We recommend Dedicated servers without the word ‘Virtual’. 32core or preferred 64 core Server with 500ssd minimum and 64gb RAM
Install aleo on any dedicated server
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install wget jq git build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev -y
sudo apt install screen screen -S aleo
. <(wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/SecorD0/utils/main/installers/rust.sh)
source "$HOME/.cargo/env"
sudo ufw allow 3030/tcp
sudo ufw allow 4130/tcp
git clone --branch mainnet --single-branch https://github.com/AleoNet/snarkOS.git
cd snarkOS
git checkout tags/testnet-beta
[For Ubuntu users] A helper script to install dependencies is available. From the snarkOS directory, run: Lastly, install snarkOS:
./build_ubuntu.sh && cargo install --locked --path .
snarkos --version
snarkos account new
snarkos start --nodisplay --network 1 --prover --private-key=paste_savedpvtkey_here
./run-prover.sh network 1
snarkos start --nodisplay --network 1 --private-key=paste_savedpvtkey_here
./run-client network 1
https://testnetbeta.aleo123.io/address/enter_your_prover_address # thanks @de441ck from discrod for this
My node is unable to compile. Ensure your machine has Rust v1.76+ installed. Instructions to install Rust can be found here. If large errors appear during compilation, try running cargo clean. Ensure snarkOS is started using ./run-client.sh or ./run-prover.sh.
My node is unable to connect to peers on the network. Ensure ports 4130/tcp and 3030/tcp are open on your router and OS firewall. Ensure snarkOS is started using ./run-client.sh network 1 or ./run-prover.sh network 1 snarkos start --nodisplay --network 1 --prover --private-key=paste_savedpvtkey_here
I can't generate a new address Before running the command above (snarkos account new) try source ~/.bashrc Also double-check the spelling of snarkos. Note the directory is /snarkOS, and the command is snarkos
How do I use the CLI to sign and verify a message? Generate an account with snarkos account new if you haven't already Sign a message with your private key using snarkos account sign --raw -m "Message" --private-key-file=<PRIVATE_KEY_FILE> Verify your signature with snarkos account verify --raw -m "Message" -s sign1SignatureHere -a aleo1YourAccountAddress Note, using the --raw flag with the command will sign plaintext messages as bytes rather than Aleo values such as 1u8 or 100field.
Command Line Interface To run a node with custom settings, refer to the options and flags available in the snarkOS CLI.
The Aleo Team hello@aleo.org
USAGE: snarkos [OPTIONS]
OPTIONS: -h, --help Print help information -v, --verbosity Specify the verbosity [options: 0, 1, 2, 3] [default: 2]
SUBCOMMANDS: account Commands to manage Aleo accounts clean Cleans the snarkOS node storage help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s) start Starts the snarkOS node update Update snarkOS The following are the options for the snarkos start command:
USAGE: snarkos start [OPTIONS]
OPTIONS: --network <NETWORK_ID> Specify the network ID of this node [default: 3]
--validator Specify this node as a validator
--prover Specify this node as a prover
--client Specify this node as a client
--private-key <PRIVATE_KEY> Specify the node's account private key
--private-key-file <PRIVATE_KEY_FILE> Specify the path to a file containing the node's account private key
--node <IP:PORT> Specify the IP address and port for the node server [default:]
--connect <IP:PORT> Specify the IP address and port of a peer to connect to
--rest <REST> Specify the IP address and port for the REST server [default:]
--norest If the flag is set, the node will not initialize the REST server
--nodisplay If the flag is set, the node will not render the display
--verbosity <VERBOSITY_LEVEL> Specify the verbosity of the node [options: 0, 1, 2, 3] [default: 2]
--logfile <PATH> Specify the path to the file where logs will be stored [default: /tmp/snarkos.log]
--dev <NODE_ID> Enables development mode, specify a unique ID for this node
- Development Guide 6.1 Quick Start In the first terminal, start the first validator by running:
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev 0 --validator In the second terminal, start the second validator by running:
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev 1 --validator In the third terminal, start the third validator by running:
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev 2 --validator In the fourth terminal, start the fourth validator by running:
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev 3 --validator From here, this procedure can be used to further start-up provers and clients.
6.2 Operations It is important to initialize the nodes starting from 0 and incrementing by 1 for each new node.
The following is a list of options to initialize a node (replace <NODE_ID> with a number starting from 0):
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev <NODE_ID> --validator
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev <NODE_ID> --prover
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev <NODE_ID> --client
cargo run --release -- start --nodisplay --dev <NODE_ID>
When no node type is specified, the node will default to --client.
Thanks to Secord for the rust script !!