Save background image as (32 char file name)
TEXT menu:
NEW Insert new text object
EDIT Edit attributes of text object
CUT/BACKSPACE, COPY, PASTE/+ selected text object
TEXT object attributes:
SIZE Size of characters (S M L XL)
COLOR Black character on white background or vice versa
SHIFT 1 pixel shift down of text object
WAY Vertical or horizontal direction of text object
TEXT Edit text of text object
JET3d can view and edit 3D wired geometric figures. Imagine the viewer (man) has
some kind of viewing screen infront of his face and flies with a jetpack around
this figure (mostly on an cylindrical trajectory).
A geometric figure is defined by (up to 25) knots. It's recommended that their
coordinates (x|y|z) are in a range between -50 and 50.
F-key Menu [and shortcuts]:
FILE NEW Start new project
SAVE LOAD Save/load project to/from slot n (1-5) - file n.jet
DEMO Start demo project ("church house")
FPS Set FPS rate (for autofly mode)
KNOT NEW Create new knot [+]
EDIT Start/End knot edit/selection mode [ENTER]
DEL Delete selected knot [BSP][-]
LINK MARK Mark selected knot [E|CHS|SWAP] - then select 2nd knot
NEW Create new link (between two selected knots) [+]
DEL Delete selected link (between selected knots) [BSP][-]
Special keys:
SUM STO In/Decrement x-value of knot
1/X RCL In/Decrement y-value of knot
SQRT ROT In/Decrement z-value of knot
XEQ TAN Edit next/previous knot
UP DOWN Zoom in/out
8 2 In/Decrement hight of man (z coordinate)
4 6 Rotate man left/right
9 3 In/Decrement distance of screen to man
7 1 In/Decrement screen angle (relative to man)
5 Reset viewing settings
0 Align to x|y-axis
DOT R/S Activate AutoFly (rotate left or right)
Hint 1 - Create a new knot:
Press KNOT->NEW to create a new knot at 0|0|0 and change it's coordinates
(x|y|z) with SUM/STO, 1/X/RCL or SQRT/ROT.
Hint 2 - Edit a knot:
Press KNOT->EDIT and select the knot with XEQ/TAN. To end the edit mode press 5
or KNOT->EDIT again.
Hint 3 - Create a new link:
Edit and select the first knot and mark it with LINK->MARK. Select second knot
(XEQ/TAN) and press LINK->NEW to create a new link between this two knots.
CAL shows a monthly calendar. Decrement/increment month or year with F5/F6 (or
UP/DOWN) or F3/F4. Goto the recent month with NOW (F2) or exit with QUIT. Toggle
the start of the week (SUN or MON) with any other key.
SCORE can display the score of a game (0 to 99). Inrement/decrement the score
of A/B with UP/DOWN or /|* and clear the score of A/B with 7/9(BSP) - CLR (F6)
clears both scores.
In this 2048-like game you have to shift and merge equal numbers in a 4x4 grid.
Possible keys are:
F1 Quit
F2 New game
F3 4 1 Collapse left
F4 2 Collapse down
F5 8 5 Collapse up
F6 6 3 Collapse right
ARENA is a simple ego shooter with very open setting possibilities. You can
determine how many enemies and medipacks you want to play with. You can even
draw your own arena maze with the built-in map editor and save it permanently to
the USB disk. You can toggle between a 3D an 2D view (even if the latter one is
to small and was inteded for orientation purposes).
Beside medipacks and ammunition you find the following enemies:
ROBO - Reliable soldier with harmless distance shots
TAUR - Fast beast which hurts when close
NITE - Slow knight which hurts severe when close
EVIL - Slow but persistent devil with severe shots from distance
OCTO - Fast octopus that squashes lethal when close