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K-SCUK website

  • Author: Jan Papoušek, Jan Drábek, Vendula Němcová, Honza Horáček
  • Maintenance:


  • PHP >= 7
  • Composer


  1. Install composer global require kiwicom/loopbind for local deployment.
  2. Clone this repository.
  3. Run composer install/update from the repository root.
  4. Make /temp and /log and /www/storage and /vendor/mpdf/mpdf/tmp writable (recursively).
  5. Create /app/config/config.local.neon according to to /app/config/config.neon (overload database info, admin credentials and mailer if neede).
  6. Prepare mapping loopbind apply
  7. Run docker docker-compose up -d
  8. Access https://kscuk.test or https://kscuk.test:8080 for database access, use kscuk and password1234 credentials.


Prepare for new event

  • Prepare submission questions in app/import/questions/current.xml. BEWARE:
    • question with name has to contain "jméno a příjmení" and no other question should have this (needed for proper behaviour of health declaration).
    • question with e-mail has to contain "e-mail" and no other question should have this (needed for proper behaviour of health declaration)
  • Create new database (or empty the old one).
  • Prepare app/config/config.neon according to comments. Do not forget to set:
    • Registration start and end and other events detail
    • Admin password and address of K-SCUK mailbox
    • Database access
  • Run it ;-) (tables, views etc will be created automatically)

Update date, about, status and other info on front page

Update orgs on front page

Health declaration

  • Questions are hardcoded.
  • If there are multiple same e-mail addresses it will fail, solution: correct in database.
  • Beware if the food alergies question changes it needs to be changed in the code 2x.
  • Link: /forms/health-declaration

Add past event to archive

  • Prepare php file with data in /app/data/archive, with the year number as filename. Copy the data structure from some existing file. (JSON doesn't permit breaking long lines for readability, sorry.)
  • Choose up to 12 photos (but ideally exactly 12) to illustrate the event. Use / to get copies of acceptable size and thumbnails. The script can be run from commandline, with a path to the photo directory as an optional first argument. (If you don't provide any path, the script will ask. Make sure your photo directory is accessible and writable.)
  • Create new directory in /www/img/archive, with the year number as dirname. Move the obtained photos into it.
  • That's all. Please check the website to see if the php structure didn't contain any errors.